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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by highmay

  1. i like to see her without the airbrushing...
  2. i thoght you left here cuz i made you cry too much...go away you fucking moronic excuse for clubber...everyone here in the clubplanet community will make sure they see your prepubescent body half naked at SF next time ok?? fuckin wackjob loser....
  3. bro they are straight up hard asses on IDs... your girl better be a knockout and a half or they wont even think twice...
  4. trust me...the crowd i not gay...trust me...if you dont believe me...go over to te VIP boards and look at pics of me inside the club....some hotties chill out there...you would have to leave your girl to "go to the bathroom" a little more often than you do...
  5. ahhh tank girl....the comic never interested me...i was more into CEREBUS and X-MEN during my comic book time.... how about HARD BOILED??
  6. I don't appreciate being put on hold and forced to listen to someone else's radio. I don't even listen to my own radio, why should I have to pay money to call some company and listen to theirs? And it's always the same shit. Soft rock! That sucky, non-threatening, easy-listening, suburban-white-boy pussy music. Soft rock is an oxymoron. It's not rock, and it's not even music. It's just soft. --George Carlin
  7. i know...i go to school in philly...but chill with the complaints...people bitching about my city annoy the shit outta me...you seemed annoyed that you had to go through shit like that...so therefore i took offense...no worries...life goes on...mutual respect is gained from my end...and now sleep is upon me...peace...
  8. loch's right people...becoming intelligent more intelligent isn't that hard...
  9. yeah ok ... thats satan....way to go...satan...some morons have WAAAAAYYY too much time on their hands...
  10. In class. I was about 3 minutes late (because I can do that) and I walked in the business school and the first 10 people I see were girls crying and on the phone trying to contact people. I go to class and about a half hour later the dean of the school says that class is still on and that we have no point in going back to our dorms and apts. They really didn't know how stupid they sounded at the time.
  11. Fear and Loathing: with Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro. It's basically a 2 hour acid trip. Just watch it and enjoy. Oh, and by the way, you'll get lost trying to follow the plot, so don't even bother.
  12. I'm sure the designers have already thought of that. They're not safe in a sense that it could dodge 767's, but they can resist wind and lightning strikes. Also, people won't think twice: they will build even bigger and better buildings in replace of the WTC. You want to know why? Economics. Supply and demand. Those buildings can hold 50,000 people each. Corperations would want to utlize that a building of that nature can provide.
  13. ::slaps everyone in the face:: wake up!!! no liquor license...they have no way to make it 21...its always 18...ALWAYS...god...the amatuers...
  14. there was an article last month in GQ about male multiple orgasms...its all about your muscle control and timing...
  15. www.clubshelter.com shelter is very soulfull, deep house...mixed crowd...and still true vinyl in every sense (fridays crowd is changing...) this saturday will be FREE...go with an open mind and take the vibe in..guaranteed you wont regret it...
  16. hey im wondering what guest list i should use....have any suggestions??
  17. www.ilovecheese.com
  18. ok you guys must be seriously kidding me...
  19. gee...well it seems that no one has an opinion on this...guess im the only movie buff here....
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