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Everything posted by Kermzy

  1. It's like 10 minutes away, maybe like 5 miles.
  2. Tonight I'm not sure, D'Jai's, XS or home! Tomorrow Temps and possibly Exit/Earth.... :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
  3. My friend lives there so she's buying me some & bringing them down to the shore tonight! Good luck to you if you go!
  4. HUGE F U to MCI/Worldcom, they are the worst, most God-awful cellular company around. FU for making me sit on hold for 204 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They SUCK!!!! :bigfinger
  5. Sounds like fun, wanna try? Maybe Mike can get them for us! LOL:laugh: :laugh:
  6. I've never done 'shrooms, what is it like?
  7. I believe it changes itself as you get to certain amount of posts.
  8. Well I would like to but I'm not sure. Let me talk it over w/the other one! Actually why don't you call and do some urging!
  9. I'm really not sure, I never get down there before 11:30 or so. I think there's a place on the boardwalk called Spicey's, I think people go there beforehand, but don't quote me. Sorry I couldn't be of more help!
  10. Expect the same thing...lot's of drunks running around having fun! Perhaps not as crowded as Temps on a Saturday but still crowded. Personally not crazy about the DJ but some people are, all a matter of choice!
  11. exactly how many brain cells did you lose w/each strand of hair? Rush for the Rogaine Bro, cause you can't afford any more!
  12. Awe Twitty, your the SWEETEST!!! I'm so glad we met too! The summer definitely wouldn't have been the same w/o you! "Cardio w/me!" "Tell her to eat a cheesesteak would ya!" Yeah eat a cheesecake! "What do you two weigh a buck fifty together?" Hehehe! Thanks for the memories Twit! Don't even sweat Studio! I think we're going Labor Day again, and I think we're going for Junior's b-day! Love you too Twitty!!!! :love:
  13. Thank you honey! And absolutely we will be making many a trip into the city!!! P.S. Thanks for the tape! You & it are the bomb!
  14. Oh would you shut it already? What is wrong w/you? You talk in circles & contradict yourself constantly! We're all men hating bitches why? Because we can't stand you? Your one, and I use the term loosely, man! Seems to me your the only one here who hates the opposite sex, calling out all the girls just cause they'd rather stick needles in their eyes then deal w/you in any way, shape or form? Your an idiot, plain and simple. Get over the dam picture thing! Oh and by the way, your friend Laurie, the one who's rescue you felt the urge to come to, where's she been during all this? She seems real grateful for your assistance, so much so that she hasn't even said boo in your defense. wonder why?
  15. Mikeyss & Goodfella - thank you guys! Goodfella not sure about Temps this weekend, but if I am there, we'll do shots! Queenbitch - soooo glad we've all bonded this summer, wouldn't have been the same w/o you and Sayno! Don't worry girl, we'll live it up! Intensity as soon as I copy that e-mail address, I'll write cha back! Xbebekiss - I love you, even if you did stand me up!
  16. Thanks Lady! Wish you could have been there! We most certainly did make it to Studio and it was AMAZING!!! Had the absolute best time all summer! Misssf is starting a new job so she's been getting trained, as soon as that's all done, I'm sure she'll be popping up again! :) :)
  17. Awe, thanks guys!!! So far the day is off to a great start!!! Actually started off this weekend, my friends are the best!!! Intensity - hope you enjoyed your birthday also! Thanks again!
  18. Dear Mr. Saleen, When I met you my dear, I laughed the whole time, not at you but at you getting so flustered that I would think your real personality is that that you display on the board. You said, "awe come on you don't really think I'm like that do you?" I just laughed said uh-huh & walked away. I'm the last person to think they are too good for anyone, that's not my personality but I will play around w/people when I think they deserve it and I thought you did. You act like a jerk on here & expect people not to think that's how you really are, well then don't judge two people on a single meeting if you don't want the same done to you. As for your friend Laurie, I don't even know the child & ment no harm, everything on here is all in good fun no? Makes the day go by? As for not seeing a picture of the rest of the broads cause they are too scared, hardly the case! None of them have anything to hide they are all beautiful people inside & out! Have a good day 351! P.S. - as for you not liking my hair, well I won't even get into that.
  19. Oh honey please? Shed a few? she'd disappear! Shut it! Now!
  20. Sorry kid, never been to Columns, but like you said, Spring Lake, need we say more? Nice place to live, awful place to party! Actually never even heard of that place.
  21. You will slit your wrists at the Parker House!!!! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT go there!!! "Sweeeet Caroline, ut, ut, ooooohhhh" I can hear it now, Sweet Jesus, flashbacks, make it stop, make it stop!!!! :blown:
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