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Everything posted by sharonregina

  1. definetly North Jersey. been here my whole life, it's not NYC, but a lot closer to it than LI. (takes me 15 mins to get to midtown all weekend).
  2. we definetly have to change that then if you are going to be around next week, i heard the Villiage Vanguard's house band is really good, they play every monday, wanna go?
  3. OMG! trippin trance were we not just talking about this yesterday? count me in! (definetly could use the lessons first.) there's also another place near Swing 46, i think it's on either 47th or 48th near times square, they have a $25 cover, which includes 2 drinks and it's kind of a dinner type place. i think. this is all something i tried to arrange last year so who knows! btw- have any of you ever seen the Harlem Blues and Jazz Band? they are ALL over the age of 70, and as individuals have played with every big band legend from Glenn Miller and artists like Louie and Billie. but fuck dat, THEY are amazing. saw them open up for the Squirrel nut zippers 2 years ago, i thought i died.
  4. yeah, but there's only ONE uknjx2!! what's up nikki? [This message has been edited by sharonregina (edited 11-20-2000).]
  5. HOLY SHIT HUGH! those pics are amazing, better than how you described them!
  6. fyi- keep sodium in your body . .. . EAT POTATO CHIPS
  7. keep in mind, what you are downloading from napster are MP3's they are compressed versions of what's on CDs. even if you decompress with software, you are still losing quality. if you are burning from a NEW CD, never been played or played very little, the quality should be pretty identical- it's all DIGITAL info, nothing gets fucked up, unless you fuck with it
  8. Mikey- try the place "who's on first" it's on first ave. between 87th and 88th. they have an a good layout (not too small/big), good bartenders, pool table, a dj booth . . . we threw a party there over the summer. their number is 212/410-2780 forgot the manager's name, but i can find out. we were promoting this small party, promised a certain amount of ppl. which i'm sure you can get . . . . g'luck
  9. ME!!! bringing some of my babies, hopefully plus, don't have to be at work til 1:30 SAT!!!!! i'm closing down the place baby!
  10. dave! you are insane guy "restless souls, enjoy your youth"
  11. double thanx to hugh (you know why)
  12. al- you crack me up. i'm thinking tuesday works for me . . . (i'm still paying ) andy- leaving "early" lol. i'm gonna take a sat./sun. off so i can close up the clubs with you guys. noiseboy- mike, right? great to meetchya too hope your friend mike had fun. --sharon
  13. thanx Jamieson. yeah, it was a little awful, some of clubnyc people get searched. they didn't have anything on them of course, but they came back so bummed. all in all it was a good time. sorry i didn't get to speak to you much at googies, but just knowing you're around makes me happy
  14. ruined everyone's night for many reasons. music was really really good though . . .
  15. totally sympathize. ah!!! just took the shoes off, put my feet up, . . . fell asleep. hate to wake up to "Sharon, chuckle chuckle." and it's not even last night that made me tired, it's the whole: "i haven't gotten a decent nights rest in weeks." plus i just don't feel well and i have to be at work tomorrow too! oh- and it's cold outside. do you guys get those wrong number calls all day? there's a bank that actually published their number the wrong way. the published number is the number to our company's chicago office, which forwards to NYC on weekends, so those misprints, along with all those people that just naturally hit 2 instead of 5 . . . and half the ppl. working here on the weekends are so miserable, i don't want to hear it. well anyways, i'm going home now. woo hoo! (the benefits of falling asleep in public, sted 8 hour day, 6.5.) if anyone else is working tomorrow . . . give me a shout. actually, give me a shout anyways, i need the entertainment --sharon
  16. lol thanx hun, you too (first name that is).
  17. mad love to this board right now. it was great seeing and meeting everyone. you all, without exception, are such caring people. it's such a great feeling to be able to wonder around for a while and return to warm smiling faces who do everything they can to bring people up. also, remember how people were getting searched all night? well, it was my friends last weekend in new york before he moves. him and a couple of his friends were given the option to "either be searched or leave immediately." i had such a bad feeling when i left last night, and when he called this morning to confirm. . . i'm just glad he didn't get in to trouble. and i hope all of you are alright too. (btw, i found what i lost ) i know you'll all have an awesome week, but i'll wish you one anyway
  18. had a soulmate a while back, from day one we knew what the other was thinking. never loved anyone like that. and i mean on on every level intellectually, emotionally, physically . . . anyways, i cheated on him, in a very petty way, but still cheating. and for the first time, i had realized that the whole relationship concept is pure and utter bullshit. main reason being, i never had a chance to grow. we were both so fucked up in so many ways and if it wasn't for him i wouldn't have overcome a lot of shit that i did, but at the same time, he was holding me back from a lot of things too and preventing me to overcome other things, as i was for him. we stayed best friends for a long while. and he was into this girl, and it hurt a little cause i still loved him, but with this whole new perspective of loving him as a part of me. neither of us would have been who we are today with out the other. when i speak to him now, it's the same thing, "what was i thinking that i could spend the rest of my breathing days with you?" anyways, all those long term things are stupid, you just end up fucking yourself over being with someone you shouldn't be with, or being that someone to somebody else. everyone you meet paints a new picture, a new part of you. like last year . . . i was with this guy and we were foolin around on the street a lil bit, but very playful, laughing etc. then this other guy said to us "you are so beautiful." and i loved that he saw it as a beautiful thing, cause it was so euphoric. a few days later, i ran into the 2nd guy, and i spoke to him for like 3 seconds, found out what his name was, and we set up a time to meet later that evening. i had to wake up to catch a train the next day so when we finally did meet up i had to go. but we exchanged e-mail addresses, (finally! the point of the story), he once wrote me something really beautiful here it goes: "take a couple of candels and light them tonight in your room and keep them at opposite ends of the room and look at all the angles and shadows then blow one of them out and you will witness the death of a conciousness for that is what we do for each other we light up things for each other to see so that our worlds may be that much more vast and color filled but when the light goes out or even just out of the room you realize how much you helped each other and how things change with only you to light the way. change is good moving on is good learning to harvest the necessities the important things that we learned even if they were horrible truths we lived and loved and may we be at peace with what we said and did. and no place is ever lit the same by just one candle but you can always get another candle." aramis, i can forward you the whole e-mail conversation. we were talking about friends you love in general, all sexes and breeds. i was talking to Al about this a while back, just about your friends not being there physically making life so much harder. also, nother thing: take as many risks as you can, cause change is always good. --sharon
  19. Um, the elections were soooo rigged. FYI- Jeb had elections rigged before, and oh, the bushes, they have money and power, they can make anyone say whatever.
  20. there's a place on 48th b/w 5th and 6th ave, on the north side of the street. decent sushi. an awesome place-- reallly really good sushi-- is at this deli, i forget the name, but it's on the corner of 51st and 3rd Ave, I think, it might be 51st and Lex, either way, it is diagnol to the Sports Authority. And if you keep walking east, past Sports Authority, you'll hit Green Acre Park, a little courtyard with authentic looking waterfalls. If you find anything else nearby, let me know There's a couple of fancier and more expensive places I haven't tried yet . . . 52nd b/w 5th and Madison on the south side of the street. mmmmm sushi
  21. (((((((((((nikkisticks))))))))))))))) happy birthday girl!
  22. definetly a brilliant film. If you didn't like it, you missed all the background symbolism etc., and you should SEE IT AGAIN!
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