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Everything posted by jdogg

  1. Oh, get over yourself.... POX has an image to uphold....you have to be around here for a little longer...then you can bitch... Sit back, relax, stop, drop and roll. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  2. When I was commuting last year between NYC and Detroit every week, the Friday flights coming home owuld always get screwed by weather. One afternoon, my 2pm flight into Westchester got cancelled, got waitlisted to Newark, bumped, waitlisted to LaGuardia, bumped and made a flight to Hartford. As I get off the plane at 12:30 am, I see a college buddy that I had not seen in about 4 years. By the way, avoid Northwest in the afternoons that have thunderstorms. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  3. I plan on being there as well...I work over in Jersey too, but I'll have to run home before I head back into the city. 10 sounds great...since I have to work out of the 'home office' on Friday...yep the one in the corner of the bedroom at 'home.' Gotta love the tele-commute. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  4. LMAO!!! How many times do I see that shit! That is too damn funny.... JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  5. Heh... 1st car was a 89 Ford F150 Truck...my kid brother has it now... 2nd car 95 Pontac Bonneville (traded to) 3rd car 98 TransAm WS6 (sold) 4th - 00 Triumph TT600 (motorcycle), now crashed. See pics under 'Broken at Home'. Oh, yeah...cars - I trade out of mine every 90 days...Since January - Cadillac Escalade, Cadillac STS, GMC Denali. I don't buy them, I get them as part of my job... JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  6. It's the same reson that they have mirrors in the gyms...so that they can stare at their own breasts. Juice-heads are a funny group...If you every wondered about homophobes and what they preach and they what these guys do...Alright it is a really broad brush to be painting with. But you know what I mean. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  7. Well now...isn't that the pot calling the kettle... I still can't figure out women...but that does not mean that I have given up (yet)... JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  8. There were a bunch of songs that got me into this music in '90/91. A bunch of compilations, a great record store really did help. Let's see...Cactus Rhythm - Plexus, Blue - (forgot the artist), Night in Motion - Cubic 22...lots of older techno... What brought me back...PVD in '98 - For an Angel, a remix from a CMJ cd. Won't go into what I was listening to, but really glad to be back. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  9. I have got to go for: Buffy Angel Howard - Saturday night and the E! shows Pretender JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  10. If I feel as good as I do after two days...I will be back next weekend...I will be the oly one in the blue sling (I think), no matter where I end up... JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  11. What is frightening to me is that I was there then, in that era. I was not part of the scene then, but being 27, these people were there when I was there. This website only brings closer to our collective memories how recent these things were. I can only hope that this small part of our club-life history dos not go unremembered so that we do not have to repeat it. JDogg (now) ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  12. There are only two sets of people who care how old you are. The police and the bouncers. Your age is what you present. If you are 18 and you pass as 24, fine. If you are 27 and pass as 20 great. Age really is not a factor, unless you are under 18. ( I wonder why...) At this time in your life, age is only a measure not a guide. We dread each passing day and wonder if we filled it to our ability. Share here with all of us your and our general experinces so that we each may grow. I am feeling philosophical as I am now recovering from a motorcycle accident and have a broken bone to heal. I will be out next weekend, but more likely than not, very careful... JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  13. Saint - Your'e back!?!?! ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  14. Just wanted to share that I am envying everyone going out tonight. I have to sit home with a broken collarbone from a stupid thing I had happen to me yesterday. Crashed the bike and ended up in the ER contemplating surgery. The docs want to see what happens this week before the go and cut me. Then I get to set off the metal detectors with the palte that they will have to put in. All I can do is roll on Vicodan. Have fun... JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  15. Well, after I started this topic yesterday, I managed today to go out and crash my Triumph TT600 up here in Orange County this morning. I walked away with only a broken collar bone. The bike needs new fairing and some other little bits, but in the main is still ok. I was going around a traffic circle and trying to exit it onto Seven Lakes Drive (a great scenic and twisty road), a drive I take every day on my way to work in NJ, and some moron decides to come out and try to merge with me. I end up going across a median strip and lay the bike down at about 10-15 mph. The bike only slid one lane width before it stopped. The assh**e in the Mitsubishi kept on going, but another motorcycle and the guy that was behind the Mitsu stopped to help me get the bike upright and stayed till the cops got there. The one day I decide to ride the bike to work. And my company gives me a car/truck (GMC Denali) to drive. Teaches me to saty with the company car if I am going to go to work. JDogg (with legal drugs) ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  16. I did let my ex shave me...quite a rush and very erotic. I would do it again, if I had someone to do it with. As to the razor burn, that only comes in on the groin area not on the nuts or shaft...go figure. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  17. Brandie: If you are 5'5" you should be able to get onto the smaller sport bikes - like the 600's maybe not the YZF-R6 but the less aggressive 600's that have a little lower ride height. I know a grrrl that is about 5'2" that rides a sport bike that is around 500# (the bike that is ). Ok, maybe she does not weigh 110 but don't let that stop you. My job gives me a new vehicle to drive every 90 days and on a day like today, it is going to stay in the driveway and I am going to take my motorcycle. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  18. Even if Paul has to jet early from Twilo I got the hook up with a flight to Miami Saturday afternoon. I figured why not take some time off from work and catch PVD in two places in one weekend. $129 round trip on Continental. I'll be able to see how different his sets are between cities... JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  19. There is no symbol. There is no IPO. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  20. It's too bad that you guys have to go through that arranged marriage thing. I have an ex in DC who has gone through that and she finally convinced her parents that it was not going to happen that way. They relented and have not forced her to get married. I can only hope that you can have as easy a time as this (4 years). JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  21. Herc: I amy as well have a little board with a prisoner number under my chin with the drivers license. Maybe that is why the nice officers come up to the window of the car with the guns out (j/k). JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  22. And all that I have here are from eons ago...I'll have to find a scanner or a new camera to use for a bit... Don't want to scare anyone with that damn drivers license photo. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  23. Over on the Summer Scene board Temptsboy/Temptkid are trying to start some shite. They just know better than to get over here with the big boys. I am very happy to see that the people posting here are nicer to each other. Isn't that what we are all about? PLUR and all of that, not to mention being here for the same damn reason...I forget who's tag line it is, but it *is* all about the music. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  24. If I keep this up maybe I can get another star too! JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  25. I guess that the people that criticize the 'grammer' here are the same ones that think that the way clubs should be are (only)the way they are (read what you want here, juicehead). And Kernkraft is the shite. Maybe we should have them apply as a teacher in our skools so that we can be edukated bettar. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
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