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Everything posted by dzadza

  1. Backgammon... YESSS!!!! I love it. Vejita - wanna set up a tournament sometimes? ------------------ Don't forget to fly...
  2. I play chess fairly well, although haven't practiced for a long time. My little brother can woop some major ass in chess. He's a small prodigy, was playing chess since he was 5, became a master at the age of 10 (would beat the hell out of me and anyone else that I know). He's 12 now, stopped practicing chess a year ago (chess after all is a very narrow profession), and is preparing for the international math olympiad now (already won the one in my country) ------------------ Don't forget to fly...
  3. Well, I'm a trancehead, so for me it's gonna be: 1. Tiesto 2. PVD 3. Ferry Corsten 4. Seb Fontaine 5. Oakenfold ------------------ Don't forget to fly...
  4. I bet this is gonna be the biggest ClubNYC meet-up to date. ------------------ Don't forget to fly...
  5. Girls not gettin' the cock... Hmmm... Does this mean that the guys are gonna get it? ------------------ Don't forget to fly... [This message has been edited by dzadza (edited 11-03-2000).]
  6. Happy BDay! I've had already 6 of them away from my family. You KNOW they think about you now. Have a great time at SF. ------------------ Don't forget to fly...
  7. I got into a fight with some juicehead (not exactly my weight category) at SF a month or so ago, when they had the thong party. I still don't know what his problem was, the music was too loud and he was too fucked up to understand what he's mumbling. It didn't go far though (just a punch or two, he probably looked like this the next day ) I had a lot of people with me and so did he, and some of his friends happened to have a head on their shoulders, so we got pulled apart fairly quickly. What was funny I didn't see no bouncers whatsoever... Still sucked, I was bummed for the rest of the night, and left early. ------------------ Don't forget to fly... [This message has been edited by dzadza (edited 11-03-2000).]
  8. I like the Friday nights there, they get good trance DJ's (Taucher, Talla, Tandu, etc.). Have been there a couple of times and had a great time, mainly because I love epic trance, and Webster Hall is one of the very few places in the city you can find it. A lot of tourists, which is absolutely fine with me. ------------------ Don't forget to fly...
  9. I'm definitely in No preference for the place. ------------------ Don't forget to fly...
  10. I'll probably have some drinks earlier in the evening, but by the time the real action starts I'll be as sober as it gets. Not that I do it all the time but my sober PVD night went wayyy better than the intoxicated ones... ------------------ Don't forget to fly...
  11. I wanna come too... Is it too late yet to sign up? ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  12. Money is just means to achieving something else. If it ever turns into the goal, you'll never be happy. ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  13. As far as good quality CD's go, I'm using green TDK's, and had no skipping problems. I've tried blue FUJI's before, which sucked. ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  14. lol... ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  15. how 'bout good old YMCA? ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  16. this is cooooooooooooooool... ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  17. test... ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  18. What a bitch... ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  19. Well, it was my worst night at SF. I didn't like the crowd at all, especially after some STONED (he could barely walk) pumped up idiot tried to pick a fight with me. I still can't get what his problem was, never had such a bad incident. Fuckin' ridiculous... ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  20. And I have a friend who can eat 9 whoppers (but he's huge, 5'6 and 250 lbs, all muscle). ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  21. 4 double whoppers. And I'm skinny (6 ft. 160 lbs.) ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  22. May be not enough fans? Who knows... ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  23. looks like this ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  24. Well, although I just read a couple of pretty dumb and ignorant comments about "hip-hop retards" and "immigrant juiceheads", I won't get into that, it's not worth it. But since I've been there a couple of times, I'll try to answer some other questions... ezdreamer - you're right, it's not an afterhours place, it clears out around 5. blueskygirl - they do get good trance djs lately, Taucher spinned there twice I think and will be there again Sep. 29. I enjoyed the place those couple of times I've been there cause I didn't go there for thwe crowd... to be a "regular" or hang out with my crew... I like epic trance and Webster Hall is one of the few places in the city I was able to find it. Now a lot of people find trance cheesy, but hey, to each their own. But if you're into that, definitely check it out. ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
  25. I HATE English - vocabulary, grammar, etc. Always sucked at it, and always will. ------------------ I came, I saw... I saw, I came...
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