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Everything posted by mattyparsons

  1. nooooooooooooooooooyce... baby, i'm comin to visit. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  2. ......because i'm a dick? ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  3. i'm quite glad that i heard "lexicon avenue- midnight on west 27th st." because that is a seriously good song. does anyone know the name of that vocal that pvd dropped at exactly 3am last night? really soft and smooth, no drumbeat. i will award a correct answer with a "suprise" ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  4. there really was very little trance going on last night. i'm not great, you should talk to spoonyd, but it was sorta a mix between hard house, hard acid house, and some progressive beats. like i said, very little trance going on last night. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  5. she's not a bad person..........she's not a person............. could it be...........SATAN?!?!?!?!??! and no i did not write that last post of mine. EVIL ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  6. hey exodust, remember me? i met you at the meetup at ...........3? i was the dude with the beard. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  7. everyone, i'm kidding about not trusting deanna11. she's a sweet girl and i believe she gets too much crap from all the mean people (myself included) on this board repent, and save your souls oh, and the reason why i was tossing my salad at PVD last night was because i plugged my red bull and vodka. but i forgot to take out the straw and it stuck out at a rather strange angle, so i figured i'd felch while i was down there licking my balls clean of sweat and Twilo grime anyway. just explaining my reasons so no one thinks i just toss my salad for some kind of weird Gumby kinkiness ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  8. the word "orgy" is popping into my head. i say we have a single people orgy. only one real condition........no other guys allowed. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  9. keri, did you happen to see my legs? i think i left them at twilo. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  10. LOL! ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  11. i know! i think we need to do a very thorough study of this phenomenon, focusing mainly on twilo. maybe we can get some university to fund us in our quest to find the truth.....Free twilo! ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  12. according to one of my most recent posts, i tossed my own. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  13. if you're ever over her place, and she says "you wanna post?" not only should you say no, but smack her on the ass as well. once you post on her computer, it's all over. people will find about your salad-tossing abilities. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  14. actually, i'm still quite shocked. we never heard for an angel, and he never played the vocals to we're alive. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  15. hehe, haaay sweetie.... (try 10:30- 8:30 here) ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  16. i've never seen that many people close a show out. i was expecting to maybe be able to see the floor at some point during the night, didn't happen. i gotta say, even though that place was packed tighter for longer than i've ever seen, for the first few hours that place was absolutely bouncing, even the stair-people were standing up dancing! (except myrlin, shadowchasher and ezdreamer.......bitches) ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  17. i like to toss my own salad but sometimes it's hard ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  18. hey lina, cute new screen name. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  19. you know it's funny that you say that, because at the moment i am sitting at your computer while you get ready, so not only is my soul in hell, but my phyisical body is as well... by the way, take a shower before we go in public. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  20. if it was jp, its was probably "freebase" ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  21. you forgot to mention your horns and tail which are red like the blood of a hard-core crackhead... ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  22. nobody knows? i'm gonna keep *bump*-ing this up till i get an answer. my soul will not rest till i find out. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  23. "synthanesia" followed by "welcome to the dance" but i have no idea why i think that........ ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  24. cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute hehe. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  25. never! ------------------ chicken salad!!!
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