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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. wow, spheric, i love that song..... well i don't know about my fave, i'll have to think about that one but i know my least fave is "knew a girl named nicki, i guess you could say she was a sex-fiend......." yep, this kid i knew in college used to blurt that out every time he saw me on campus. ugh! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  2. i don't know about this........ ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  3. sssshhhh, maybe if you don't tell anyone they won't notice, ha ha! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  4. ohgodohgodohgodohgod.....ick!! me neither but i think hugh's the one to ask!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  5. ok, looking slightly squinty in this pic...was taken at neptune's (monique, don't smack me)...but at least all the other chicks look good, i'm the one bent over! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  6. follow me....space frog??? no???? ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  7. i don't know ooana, at first i kind of liked it (ya know i'll take what i can get) but then it got to be a little annoying!! joe, leave him home for pvd, my butt is black and blue..... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  8. and he kept goosing me. keep your dad in check, joe!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  9. um, you don't even know how generous i'd be if i came into crazy money like that.....no idea at all! so how many men are we talking here???? ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  10. if i make it to the store i'll get a couple for ya!!!! don't bother gettin' off your lazy ass......i'm already off mine! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  11. thanks fellas.....joe, you're in jersey....go buy a couple of tix!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  12. if i win i'll take y'all to ibiza!!! it's over 100 mil i think! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  13. pot for me too, but not hugh's, ha ha!! that stuff sent me into another universe..... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  14. pretty much every weekday......weekends depends on where the hell i am......... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  15. Brad Pitt's everything with Pooh's tushie!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  16. oinkmok, heh heh, i want to be a piggy too! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  17. me too, me too!! bed on a rainy day rules....rent some movies and curl up. the only thing better is if you have someone to curl up next to.....or a cute little pooch to cuddle up with! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  18. No you're not, you're old SKOOL legend......and you are way too cool for me, ha ha!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  19. are you sure it wasn't pimp-daddy schwingpep? ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  20. that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever read.......you have no idea what you're talking about. maybe you ought to think twice before saying something so damn stupid next time..... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  21. i can't get into that damn chatroom.....nothing to do with any firewalls either. rats! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  22. Kutztown University's footie field.....started on the bleachers then moved it downstairs......but that was sssoooo long ago, and in one of those big yellow construction digger things....a back hoe i think it was......but that was sososoo long ago too!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  23. my parents know nothing about what i do, nor would i want them to. i just recently admitted i've smoke pot on occasion (understatement of the year).....then my mom told me she wanted to "get high just once in her life" so i told her i'd get her some weed and she got all bent out of shape!! she found a pack of cigarettes in my pocket when i was in high school - i was grounded for weeks. not that i can be grounded anymore but i'd hate to distress my folks for no good reason! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  24. if jamms is goin' i'm goin Nicki "imdoingthefirstshot" ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  25. by gum, she's a sassy lass, this wun!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
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