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Everything posted by mattyparsons

  1. dude, maybe if we had seen that guy beforehand, and bought some of his flashing lights, we wouldn't have almost been run over on 6th ave. ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  2. check out the new sig. hehehe ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  3. that's my girl! ------------------ chicken salad!!!
  4. she scares me, maybe we can have her committed. ------------------ i'm not coming down
  5. why don't you fucking promoters stick to the promoter board? ------------------ i'm not coming down
  6. say it loud, say it proud. we are unbelievably lucky people. there probably never has been, nor ever will be a club like this. so let's enjoy the hell out of it while we got it. ------------------ i'm not coming down
  7. damn computer [This message has been edited by mattyparsons (edited 02-02-2001).]
  8. hold on, i need to change my pants. that is the most rediculous thing i've ever seen. and deanna11- i'm always open to you trying to convince me to go.... *grins* ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?' [This message has been edited by mattyparsons (edited 02-02-2001).]
  9. hmm........maybe i'll try it someday........all i gotta do first is HAVE SOME DAMN SEX!!!! (sorry, i'm a little bitter.......its' been a while) ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  10. first of all, j303j is my bitch, and i'm not about to share..... second of all, just chill dude. no need getting all huffy puffy about anything said over a message board. ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  11. from what i understand, the lyrics are as follows (from the version on out there and back) "we're alive, we're alive, we're alive, we're aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive, we're alive, we're alive" hope that cleared things up right quick for ya! ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  12. hey myrlin, you actualy gonna show to the meetup this time instead of being god of the stair people? ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  13. you gotta pass out some time, and when you do (prob around 9am) i'll be right here, ready to give you my p.o.v.!!!! and yes, there is no disputing that you and your sleep schedule are quite bizzare. fr- ....freaking idiot! how dare you give away my name. ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  14. you dance with the devil, the devil don't change. the devil changes you. i am not trying to kill you brain cell by brain cell........not my style. not enough pain involved. ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  15. i want the last word! i'm back, but not for long.... see ya friday ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  16. lit matches always remove odors from the air... i suggest dousing her with gasoline while she sleeps and lighting a few matches..... ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  17. now that i have a beard, i look like "a 30 year old scrub" according to a friend........ well, maybe not friend. maybe more like the little devil on my shoulder (deanna11) but anyway, here's me on my birthday in october looking like i'm a wee-lad ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  18. deanna- *sniff sniff* cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it. ps- my legs still hurt from friday. yes i love you too ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  19. i met that guy at the snd anniversary back in april, and i've seen him at twilo every time since. he's fucking awesome. i always got my eyes open for that bald head of his. ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  20. contact, by carl sagan all i gotta say is "wow" ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  21. you're just mad because 1. chicks dig the beard 2. your fingers are freakishly big 3. you've now missed about two months of great twilo parties including seb and snd. ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  22. did you know that your mitochondrial dna is actually different from your nuclear dna? In fact mitochondria are actually cells that got swallowed way back in time, but continued to live inside the predatory cell. the conditions were right and they just kept reproducing inside those cells. this was beneficial to the host cell because it could utilize the chemical reactions in the mitochondrial cell, for a source of atp. (bio-major here) ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?' [This message has been edited by mattyparsons (edited 01-25-2001).]
  23. oops, hehe sorry.......double post [This message has been edited by mattyparsons (edited 01-24-2001).]
  24. he's such a fucking liar!!!!!! he ran on this whole "moderate conservativism" and pledged not to change anything relating to roe v. wade. but his first week goes by, and he cuts funds to those clinics and appoints that horrendous excuse for a human being, ashcroft to att. general. ------------------ this house is haunted, and i've got to go. you ask me what my problem is, and i say 'whatcha got?'
  25. damn, i must be the first person to ever do an accidental triple post. i win the darwin award.... *darwin award- person who benefits their species most by eliminating their inferior genes from the gene pool.* [This message has been edited by mattyparsons (edited 01-24-2001).]
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