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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. kathy -- pls check your email. ------------------ i love music!
  2. 'peace on earth and mercy mild. Crackorn and sinners reconciled. joyful all ye slackers rise...' ------------------ i love music!
  3. oops... double post. pls ignore. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 12-22-2000).]
  4. i hope *everyone* has a great time tonight. i am sure you will have a successfully fun night/morning at cream, twilo, and wherever else the party goes. unfortunately, for me, i cant make it. i have changed my plans and cant go to NYC tonight. i really wish i could. i will be there in spirit, missing you all. party on! dance, spread the love, and consume a bit extra just for me pls! happy birthday. peace, -r ------------------ i love music!
  5. what-ev-ah! ------------------ i love music!
  6. he wants sex and doesnt care if he loses a friend to try and get it. what a bum. ------------------ i love music!
  7. no. "best ERA" implies that our pitching does not "suck," does "compare," is not "nothing" without pedro, etc. i brought it up only to address the comments by yanks fans who seem to be under the impression that red sox are a poor pitching team when compared to the yanks. its fine to say the yanks pitchers rule, but its simply not true. ------------------ i love music!
  8. alright. now i am *completely* confused. yanks fans talk about hitting all of the time. i talk about the hard hitting core of the red sox slugging. yanks fans want to talk pitching. we talk pitching, pointing out last years best ERA in the AL. yanks fans want to talk pitching without pedro (which is really a stupid hypothetical-- we *do* have pedro). i talk pitching without pedro. yanks fans want to talk about wins. i talk wins when i mention that we were a mere 2 1/2 games out of first place last season. what do you want? i am talking about baseball right now. by now, i think we all see how important the free-agent dealing in december is to the season. its as much a part of the 2001 season as next fall's home stretch. lets be honest. its nice to assume unchallenged dominance of your home team. however, face the hard evidence to the contrary: the red sox are the #1 contender for the pennant and, therefore, the championship. thats good for sox fans. its good for yanks fans. its good for baseball fans. this season has all of the elements of a great drama in the making. youve got an overconfident world champion, an underestimated contender, and a rivalry older than the long running, soon to end, "curse." ------------------ i love music!
  9. this is about the red sox ERA, best in AL, last season. its from netscape sports: "Contrary to what many think, the Red Sox pitching staff wasn't a one-man show. If Pedro Martinez's numbers are backed out, the Sox ERA rises to 4.67. That still would have ranked fourth in the AL. And it would have been good enough to beat the world champion Yankees' 4.76 ERA." the sox did not lose any key pitchers this off season. the yanks picked up mussina. pedro, wakefield, pettite and hernandez will pitch as well (or better) than ever (while clemmens and a few others on both teams will not). it should be very interesting. the sox out-pitched the yanks last year. they did not lose anyone key on the pitching roster. the yanks picked up a great free agent w mussina, it looks like we might have an even match up. i just dont understand where you guys get the idea that yanks pitching lords over the AL. the yanks pitchers did not come out on top of the stats last year. they *were* key to the playoff victories and that was very important to last years championship. this year, however, i think the yanks need to worry about losing the pennant to the red sox and not even getting a chance to step it up in the playoffs. the addition of mussina merely brings the yanks *up* to the sox level of pitching. ------------------ i love music!
  10. .. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 12-18-2000).]
  11. you might feel better if you stop watching the news. there really isnt as much violence as you think! prior to the industrial revolution, the population of all of north america was about the same as the current pop of NY. with a world population reaching 6 billion, we should be thankful that there arent more violent acts. despite the dramas *created* by the news media, the world is actually a less violent place. use a ratio of individuals to crimes committed as a metric. you can conclude that *right now* is safer than at *any other time* in human history. i hear ya tho. any violence between individuals (unless both party's are willing, IMO) is too much. love is the answer. spread the love. ------------------ i love music!
  12. damn, i wasnt quick enuf. dee beat me to that one. come by my place in the morning. i guess i will settle for sloppy seconds. ------------------ i love music!
