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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. i really want to party with you sometime!!! ------------------ i love music!
  2. it means that unless a woman has had fight experience and is a martial artist or built like china from WWF, a guy will likely win in a fight. its a matter of testosterone, the way we learned to scrap while growing up, center of balance, and size. r u a martial artist or china? if so, have u actually beat up a guy? i dont mean just wrestling with your brother, i mean a drag-out-knock-down-ass-kicking fight. fights r tough stuff and the less able fighter usually gets destroyed. thats what i meant. i dont know why u take offense ------------------ i love music!
  3. a sample list of acts i like. more-or-less from new to old. static X filter tool chemical brothers LL cool J mobey ice T stevie ray vaughn red hot chili peppers U2 prince sisters of mercy dire straits joy division david bowie bob marley led zepplin pink floyd jimi hendrix bob dylan elvis miles davis chet atkins muddy waters charlie parker robert johnson and many more. ------------------ i love music!
  4. ... or u can come and find me. i love to kick ass in the name of chivalry. ------------------ i love music!
  5. dont use or threaten violence. some guys r real assholes and will destroy anyone who threatens them. try 5. speak up and ask them to leave you alone. ------------------ i love music!
  6. oops.. double post, pls see the other one with the same name. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 09-22-2000).]
  7. ANOTHER TRUE STORY FROM THE LIFE OF SIRDANTE: one time, i got in a car accident near providence when i was 19. it was a horrible single car crash bc our driver lost the road in the rain and we slid off a ramp 40' in the air. we flew, smashed, and rolled. five young men were in that car. 4 out of the 5 of suffered severe life threatening trauma, but we all lived. after regaining consciousness, and despite my shredded flesh and completely crushed shoulder-- 5 smashed bones including a cleanly split scapula/shoulder blade, i rounded up the walking wounded and marched us all back to the highway. although i knew i was lying, i assured everyone that we were fine since we could all walk and talk. i kept everyone calm and quiet. now, my injuries were grievous, but two of my friends were worse. my friend jeff had crushed his ribcage, had a sucking chest wound from being wrapped around a tree at 40 mph, and was gurgling blood while pete had head trauma and the flesh of his right arm stripped down to the bone. so my friend chris and i, with my one good arm, started to try and flag down a passerby. poor chris had minor injuries yet was prob worse off than any of us bc he had the misfortune of remaining conscious and watching with horror as his friends were crushed and/or flung from our rolling wreck. we finally got a RI state cop to stop. we brought him over to the side of the road so he could survey the bloody scene-- the entire right side of my body was blood soaked from the top of my head down into my shoes for 150 stitches worth of damage. jeff and pete were heaped on the grass like corpses, and the driver of the car, with a bloody head, sat in miserable silence, shocked by guilt. guess what officer friendly did? heres a multiple choice: officer friendly... A) ...immediately ran back to his cruiser summoned an ambulance. ...assured us help was on the way, immediately ran back to his cruiser, and summoned an ambulance. C) ...assured us help was on the way, immediately ran back to his cruiser, summoned an ambulance, and returned to give compassionate aid and support for a group of suffering human beings. D) ...acted like a foul pig, assumed that we were drinking and driving (we were clean and sober), and decided to teach us a lesson by explaining in clear overlord-like terms "this is what you deserve." officer friendly then went on to ask a bunch of questions that would make his life easier when he had to fill out paperwork. he demanded that we tell him where we were coming from, who was driving, where was the car, how old were we, where we were going, how much we had to drink. during all of this time, jeff is coughing up chunks of red from his collapsed lung, pete has passed out, and chris and i are answering the cops questions. with each answer we returned a simple question of our own: "have you called an ambulance yet?" the foul pig said "no" and then said he wasnt going to until we "answered all of his questions." at that moment i entered the lowest point in all of my experience with so-called humanity. the answer is, of course, "D." the only thing that saved my friends lives that night was the fact that the foul pig had radioed for backup. an