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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. no, i wouldn't. wonderland is too crowded. the buildings were all waving their pinwheel hands and i had to fly over the skyline to avoid climbing these rickety staircases again
  2. i dunno about awards. awards aren't worth crap unless they're for me, and i didn't get NUFFIN last time. and after all i do for you ungrateful people! flur, i would figure, is fuck love unity & respect
  3. maybe i'm just a confrontational person, but i have more interest in meeting people who i think front and are full of shit than the people who i think sound nice and kewl, etc. maybe it's also because i'm sick and may have to miss Danny Howells that i'm anxious to just smack some people really heard across the face i would say i want to meet some certain board names, but i'm afraid that maybe i already have and i forgot, so i won't put myself in an embarassing position i do, however, think that shadowchaser sounds like an interesting individual to meet. maybe i should just smack him when i do
  4. 1 gram = 1000 milligrams e amples (god damn it, i spilled water on my keyoard and my "roll" key isn't working): .2 grams = 200 milligrams 1 eight all (shiiit! neither is my a_c key) = 3500 milligrams if you agree with these FACTS, please respond ecause some people on this oard don't know what's going on
  5. uhm, are you talking about out there and back, in comparison to seven ways or what? or is there a new album out that i don't know about? doesn't really sound "hard", i don't think in mix mag (i think?) there's a cover interview with PVD. it's funny; one of his highlighted quotes says something about how he hates his music to be considered trance. he considers it techno. in addition, he hates cheesy music but yeah, i'm going to take your advice, ezdreamer, and put my sick self back to bed
  6. deanna11


    do you have definite yes/no's about it? i used to love when my guy would bite me. and he bit hard too (hard enough to leave teeth bruises for weeks). but now i don't like it so much, except maybe the occasional playful bite i have a problem with biting, myself. when i'm feeling playful and getting into things, i just get a need to chomp down on something (shoulders, necks, and lats are yummy). it's a compulsion
  7. the underwear i have that i'm most proud of are a pair of Tigger boxers, panties with rubber duckies all over, and maybe some pretty thongs
  8. once i was with this cutie who wanted so bad to suck my toes. i couldn't understand it, especially since we had just walked all around manhattan. plus, i'm ticklish. so when he did a flip and headdive under the covers, i had to fight him off my feet
  9. april 9th in the uk, april 10th in the us pvd has a new, harder sound? like what tracks are you talking about?
  10. um, not sweaty silk though. it has a gritty texture, kinda, i think
  11. cathyo always has the words of wisdom. i agree with her entirely if you've been dating this girl for a year and a half, all the while she has a bf, why are you bothering? if it's been going on this long, i think you can be sure by now that she likes her bf more than you. sorry, i know you don't want to hear that. but she's had plenty of time to weigh and decide. she wants to be with her bf and keep you alongside do you think you'd really want to be with this girl anyway? her bf has probably been thinking for the past year and a half (or longer) that everything between them is great. if you were to be with this girl, who knows if you wouldn't go for a year and a half of a relationship with her seeing someone else too? but hey, if you still really want to be with her, then give her an ultimatum: either yourself or her current bf. you've wasted enough time already on a girl who (from what little i know) isn't worth it anyway. find someone else to make you happier
  12. Danny Howells is amazing too bad you've been missing out on Twilo all this time
  13. do you actually go to hear PVD trainwreck his CD? i go because everyone i know goes on those nights (which probably validates my presence as much as any music-unappreciative jerk who takes up precious space). if i could, i'd make all my friends go for Nick Warren and Sander Kleinenberg i do like some PVD, but he's not the reason i bother with overcrowded parties
  14. thank you, myrlin! for the glow bobbies, for being a pillow, and for the consistently superficial promises of hot sex oh yeah, and i was one of the ones who got pics, including the group ones, etc. everyone is going to have to keep reminding me about it, because i'm slow and never get around to anything. i still have undeveloped pics of myrlin and pikachu from the second time we ever hung out. maybe i'll post them sometime around S&D's fifth anniversary ;-)
  15. aren't those guys here? well, in NY, upstate and LI parties
  16. hahahaha! nooooo... if anyone watches her move, they'll know melichacha is our undisputed queen of dance i was really confused by keoki's short set last night. i thought his style was hard techno. he was spinning some pretty melodic trancey stuff. maybe for the movie. i loved it, but it was just unexpected keoki seems like a pretty kewl guy. his bf is hot. dayam
  17. it was kewl! myrlin, ezdreamer, missincognito, and i got up (somewhat) well-rested this morning and laughed at everyone who drove back last night. hehe, sorry. we love you guys though. had a great time thank you, ezdreamer, for everything sorry to everyone daveraver and i ditched in getting food, but you guys said you didn't want anything so quit bitchin'. besides, it was daveraver who wanted to ditch you guys furnace, thanks for the movie hookup and painkillers and getting to dance with you brandie, it's great that you make fun of random people to their faces, only to find out later that it was keoki and his bf. brandie definitely has parts in the movie. will be kewl watching that on the silver screen melichacha, i love the way you dance! so sexy scottyskribz57, damn you're awesome with the strings boa_boy, about time we met, you damn aussie. dance with you again soon exodust, trippintrance64, always kewl. lextacy, great meeting anyone i didn't mention, there's either a good, intentional reason, or you're just not very memorable. either way, too bad hey, does anyone know HOW we would catch keoki's video? i doubt carson will be playing it on total request live
  18. somehow, this doesn't seem logical unless you're a rancid-smelling, annoying roommate who wants this stupid hip-hop tune playing over and over and over again 10 minutes after you leave
  19. i think, who cares. i dress much like a lot of people. i'm conformist and i don't give a fuck. i'm sick of people who make all these antithetical efforts to be "original" and "unique". they're annoying and stupid and, i think, the ones most concerned with what people think. they can take their originality and stick it up their ass sideways lexicon6, i agree with you. conformity isn't necessarily a bad thing. it's bad when people stop thinking for themselves, but if some style of clothing looks good on a lot of people, kewl
  20. what happened in the end? i didn't see it damn it, shadowchaser! look, you made all these people watch dawson's creek. wtf
  21. my suitemate has a friend from home who recently died in the hospital after having seizures and strokes and being comatose. to avoid arrest, he swallowed some amount of coke (don't know how much, a few chunks)
  22. some of us are staying overnight if more people want to get another room, i'll go in on that. it's only $50/night
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