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Everything posted by mysterynyc

  1. and by the way...Arafat..the great Palestinian leader ...is EGYPTIAN...Cairo born and raised.
  2. in addition to breakbeatz2 comments: Palestinians tried to settle in Jordan..specifically this area dubbed Trans-Jordan. THEIR ARAB-MUSLIM BROTHERS KICKED THEIR ASSES OUT OF JORDAN.and declared Trans-Jordan solely part of Jordan again.they didn't want to house them. They considered them savages. This is because Palestinians are the gypsies of the Arab world.Ethnically, they are a mixture of Syrians, Egyptians, and Jordanians,and a couple of other things. Jews are Jews. thats it. There Ashkenazi, Sabra, thats just tribes. Our blood is all the same.
  3. and you would think, I'm the biggest Danny Howells fan,lol...thats why I set the bar so high for him.
  4. another defensive person. You don't even know how huge of a Danny Howells fan I am. calm down with your sending me back to Amsterdam bit.
  5. has nothing to do with "bangin shit out hard" lol. They played more intricate stuff when i was abroad...for example in Amsterdam. Alot of Tribal...Dubby....Funky...techy....it was more geared around the musical aspect as well as the beat...as opposed to just pounding bass and sheer repetitiveness. Dance music DOES have to be repetitive...BUT...there also has to be a musical aspect.
  6. they have the New Orleans Super Bowl curse on them. Can they break it by beating the Rams lol. Chicago1986....Green Bay 1997 i think....maybe an NFC West team will make a diff.
  7. yeah..and unfortunately...international DJ's highly underestimate the NYC crowd so they don't spin as well as they would in say: Ibiza...or London...or Amsterdam.
  8. but remember...to girls...someone who is mysterious yet unattractive will remain jus that lol.
  9. heard him in Amsterdam...@Melkweg.....in February..off he hook stuff.
  11. I ACTED LIKE I WAS 4??? HE'S THE ONE WHO CALLED YXO AND SEND HIM NAHUY FOR EATING..give me a break. dima..you're misunderstanding. his birthday was the final straw in a series of things. in the words of George Carlin..."this is just a series of things are pissing me off" i also mean this in the least funniest way possible.
  12. ??? he's right about having a controlling, bitchy, and downright drama queen of a gf,as well as being his own personal secretary every time you call him...who's completely turned him into a different person than what I know/known him to be over the past 15 years or so? Example...how would you feel if EVERY SINGLE TIME...you called Shapiro...his gf picks up the phone, and says he cant come to the phone because he's playing freekin video games/cards for $ lol. c'mon....what the heck is that all about lol. thats just an example though.
  13. tell your boy seriy that he's VERY VERY ne prav. and I don't just mean about what happened on his Birthday, but in general. And I mean this in the most non-joking way possible.
  14. hey....Richard Pryor...cool it! ....j/k
  15. what in the hell are you talking about. I'm just trying to share knowledge about good music that I know/hear. If people don't like the music, they can tell me, or vice versa. Has nothing to do with promotions,lol. These guys make enough $$ as it is, . if you disagree with me on whats good then fine, that's your opinion.
  16. omg...will you end this fuckin attitude already man. wow. you really misunderstand me, especially about the 16B- Secrets track. I'm the biggest fuckin Danny Howells fan on the planet, and I expected better from him.That's all. I have every CD of his dating back to his Jackpot Records days. I can compare to his other sets because I heard him @ Melkweg in Amsterdam, along with Sander K, PvD, and Stef Vroljik...who has a track on Danny's NuBreed compilation. So stop with this defensive attitude. If anyone is a huge fan of him its me, that's why I set my personal "Danny Howells bar" so high. So calm the hell down already with this nonsense.
  17. was a joke my friend. just a joke. and i couldnt tell the exact color scheme. it was a bit dark in there.
  18. i'm sorry. I just saw the movie Black Hawk Down...and that's the Army Rangers yell. I felt compelled to yell that out, j/k . Actually its more like HUAH!
  19. what's you problem....I was just saying that I have a record.
  20. . i think DH should have been warming up for Caselle . at least on that night. I heard Danny Howells @ Melkweg in Amsterdam. now THAT was what I expected. And i payed the equivalent of $15, for him...Sander Kleinenberg, PvD, and Stef Vroljik...ALL IN ONE NIGHT. I got a steal , Only in Amsterdam!
  21. Someone needs to bring Omid '16B' Nourizadeh to the states. I heard a set of his from BurnItBlue Night @ Elements in London. He did not disappoint! He's the man. 2002 is his year. He stayed true to himself since he began back in 1996. Have his first ever single on Alola called Secrets from 1996. If I had heard it without knowing when it came out, I'd think its a brand new track/promo. As for Darren Emerson & Lucien Foort....I don't even need to give reasons for these demands .
  22. when I worked in music licensing and also just getting into dance music in general, in finding out that certain producers go by different names. I love that word . It's so "British" sounding. 'monikeh'
  23. i love the word 'moniker' . I only starting hearing it when I got into producing stuff and music licensing. My former moniker was MysteryNYC lol....now its Stylus http://www.mp3.com/stylus deep,dubby,tribal house...detroit techno...progressive house
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