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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. sirdante


    the lesbian at the dildo store in provincetown (thats a gay summer resort/ fishing village on cape cod in MA) always gives this line: "once she buys this, he will only be good for bringing home the batteries." to which, i say "yeah, right!" ------------------ i love music!
  2. glowgirl, looks like the concensus says its cheating. i have to agree. ------------------ i love music!
  3. no you are not sick. religious proscriptions always provide endless opportunities for humor. i mean, no matter how venerable and established your church is, or what cool title of position they bestow upon you, or how much you practice your beliefs, YOU ARE NOT GOD and you have no fucking clue what god wants. i cant believe ppl listen to other ppl who tell them that "god does not want you to masterbate," "god does not want you to eat spicy food b4 bed," and "god says..." what?!? *what* does god say? *where* does "god" say anything!?! you dont know what "god" says! i dont know what god says! shit, if either of us knew what god had to say, we wouldnt be sitting here listening to each other! BTW, for any of you idiots who now want to kill me bc u take this as a personal attack on your god, i would like to point out that i am a deeply religious person myself. i have no prob with *god*. i have a prob w idiotic *ppl*! ------------------ i love music!
  4. and this is supposed to help how?!? "15. Reduce the amount of spices and condiments in your food. Eat as lightly as possible at night." ------------------ i love music!
  5. i bet he also missed the irony of #6: "Never read about your problem." ------------------ i love music!
  6. i love #2: ". Never associate with other people having the same weakness." i guess i have to get away from this board! ------------------ i love music!
  7. "then you will have the strength to resist... any temptations which may come to you." *come* to you. ha ha. that guy *is* funny. ------------------ i love music!
  8. i have never done it. do you mean ppl actually put their mouths down there?!? wow, i might have to try and figure out how to do that! can anybody tell me how? i mean, where do i put my fingers, tongue, etc? ------------------ i love music!
  9. ive been trying to pass on my wisdom. short of becoming a slut myself, its the best i can do ha ha. ive always been able to spot a good lover. isnt it obvious b4 u sleep w them? cmon misskittie, just keep your standards high. this kind of thing shouldnt happen to a hottie like u! ------------------ i love music!
  10. sirdante

    Chain Reaction...

    that was me! i said that. ------------------ i love music!
  11. it was either 1) go to SF with just my exGF or 2) tell her "no way" and stay home. i stayed home. ------------------ i love music!
  12. hey! ur doing it again! i dont want to have to learn russian to follow the soap opera! and whats this about u guys finding dudes? i thought i was ur lover boy. *sniffle* ha ha. BTW how was ur weekend? ------------------ i love music!
  13. *pant* *pant* ------------------ i love music!
  14. arrrghh... my 3+ hour a day CP msg board habit has been replaced by a 10 hour a day work habit. WTF?!? i am now offically overachieving. i want to get out of here and start partying! shit-- is it really only monday?!? ummm... who wants to fuck me? SWM, skilled & unattached seeks rapacious, horney, and lovably fit & attracive sex goddess for a hot quicky. must be at my work in next five minutes cause i cant take it anymore... i am out-of-here. work = arrrghh! ------------------ i love music!
  15. i am so proud of u. *sniffle* i was kind of worried thinking that if you had to ask you prob would never get it. glad you have the natural skills to go along with my lesson plan. keep up the good work and tell her sirdante says "youre welcome!" ------------------ i love music!
  16. u r welcome. i am glad u feel good about ur decision. u sound incredibly mature for a 13 YO. good luck and be careful. guys are pretty sneaky ...umm.. i mean *other* guys, not me ! by "sneaky," i mean guys really get good at the art of seduction. if u feel at all pressured, just take a break and get away for a while. even nice guys get urges that make them try and pressure girls into having sex. i am not saying its right, i am just saying it happens. take care. ------------------ i love music!
  17. i like that word "yet" in there! it indicates an open mind. ------------------ i love music!
  18. *sniffle* i am so ashamed. i just wanted a little love. *sniffle* and some... *sob* some... *sniffle* raunchy, hardcore, down and dirty sex! *sniffle* is that so wrong?!? ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 10-06-2000).]
  19. i am a guy who has done it b4 and had a good time, but i always wondered what *she* thought of *me.* so, heres another question: would u think he was a slut, a creep, a user, and/or a player or would you actually still have respect for the guy? ------------------ i love music!
  20. u dont need luck. just make her smile. ------------------ i love music!
  21. ladies, if sirdante is ever around when such a perverted and disrespectful thing happens, come and get me. i will galdly enforce swift and righteous punnishment on the loser who inappropriately touched u! sometimes violence is a good thing. guys who grab girls are such pussies that my 90 YO grandmother could prob kick their asses! so dont worry, i wont mess up my face in the process. love, -sirdante ------------------ i love music!
  22. hey thats not fair. speak english! the voyers on this board want to play too! ------------------ i love music!
  23. i have *never* thought that. i try not to judge ppl. labelling someone a "slut" is childish and irresposible. everybody has their own mind, they dont need me trying to label them/figure them out, especially if all they do need is sex w me. ive done it, i dont think i am a slut. i have never done it w someone who wasnt at least a friend tho. ------------------ i love music!
  24. i am so clueless sometimes that often the girl *has to* come on to me b4 anything will happen. duh. i wonder how many girls i missed out on bc they mustve thought that i wasnt interested. so, to answer your question i have to say no, it does not turn me off when a girl comes on to me physically. i like a woman who knows what she wants and just goes for it. its flattering and gets us together alot quicker than if i have to make all the moves. ------------------ i love music!
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