  13. when i was a freshman in college, i answered an add to test out a new anti depressant drug. i went to the preliminary interview, figuring on getting paid to take uppers. i was able to convince the researchers that i was depressed (which kind of sucks, bc i dont think i was). anyway, i didnt go thru with it bc i didnt have a car and they needed to see me every other day. it turns out that the drug was a new form of prozac (that never made it to the market). looking back on it, i am glad i didnt do it. prozac fucks with ppl, never mind what the new and unapproved shit would have done to me! for $50 a month its hardly worth it. ------------------ i love music!
  14. haha. same thing happend to me. i asked one girl if she was from clubNYC and she said "no, but i am going really soon." i was stunned. its like we r a famous and really exclusive club or something. she continued, "yeah, i keep saying i need to get back to the gym." so i said, "no! its not a gym! its a BBS on the internet where we... um... meet up with people." and then *she* said "oooooooooooh." like she sort-of remembered that its a mistake to start up conversations with guys who walk around muttering to themself! ------------------ i love music!
  15. sounds like a challenge is being laid down. WHO WANTS TO BE MY DATE???
  16. umm... i take back what i said above about "a great way to make money." if you are bothered by foot fetishers, then i think you should just forget about it. ------------------ i love music!
  17. you need to be much more discreet before you do that. even letting them know the region of the country you are from could be dangerous. some ppl are really whacked. throwing your name, web address, and meetup info on this board has already been a serious breech of security. get a new website and a fake name and start again. then go for it. i did some research on web cams and the ppl who run them. it seems like a great way to make money. you can pretty much pick and choose who you respond to and who you ignore. just always, always, always put personal safety 1st! and PM me, we can talk. some of my friends are going to do this. ------------------ i love music!
  18. i think you just answered uknjx2's question ("what is an orgy?") lol. and you just put *me* in my place. here i was, thinking i *knew* what an orgy was! once again, my "self-fellating" friend, you have expanded my thinking into a whole new realm. ------------------ i love music!
  19. lol. thats funny bc its true. the only time i ever had a prob was one time when i was partying in vegas. ready freddie wasnt so ready. you think the 20-25 cocktails, the valium, the weed, the ecstasy, the percocet, and the ketamine had anything to do with it? but i was so horney! i will never do anything like that again. never, ever again. freddie knows best. which makes me think... hmmm... [mental note to self: remember to stay straight for all after-clubbing orgies. that way, when all my bros are too twisted to perform, i can be the center of every ladys attention! huuuuummmmmMMMUuUUOOOHHHHAHAHAH!] ------------------ i love music!
  20. dont worry misskitte. sex happens. ------------------ i love music!
  21. could you be any more cute? i think im in love! lol. ------------------ i love music!
  22. exactly. princess, go to twilo tonight (and def go to twilo next friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) just stay away from this guy nycedee, hes a bastard jk. BTW, all talk about sex and drugs and stupid drama aside, i think most of us are on this board bc we go to the meetups! i practically have more clubbing friends in NYC now than i do up here in MA! looking forward to meeting you (next friday when we go to twilo!!!!!!!!!!!) watch the board, we always pre-arrainge a meetup. however, top of any hour in the "power bar" at twilo is a good place to go on a friday and mutter, over and over, "club-n-y-c" like a crazy person. you *will* meet people. after meeting the first one or two, i guarantee you wont feel nervous or out of place at all. have fun. see you next week, on friday, when we go to twilo!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ i love music!
  23. its bush's fault. see! see! see! we should have voted for gore. ------------------ i love music!
  24. i wish NYC was 2 hrs closer. i hope i see you guys next weekend!!! ------------------ i love music!
  25. clearly that list has NYC leanings. (and thats not a bad thing). its strange to see those songs on a list from a magazine that can be bought in the checkout line of every grocery store in the USA. does this mean that soon my mom will be hanging out at twilo? what was their criteria? where do they get x2 eminem? ------------------ i love music!
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