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Everything posted by highmay

  1. wait wait wait time out.. i thought LL could only stay open until a certain time because of the resident complaints about the music...afterhours will only go to 7 or 8 because of the neighborhood LL is in...
  2. ohm seems a little bit too small...and posh for that matter...to maintain a crowd of Exit's size.... now roxy i could see.....but ohm??
  3. ok snoozi sweetheart if you didnt realize already this georgeacasta2 moron isnt anybody...he's some loser from the miami forum that posts just to fuck with people... so just ignore his posts...its what we all do...
  4. Tenaglia would spin afterhours...the style of the music changes because he then becomes HARD, DARK, DEEP, and just plain old RELENTLESS. He's definitely in another mindstate when he's dropping those tracks. He would end at around 10 in the morning, maybe longer if he feels like it (remember, he's the best DJ in the world, he could do whatever he wants).
  5. dmerces: hahaha its quite alright man... and hard_house: why thank you!
  6. you amateurs need to grow up and appreciate other forms of dance...this capello dicksucking is killin me... and pangelid: that SUPERSTAR DJ was Joey Jammz...i remember the flyer you are referring to .... he's a worse DJ than capello... oh and by the way ... a lesson for you amatuers.... http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum18/HTML/002257.html
  7. It seems the amateurs of the board don't understand the impact and culture Vinyl attains and honors. I'll try and explain as much as I know to you as possible. Vinyl is a nightclub that provides a direct link to the past. Its layout, DJ's, and parties are what top quality New York Underground should be. The layout is very simple. A dancefloor, a non-alcoholic bar in the back, along with a VIP room (that you can get into as long as you claim it early enough), a chill out area with no music and lots of couches, coat check, and the DJ booth. It's image, though, is underground, or as some of the ignorant ones like to call it, dirty. There aren't really any decorations or anything makes the club look posh in any way. You are only there for one reason: the music. The sound system is effective. Not amazing, but crisp, clean, and loud. You'll be able to have fun and not get annoyed at the system. Now for the parties. Be Yourself is the Friday party, with Danny Tenaglia at the helm. His attitude towards everything is that people are people and everyone wants to have fun. That is this party's function. You don't come to rate what kind of bag some chick has, or how that musclehead's stubble annoyed you. No. He won't have any of that. People come in as casual as they can, and all types of people come here, from punk rockers to goths to models. They're all there to have fun, nothing more, nothing less. IF YOU CAN'T HANG LIKE THAT, THEN DON'T COME! Saturdays is Shelter. To be honest with you, I have no clue what type of party goes on here. All I know is that it's been packed every saturday night since it started. There is no Sunday night party. There is, however, a Sunday DAY party. It's callled Body and Soul, a mixed party, and the DJ's here are the legends Krivit and Kevorkian. Anyone is invited. Same goes with Saturdays. So if anyone would like to add, and not subtract, to what I claim here, please come forth and educate the masses. PEACE AND POWER.
  9. i unfortunately know of the scene there because I attend college at St. Joseph's University in West Philly. There's obviously no comparison to NY, but at it's best, you can have an ok time. I would frequent evo and tribecca. im goin back to philly starting next week...if anyone from the philly area wants to connect...email me...
  10. Yes it's still playing at the IMAX. The one I went to was at Lincoln Square. The catch is this: even though the theater gives out the times when its being played, they don't tell you when it's playing on the IMAX, I had to find out when I was there. They are playing the movie on the IMAX screen at 6:30 and 10pm...the 8:20 showing will be played on a regular screen. Some of the added scenes, in my opinion, took away from the original, and I can see why Coppola took them out. One of the scenes wasn't neccesary at all, and you'll know which one I mean when you see it. But make the $10 investment and go see REDUX. It's all about REDUX.
  11. bro you totally dont konw...SEE IN THE THEATRE!! I saw it on the IMAX screen in Lincoln Square, and everything is so in your face and larger than life...this movie is meant to see with a huge screen...
  12. and wow...it's more intense seeing it in the theatre...you get entranced with every scene in the film...more intense than Schindler's List... some of the scenes that were added shouldnt have been in the original cut to begin with ... but it definitely added depth to Martin Sheen's character...and Brando's as well.... anyway has anyone else seen it?? thoughts? opinions? gripes?
  13. damn...now im feelin jealous of you people!!! ahhhhhhh!!!
  14. lol awwwww...you gotta a little more than that to shy me away from my first board little one...
  15. its my home on saturdays afterhours but i've been goin the past couple of fridays when a good DJ is spinning...such as this friday...
  16. he's gonna start another residency when Bliss in Queens opens...head promoters are Alex and Leo....
  17. if their tastes were more sophisticated than mine, then i would be as hard core an Exit friday head as there is...but thank god, i'm not... i see what youre sayin though...but this tourist i assume you're refferring to is different from what im referring to... when tourists from, say, the plaza hotel ask where's a great place to go to the cab driver, theyll either drop them off at tunnel, LL, WH or exit...considering that these are NY's most famous clubs now that twilo is gone...exit is a tourist attraction, and people who have no clue which song is good and which isn't would flock to these places, especially in the summer, to dance to whatever is being played on those speakers...so, by the time "without you" was played that night in july, a good portion of america knew about it, so they went nuts when it was played... maybe i didnt add this on b4hand (but then again i didnt konw i wasnt goin to get attacked) but im pretty sure that exit saturdays during the summer was also made up of other people going for their specific reasons...but true-to-life clubbers don't go to listen to boris spin anymore, and its mainly because of the crowd that has descended upon it: an uneducated, image-conscious, and democratic crowd brought to you by David Marvisi, Joey X, and the rest of Exit management....
  18. but what does satoshi spin?? and filter 14 i never been to...big? small??
  19. ok...as you know saturdays became VERY commercial...that main floor is full of tourists and there tastes aren't as advanced and sophistcated as ours when it comes to dance music...well, since boris resides there, he has no choice but to play to his crowd...i remember one time when i was forced to go to exit (because it was a friend of mine's first night promoting there) around july and by then rich luzzi started gettin tiring, but he played the song at a peak hour and the crowd went nuts... so if you give him the right crowd, watch what he can do...
  20. its funny....i still havent seen an explanation from the hosts of this party.... please... tell us how your hot party lasted 3 weeks???
  21. well it only lasted 3 weeks... i wonder what the hosts from this "banging party" have to say about this...
  22. steve...i only talk the talk that i walk... and yes...saturdays are bangin....
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