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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by highmay

  1. Yeah, we can. Can we also say self-centered immaturity? ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  2. any info on DJs? hosts? crowd wanted? ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  3. It'll be Eddie Baez the 22nd Dave Ralph the 30th. There is nothing on Vicious' website that says anything about him spinning this friday or this month. ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  4. theres a strong presence there since Twilo (RIP) closed. And it's not like they're advertising to just anyone, they're advertising to the gay community, which we all should know created the NYC club scene. so right on, SF. ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  5. HHHMMMM...ok I liked it, I thought it was overdone in a few ways. Like the dialogue made so many references to death, Willie Loman, and Humbert Humbert that it became ridiculously obvious. Anyone could have told you how the movie would play just by watching the first half-hour of the flick. What I liked about it was the cinamatography, the quality of just about every performance, and Kevin Spacey. ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  6. SF usually closes at 7:30am on fridays and 2pm on sautrdays... ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  7. fuck that....friends last forever...in the end...its just music ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  8. Pleasurehead was good...not great...nostrum im not sure who that DJ was...but the DJ who did the final 90 minutes was pretty good...if anyone knows who that DJ was could probably answer a few questions that the board members have... ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  9. bro...if you have AOL IM me...highmay9 or if you dont just email me...highmay9@aol.com...I answered your PM like a week ago..let's chill next weekend!! ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  10. ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  11. pretty good...i was in the main room because im not really into hardcore or jungle...anyway, the highlight of my night came when the DJ b4 pleasurehead played like 3 DJ scot project songs in a row...i was banging my head off the walls... ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  12. If you can, email me, Highmay9@aol.com Let's talk for a sec. ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  13. Same with Philly ... get your ass over to NY...normally in NY at 2 am people are just arriving to the club ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  14. i dont know...having a kid at 16 kinda turns me off to her ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  15. wow...i get a lot of love on this board...ok...lets do this: Great for Sofia, her son must make her the happiest girl in the world. The way I see it was that I wouldn't want to date any girl with a situation like that. I'm not trying to offend any mothers on the board, but some girls are out to look for the father of their kid, which is something I try avoiding. This is from personal experience, so don't think I'm just mouthing off jive here. I'm 20 years old, and am still in college, so I'm just looking for fun right now. So yeah, her having a 9 or a 10 year old turns me off to her. And hey, sorry to offend anyhere, especially you, tasty, who has gone off on me for a second time(NCC). Maybe I didn't thoroughly explain myself, but since I don't really like telling people about my personal life on a board viewed by many, many people, maybe I didn't, and someone might be having a bad day. Who knows. Life goes on. ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  16. whoa...triple post...i mean yeah, some people cant afford it...but i've been in a position where people would talk to me only if i had a certain mp3 they were lookin for...shit, i know people who were cool with me who just wanted mp3's...and i realized this when all of a sudden they stopped talkin to me after i denied having their music...so fuck'em, get off your ass and go to 8-ball... ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  17. dude...just imagine jock itch on your face. ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  18. Any info would help. Peace. ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  19. I find it unneccessary. Why beg for a damn MP3 when everyone will have it by the end of the week? In this case, good things come to those who wait. It's time for people to discover record stores... ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  20. Domenick: No one thinks that you came down from the Secret Room to see what Draper was spinning and decided to spin that. Anyone who is smart enough understands that the music programming is eerily similar to eachother. That can't be a coincidence, and you never exactly went home right after you finished spinning the Secret Room, and, well, hip hop isn't really what you spin. Being around Tony and looking at what he does at the end of the night to pick things up...yeah, it's cool to learn, but becoming a mirror image of him isn't. Anyway, you can throw everything I said away in beginning and just look at the last sentence: Prove yourself first. You never did. You never grew and evolved as a DJ, so what makes you think you're good enough to spin Level 4? You don't think there are DJ's more deserving of that spot? DJ's who worked their ass off just to get an ounce of recognition? DJ's who created a buzz and gained the respect