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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. i know alot about politics, but i have no clue what to do *with* politics. i mean, its pretty much a waste of time to discuss what goes on in DC and elsewhere. the average person should concentrate on what they know best for the world upon which they can actually have an effect. for example, i could either lobby a politician to make the world a safer and happier place, or i can spend my energy promoting saftey and happiness around me. i think my energy is spent more efficiently when i do something myself rather than when i hope to have it done by some overlord. ------------------ i love music!
  2. no. just an educated anarchist. 5000 years of law and order still hasnt resolved any of the social problems they were instituted to protect. theyve only served to give us a more humane way to be bullied. ------------------ i love music!
  3. calling the US a democracy is correct, but insufficient. we are, as you point out, a republic. another term for republic is "representitive democracy." the confusion comes with the simplified term "democracy" which implies a true democracy. you are correct, true democracy is not the same as a republic, nor as a representitive democracy. obviously i am bored today too. you also might want to look into the term plutocracy, the control of society by the wealthy, which is another applicable term for our republic. for a nader vs gore/ democracy vs plutocracy argument, see http://www.100fires.com/nader/nadervsgore.htm. personally, i like to apply the terms media-ocracy or mediocre-ocracy to our nation. the first implies control by our news media, aka the gatekeepers of information, and the second implies rule by mediocre minds. both are interchangeable. ------------------ i love music!
  4. i... umm... that pic is horrifying! is that something jeffery dahlmer had in his freezer? or is it a lost scene from apocalypse now? yikes. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 11-17-2000).]
  5. CM-- i just got back from sin city and i would go again if i could. good luck! hit a jackpot or something! risa06-- SB? as in south beach? holy s. thats a sinful place too! women should not let their men go alone to vegas and no man should ever let his woman go to SB! have fun you guys. do something sinful for us! ------------------ i love music!
  6. sirdante

    Is it wrong...

    of course its wrong to... [looks at pic] ...um... ...i mean of course you *should* cheat on the little weasel. monogamy is for ugly people! next time you come up north, drop me a line! ------------------ i love music!
  7. maybe its your taste in unbalanced women! jk. not every girl treats ppl that way. just laugh it off-- sounds like her fiancee faces some real trouble for the rest of his miserably married life. she isnt wholesome and faithful, shes selfish. that was rude treament you got there, bub. better luck next time. ------------------ i love music!
  8. awwwwww... hee hee. jk. enjoy urselves! ------------------ i love music!
  9. "what do you do?!?" apparently you brag about it! its tough being a lover boy isnt it? ------------------ i love music!
  10. happy bday! have your woman spank you 28 times! ha ha. ------------------ i love music!
  11. not much longer (i hope) ------------------ i love music!
  12. glad im not the only one who works late! i will see you guys tomorrow! ------------------ i love music!
  13. i went to school for media production. i still dream of owning a movie studio. ------------------ i love music!
  14. what a great cheese song! for some reason i had it stuck in my head when i was in vegas last week! *woof* *woof* ------------------ i love music!
  15. i have been sirdante since the first time i used compuserve waaaaayy back in the 80s. i thought i was the only one. therefore, i was very disappointed when i couldnt get sirdante@yahoo.com for an email addy. i actually figured i must have signed up before and just forgot the password, etc. no biggie right? well... i searched geocities (theyre owned by yahoo now) and found sirdante. and-- this is the important part-- *he* is not *me*. actually, hes some middle aged freak who belongs to a "dungeon" group in minnesota! some of his fellow bondage & deprivation fetishers have their pictures posted and let me say i do *not* want to be associated with these people! i have no problem with kinky sex, its just that all the guys with that *other* sirdante are a bunch of middle aged, balding, fat dudes in leather who look like people i work with! yikes! i am the *real* sirdante. i am not old, fat, nor bald! i dont wear leather (but if i did, no hairy-ass gut would bulge out of it!) heres the funny part: a friend tried to send a very personal and private email to me last week but accidentally sent it to sirdante@yahoo.com!!! now this guy might be a voyeur of my love life! geez, since he needs whips and roleplay to get off, i am sure my genuine sexual activities are giving him a real thrill! freakin internet. ------------------ i love music!
  16. uglypeople.com?!? damn! thats cold. the worst part is that i am LMAO. ------------------ i love music!
  17. you work for IDT?!? those MFers! when am i getting my DSL line?!? i have been waiting since april! IDT blames verizon. verizon blames IDT. i blame misskittie... jk. no wonder you dont mind leaving that company! ------------------ i love music!
  18. in my state (MA) they do *not* have to give a reason or notice or anything like that. my friend just went thru this on monday. she found out by calling the state labor board. call the NY state department of labor (or whatever they call it). ask them to tell you your rights or at least refer you to another source. gl. BTW, if you still want to marry me, i can set u up here in MA after the honeymoon! ------------------ i love music!
  19. i *am* a nice guy and i *dont* get stepped on. i refuse to get stepped on. life is too short to worry about some game that some broad (or dick) is trying pull on you. i just keep on walking. if they stomp on me, theyll miss. ------------------ i love music!
  20. actually, theres usually two ways to enlist. you either go in a month or two or you go ASAP. i had a friend sign up one day and he was en route to boot camp the next! ------------------ i love music!
  21. lola-- come chat w me if u want. i am logged in now! ------------------ i love music!
  22. sirdante


    maybe she is just nervous. has she ever made herself orgasm? ------------------ i love music!
  23. [this thread is on the Boston forum.] http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum2/HTML/000118.html ------------------ i love music!
  24. oooooooOOOOOHHHH-KaaaaAAAAAAAAT!!! ------------------ i love music!
  25. well then, how are we supposed to make sure you swallow? *evil laughter* ------------------ i love music!
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