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Everything posted by highmay

  1. hello there Zehra!! hey everyone...this girl is good people...a major playa over at VIP... ;) ;)
  2. Since I'm in Philly for the weekend, and I'm bored, here are my nominations for the upcoming acedemy awards: BEST MOVIE (My winners are in CAPS) Ali Gangs of New York The Man Who Wasn't There MEMENTO The Pledge Shrek BEST ACTOR Kevin Kline (LIFE AS A HOUSE) Guy Pearce (MEMENTO) Sean Penn (I AM SAM) Will Smith (ALI) KEVIN SPACEY (THE SHIPPING NEWS) BEST ACTRESS Sissy Spacek (IN THE BEDROOM) Michelle Pfeiffer (I AM SAM) Nicole Kidman (THE OTHERS) JULIANNE MOORE (THE SHIPPING NEWS) Renée Zellweger (BRIDGET JONES'S DIARY) BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR BENICIO DEL TORO (THE PLEDGE) Brad Pitt (SNATCH) Jude Law (A.I.) James Gandolfini (THE LAST CASTLE) Ben Kingsley (SEXY BEAST) Jon Voight (ALI) BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Jennifer Connelly (A BEAUTIFUL MIND) JUDI DENCH (THE SHIPPING NEWS) Anjelica Huston (THE ROYAL TENEBAUMS) Frances McDormand (THE MAN WHO WASN'T THERE) Carrie Ann Moss (MEMENTO) I know some of these movies aren't even released yet, but the talent of the acting and production already make them must sees. I believe will win because she'll just feed right off of Kevin Spacey. MEMENTO is by far the best film I have seen in years, so it definitely deserves these nods. Anyone else want to chime in??
  3. aight sorry guys but i gotta disagree with you...fluid wednedays is the best party philly has to offer Shampoo is simply aweful, is stuck in their own little world, and is only good during their color parties, when they bring in NY DJs. just be prepared not to have a better time than you do in NY....go whereever you want hun...
  4. Overzealous joy, for I anticipate a talented deejay at a dance venue soon.
  5. k, you seem like a nice guy so i wont get THAT harsh on you... there are actually guestlists for SF on saturdays....not that many though (maybe jeff fusion?) ...it closes at 2am...and its an ok crowd..but there is a better crowd from 6am till it closes around 3 in the afternoon.
  6. oh yeah...great promoting...i wonder what kind of crowd you bring in...
  7. according to his website he's spinning at Ibiza...Rich Woods will filling in for him that friday...meaning he will be in IBIZA that weekend... another bullshiter who makes good promoters look bad...such a shame....
  8. He doesn't remember any of it, yet he remembers the exact number of shots he took. Now THAT is a man who we know took FULL ADVANTAGE of college!
  9. highmay

    Top 10

    Plank 15 - Strings of Life (Tarentella and Redanka Remix) -fin...
  10. I've seen pics of the venue and it looks absolutely beautiful. The thing is, I'm not gay. And even though I don't mind being around gay men (a good friend of mine is gay), I just need some HOT female eye candy to talk to and look at while I'm in such a beautiful spot like that. So anyway, my question is: does anyone know if there is a straight party there, or one in the works? Appreciate the feedback. Thanks.
  11. Now, that was the deepest analytical commentary I have ever encountered in any messageboard I have visited.
  12. yo crobra...guverment has phazons installed...and canada (im not sure if its montreal or toronto) has a worldwide respectable scene...much respect to the mounties...
  13. isnt it fun to have morons post shit up like this so we can all jump down their throat?? im loving this.... anyway...exit will reopen, dont fret...so you can go back to avoiding those shitholes like vinyl and every other club you thinks sucks...there needs to be a place to throw you all in, and why not the biggest nightclub in NYC....
  14. i hear you guys..but the fact is that its a drug..and addictive drugs like that KILL
  15. Luis Diaz and Anatrig filled in for Danny while he is in Vegas (probably still spinning as I'm writing this). I was slightly dissapointed in Luis Diaz because I've heard so many good things about him and I was expecting a little better. He plays some GREAT music, but his mixing has definitely seen better nights. I loved almost everything he dropped but he seem to bore the crowd with monotone songs, and he didn't really progress through the night. By the time he got hard, he had to leave and make way for Anatrig. Anatrig spun a lot of Christopher Lawrence type trance, you could see that it definitly killed Danny's crowd. He DID, though, drop that "BUT THE SPIRIT SHALL REMAIN" song, and Ariel was going insane with the bright white lights. It definitly the highlight of my night. The club was EMPTY, like very empty. There was a good portion of the Village clubbing crowd, but not the commercial, guido, "aaa oooo, whatha fuk que ue lookin at, eh??" crowd (which, thank god, still hasn't infiltrated that club). There were some cute girls here and there, but the hottest girls were the trannies, so that, as well, was dissapointing. I left at around 7. Good night.
  16. Definitly has to be the hottest song in the city... Vocal: A man talking to the effect of: "Everybody gets hurt through their life, BUT THE SPIRIT SHALL REMAIN." And "BUT THE SPIRIT SHALL REMAIN" is repeated over and over. (I'm probably WAAAAAAY off, but that's the best I can remember from it and not too many songs have that hook in it). The Synth: Very funky, housy, soulfoul song. Has violin-type sound. WHAT IS THE NAME OF THIS SONG!!! AHHH IT's BEEN ON MY MIND ALL DAY LONG!!
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