older cop arrived on the scene just as all my adreneline, the stuff that had allowed me to perform the superhuman feat of walking and talking, wore off. i stumbled up to the old cop as he got out of his car and i fell to my knees. i have no shame in admitting that i cried and begged for mercy. literally, i begged on my knees, bawling like a little boy, and asked this RI state trooper to please call an ambulance. he looked at me, my blood gushing and my shoulder twisted so far in front of me that i could see my own back, and asked the foul pig "have you called it in yet?" when the foul pig starts trying to explain himself by telling the older guy that we were to blame for not answering his questions fast enough, the old guy shot him a look of true contempt. he then mercifully ran back to his cruiser to summon the bone boxes, and effectively saved our lives. whereas the foul pig was, in my opinion, truely hoping for us to die. sorry to be so macabre. i just occasionally get moved to tell this story so i can explain just what the definition of a pig really is. not all cops are pigs, but some human beings can be so foul that it boggles the mind. let me also sum it up by saying that jeff is now happily married with a child on the way and, though he had a couple of seizures related to the accident, is, like the rest of us, doing just fine. pete got reconstructive surgery that put his arm back to normal and is now making a living as a gutarist in a folk band. chris and the driver slowly, but eventually, recovered from their shock. and i-- well, i learned that life is very precious. i live every day as if it is my last. who knows, i could get killed ten minutes after writing this post. in the 10 years since the accident, i have done so much living that if i died today, i would die smiling. i have alot of wonderful people to thank for making my life great, including you guys, the party people, who know that PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, & RESPECT make it so easy to have fun. carpe dium. with P, L, & R, -sirdante ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 09-22-2000).]
  8. RI is the most corrupt piece of shit state in new england. those cops were prob hoping u had a bunch of pills on em so they could sell em themselves. RI sucks ass. unfortunately, im going there tonight! i am plannning on not doing any drugs-- not a plan really, thats typical for me. and i am planning on not even drinking. the place is filled with punk-ass-bitches and punk-ass-bitch-cops who r always looking for trouble. ------------------ i love music!
  9. dont think u r off at all, pretty misskitty. i agree with everything you say 100%. i used to use this stupid game to my advantage and id play like i didnt care about a girl, when actually im quite the opposite. hated doing, but it usually got me what i needed. unfortunately, it got me the wrong type of girls for me. glad ive grown up. still waiting for the single female population to grow up to me. ------------------ i love music!
  10. dude, she just wants attention. its a common prob, apparently esp common amongst many female people in this country. i have met tons of chicks like that. actually, i just broke up with the worst one of em all cause i didnt want to try and play her game anymore. sounds like ur friend wants you to give her attention. she prob has no idea of how much attention she needs, so she will leave it up to you and the other guy(s) in her life to push the limits until she says stop. looks like she enjoys the control and likes the attention. come to think of it... she isnt my ex girlfriend is she?!? if shes like my ex or any of the other friends i have had like this, she is being selfish. simply, she expects to get what she wants, yet has no idea of what she wants. shes got you confused. at the same time she is always confused. i am not saying shes a bad person or anything like that, i am just saying that she is dangerous to you if you keep letting her confuse you. my advice: take control. dont worry about her or her BF or anything. do what makes you feel good. give it a shot, you can not lose a friend bc you express your honest emotions. real friends understand anything. dont be timid anymore. go for it. my *big* advice: you r too nice of a guy (i can tell by your confusion) to get involved too heavily with a girl like this. shell rip you to shreds. she wont mean it, but it will happen. keep the relationship shallow and fun. itll be best for both of you. dont worry about her BF cause hes already in a pitiful situation. i send him my pity here and now, but, trust me, if i cant handle a chick like that, nobody can. hes doomed and you will be too if you step into his shoes. carpe dium. sincerly, sirdante the cynical ------------------ i love music!