and love of crowds, and set themselves up to suddenly move into a gig as big as that? If you say no, then you're not only lying to the Clubplanet community, you're lying to yourself. Jonathan Peters didn't just get that Saturday residency. His respect was earned at a club called Save the Robots, which is probably a club with the same respect as DNA in Astoria: not that much. If you want to mention the general managers, well they didn't feel Eddie Baez was the answer as Junior Vasquez's replacement, so in comes Peters doing Fridays, which was an overwhelming success. He, then, earned Saturday night. It wasn't Joey Morrisey's promoting or the in-house promoters at that time who tell their buddies that "he's off the hook, yo." No, he earned it. Now it's unfair to compare you to JP, but understanding that he earned his respect and took full advantage of continuing the SF Legacy is what made him one of the top NYC DJ's. Richard Grant doesn't dance with us. He doesn't get down and bust a move and do glowsticks. He only knows that since ENOUGH people are up there at Level 4, then there's nothing wrong with the DJ, whomever it is. So yes, if you were the DJ up there, then he would specifically want you there because he knows you don't, at the very least, piss a portion of his paying customers off. People might tell you during a night that you're amazing. That feedback really means that THE MUSIC YOU PLAY is amazing. And anybody, what with easy access to MP3's if they know the right people (which I know for a fact that you do), can play amazing music. You better love your CD burner. You say you get spots based on performance. You're telling me that you're Thorin's best DJ? HHHmmmm...If you want to realiate back, do it logically. Last thing: I love dance music, and I love the mixes that my favorite DJ's perform when I'm feeling them on the dance floor. I wish every DJ I hear is good. So Domenick, please, shut me the fuck up. Pour your heart out on every record you play. Put as much care into your selection as anything you ever did throughout an entire night. SHUT ME UP. SHOW ME THAT I'M WRONG. Make me want to come and hear you spin. Don't make everyone spite you. Shut them all up, too. And don't think to yourself "ahh, fuck you, yo. Who needs you, anyway, kid?" Well guess what? I'm the crowd you spin for. I'm the crowd that you please. I'm the crowd that gives you your respect. You making us smile on that dancefloor makes you DJ Domenick Capello. It gives you your name. It's fine if you don't respond. No one cares if you post here or not. Some people here actually have a life and post to kill time. We have social contact on a more personal level than behind our PCs. So think about what I said. Don't take it as talking shit, take it as constructive critism. It will only make you stronger if you accept critism from the people you're actually trying to please. ------------------ "A faithful heart makes wishes come true." - Lo, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon AOL: Highmay9 Napster: Jayme AudioGalaxy: Highmay
  21. Yeah and? Hey listen...they give their body curves...they look spectacular with them...so why not? ------------------ "A faithful heart makes wishes come true." - Lo, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon AOL: Highmay9 Napster: Jayme AudioGalaxy: Highmay
  22. I've been going to Exit and SF as long as he has been spinning in these two venues, and, quite frankly, I don't understand why this child deserves these jobs. He certainly doesn't make any case with his consistant train recks. He is the poster child for what is wrong with the scene today. I feel he's terribly offbeat, has poor programming, and fails to create an environment because of this. If he was replaced by my laptop, no one would notice. The fact that he tries imitating Tony Draper isn't really the way to go. If I want to be a good basketball player, should I imitate Fred Hoiberg or Michael Jordan? Him trying to imitate Draper just goes to show his EXTENSIVE knowledge of the dance music scene. And how did he get these jobs? Oh, right. Thorin Aiello. He knew a higher-up, someone that can make things happen. It's this simple fact alone that he has Level 4 at SF. Speaking of which, from the reasons I stated above, he doesn't deserve Level 4. With the very good promoters that SF Friday has, you're telling me that Capello is the best available DJ for that room? Please. I bet you that there are at least 20 DJ's better than him that don't have a weekly residency as high-profile as that. Domenick Capello doesn't even deserve the main floor at Gargulio's let alone Level 4. Now, in all honesty, I DO respect him for at least trying. I DO respect him for the requests. I DO respect him because he loves dance music as much as I do. But I don't think that he should be DJing a widely known party with so much time and money invested in it. Starting out small, refining your skill, actually buying vinyl, and gaining a following is the best way for getting respect. Knowing someone that can hook you up isn't. It's like jumping from high school straight to the pros. Prove yourself first. ------------------ "A faithful heart makes wishes come true." - Lo, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon AOL: Highmay9 Napster: Jayme AudioGalaxy: Highmay
  23. Amber Lynn ...the all non-imposing look. ------------------ "A faithful heart makes wishes come true." - Lo, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon AOL: Highmay9 Napster: Jayme AudioGalaxy: Highmay
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