  11. dude, i think u *r* talkin bout my ex-GF! i wont impress my cynicism on u anymore. i will, however, offer the following: ----------------- a sirdante metric ----------------- you can measure a persons level of narcissism by the number of shoes in their closet. ----------------- look in her closet dude, if its wall to wall shoes, run faster than you would run if her boyfriend was in there wearing a batman suit. anyway, good luck my man. youve intrigued us all, so pls at least give us a hint as to how the weekend went! ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 09-21-2000).]
  12. follow your conscience man. the hurt that you inflict on the lover(s) that want you all to themselves will eventually curse you. unless its a totally swinging situation you will only invite bad karma. ------------------ i love music!
  13. last time i was at exit i saw two fistfights (and the outfall of three others). should i go sat to see djchris v oasis? i hope not. oasis-- id go with chris on this one. i know what ive seen at exit with my own eyes. its cool that you want to help create a buzz about the place, but theres no need to try to shut up other people who have an opinion. it actually makes your opinion seem weaker. i think theres truth in what both of u r saying. so, can we pls F the drama? ------------------ i love music!
  14. hey party people! heres a dose of old sobering reality. we want to enhance our buzz while these people r suffering. http://www.docnet.org.uk/wwwboard/messages/495.html ------------------ i love music!
  15. morphine is very addictive. but dont fool urself into thinking that any other opiate is any less addictive. heroine morphine oxycotin percs vics codine they are all opiates (as in opium-- the sap of the poppy plant). my friend just got out of rehab. he started with the vics, moved on to the oxy and was smoking 20 bags of heroin a day b4 he ealised he was an addict. BE CAREFUL WITH THAT SHIT! ------------------ i love music!
  16. bacchus smiles on the crazy ol internet: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/inhalants/inhalants_info1.shtml http://www.drugawareness.ie/amyl_nitrate.htm ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 09-20-2000).] [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 09-20-2000).]
  17. sirdante


    dlish must have easily gotten good grades as a college student cause professors love students who blindly take their word as fact. i too took human sexuality and frm the *studies* we looked at (rather than just what our instructor said), there is no clinic proof that it either is or is not urine. the whole discussion is as controversial as the g-spot. ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 09-20-2000).]
  18. save ur last paycheck for the big we-all-got-fired-for-spending-too-much-time-on-the-club-planet-BBS party! im tellin ya, its coming soon. ------------------ i love music!
  19. sirdante

    anyone Crazy ?

    A TRUE STORY FROM THE WILD LIFE OF SIRDANTE: once upon a time i was DJing an after hours party at my good friends house. long after sunrise when the crowd had thinned out and only the most intimate of companions were still around, dj rick kept the vibe alive with the deepest cuts from his vinyl collection. anyway, without giving away too much of my friends personal information, lets just say the party got a bit, um-- roman. being the oversexed freak i am, and considering my ladies for the night were a pair of twins named 1200, i kept spinning right through the bacchanalia-- cunnilingus to italian classical music, coital to hard house, girl-girl and fellatio to the bellagio track. it was a sexual-musical trip. in party times like these, i feel the blood of my roman ancestors coursing strongly through my veins. every time i make love now, i wish i had a DJ or an orchestra to make the soundtrack. music connects us to each other, to our history, and to the common mind. music is the answer and... [see the signature]... ------------------ i love music!
  20. ill take a prudish one to go pls. i love a challenge! once you get the prudes to loosen up they become animals! oh yeah, two sluts on the side and a laid-back one for the weekends. thanx madame kitty. lol. ------------------ i love music!
  21. im on to you people. you soon wont get me anymore: http://www.stopabductions.com/ [how to stop alien abductions] ------------------ i love music!
  22. OK, nobodys helping me. i am starting to get more paranoid. youre all in on this arent you?!? the eco-terrorist hippies and designer drug taking clubbers conspiracy... hmmm... ------------------ i love music!
  23. no! theres nothing wrong w u. its good u know how easy it is to enjoy life. heres some latin-- with a nod to jamjimvin: carpe diem! ------------------ i love music!
  24. i dont need to know him. its a fact that *any* adult male who hooks up with a 13 year old girl is a scumbag. love is one thing; sex is an entirely diferent issue. now, i dont know your situation, but i know alot about the world we live in. i dont want to sound like an old man, but it is simply not possible that you have seen what i have seen or know as much as i know. you are way out of line to even begin to argue with me on this. i am not a big fan of law and order, but there is a *reason* why it is illegal for an adult male to have sex with a non-adult female. i dont care if you didnt ask for criticism of your BF. he is beyond criticism. i am talking more about how guys like him should be punished and listed as sex offenders than about just saying hes a bad guy. the guy is a piece of shit simply because he is 20 and is seducing a 13 year old girl! it is sick, wrong, sinful, illegal, irresponsible, and unethical to have sex with an immature person. ...i call you immature bc you are immature physically, emotionally you could be more mature than many 40 year olds. i dont know you... i personally dont bow blindly to the laws of our government or organized religion or anything like that, but i can tell you that there is *no excuse* for pedophilia and statutory rape. its the lowest of the low. there is little worse on this planet than a pedophilliac. and dont try to BS me with "it just kinda happend by mistake that we even became friends." that doesnt fly with me. i am an intellegent old man who knows that getting laid *never* just "happens." one way or another, without serious chemical or emotional distress, there is time to think about your actions. and if he is going to go through with it, hes a foul canker on the face of life. love can wait, getting off with a 13 year old girl isnt love. its disgusting. you want advice: enjoy your fantasies. theyll enhance the real deal when the time comes. theres no hurry. even more guys will be around when you are 16 or 20 or 50 than when you are 13. please, please, let your fantasies develop for a few more years. i absolutely promise you from the bottom of my good heart and the depths of my maturing mind that each year that you wait will make your adult sex life that much more fufilling. an adults life is different from that of a young adults life. personal and family issues are still with us, just like with you, but there's alot more. ignorance and virginity are two things that all teenagers are in a hurry to lose, but once theyre gone, you will never get them back. believe it or not, many adults miss that bit of ignorance we once had as kids. it is the thing that made us feel so powerful when we were younger. once we became wise to the world, we became a bit sadder bc we realised we werent the immortal and all-knowing teenager we once thought we were. it is almost a forbodding feeling like once you accept adulthood, you accept death. act like a girl, not a woman, cause you *are* still a kid. put off the adult bullshit for as long as possible. have some fun with your girlfriends and let the goofy guys your age chase you around (and damn it, they *need* girls their own age to figure out how to grow up; you owe it to them, theyre just silly human beings too you know). all the kid stuff that you are trying to get beyond is much cooler than putting out for your adult boyfriend. having sex with this guy might make you feel older in many ways, but it is an immature thing to do. becoming older, especially without the perks of going clubbing and having the money to go on vacations and stuff, really sucks. please tell your friend you cant see him anymore. tell him why. he must understand. if you have these urges, you make it too hard for him and you to be friends. i hope he doesnt have the same strong feelings about having sex with you as yo do for him. that would be wrong. if he cares about you he will understand. you two can work it out later, after you both get a chance to mess around some more with people your own age. look, i stayed late at work today to write all of this because i care about people, so i care about you. i think having sex with this guy would be a big mistake. take care. have fun. but please, dont do it. ------------------ i love music!
  25. i dunno about the hippies, man. theyre still out there. everytime i post, refresh a screen, or whatever, i see their website get contacted. i am serious, it happens right before the "contacting raveworld.net" shows up. maybe theyre an advertiser with club planet or something. or maybe they really are tracking me! damn hippies. and you-- "tripinchick!" what kind of hippie name is that? youre one of them, arent you. and youve got that picture of my little blue smiley surrounded by the aliens! arrgh! i was right! it is a conspiracy and rae is in on it! on no! ------------------ i love music!
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