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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. yes, unfortunately, i do believe they are a fad (or we could use another word, but lets not argue semantics). the same types of rallies occurred 30 years ago. anti-expansionism/ anti- war movements were more passionate in europe than in the USA and even here they reached a high level of intensity. to all involved it seemed a revolution was inevitable. at that time there were major social, political, and economic stresses. 30 years later, these movements have not made any noticble effective change. the berlin wall fell not because the rising middle and lower classes brought it down but because the governments themselves could no longer economically support the cold war. the generation that carried signs, smoked grass in the park, and advocated free love grew up to become regular moms and dads who vote the same as their parents voted and do not rock the boat. it turns out that most of the ppl involved in the rallies of the 60s were really just young ppl looking for a sex and drugs party as an outlet for their youthful aggression. sad but true. ------------------ i love music!
  2. there will be no big change anytime soon. big changes only come during times of extreme stress. otherwise nothing changes-- ever. the repressed, underprivilidged, and/or middle classes do not move towards upheaval of the system as long as there is food on the table. meanwhile, the status quo is maintained by the elite classes who know that to remain rich and powerful, they must work to keep things the same-- hence, the news media, lawyers, and politicians work seperately, and occasionally even conspire together, towards a common goal of repressing all new ideas. change therefore is subtle. the only real change comes from the individuals. you are absolutely correct, our internet communities exemplify this kind of progressive thinking. but when some of the kids you party with today grow older and have families and careers into which they have invested decades of their lives, dont be surprised to find that nothing in politics has changed. ------------------ i love music!
  3. nobody is wrong. your subsequent regrets aside, you did what you wanted at the time that you did it. get over it, and if the regret is too much to bear, remember to be more discriminating next time. ------------------ i love music!
  4. they dont want ppl taking pictures of anything illegal that might be happening in the club. if you take a camera into any club or bar every sat night, it wouldnt be long before you had a whole album full of shit that you could then use against the club. they are covering their own ass. ------------------ i love music!
  5. some of the nicest and most christain ppl i know are pot heads, loving god and loving nature... christ made wine... the original roman-catholic church and its predecessors incorporated alcohol into all of their most important rituals... however, christ did emphasize the importance of obeying the law. this post therefore actually has some merit as a topic starter for a theological debate. prob theres a better board on the net than CP for such discussion! ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 01-30-2001).]
  6. yes, it was very crowded. i dont think i have ever been to an NYC club that was not crowded-- i only go down for big events. "too" crowded?!? i guess everything is relative. you should have stayed. neaturally, the crowd thinned out as the party continued. i think the first noticable thinning out began just before 7 am. ------------------ i love music!
  7. sirdante

    Again! :(

    you are a liar and that sucks. i hope he dumps you before you start lying to him about other shit. or, better yet, you should grow up and get a clue. if you dont like being caught in your silly little lies, then start telling the truth! when you lie to someone, you are being irresponsible and selfish. even your reason for lying, "i was afraid to lose him," shows that you are selfish. if he is a nice guy, i hope he finds himself a better girl! i am *not* sorry for being so harsh. liars deserve to be alone bc they obviously only love themselves. but, to be a bit more positive, i would like to add the following. you can change and you should be forgiven if you truely do make a change. seriously, make a conscious decision to never lie to anyone you love again. the quality of your life will improve! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 01-29-2001).]
  8. pulling out is almost as reliable as blowing a load as far as trying to *get* pregnant! unless you have practiced taoist ejaculation control, or some other physical discipline, then there is no way to be sure not to spill pre-cum. pre-cum is potent. personally, i have practiced meditations that prevent ejaculation. still, i dont think the pull-out method should be used as the only means of birth control. i came to this realization one night after a bottle of wine made me sloppy and i accidentally lost some pre-come, despite my training. another problem occurs when the woman can not control herself. if she is on top, or you wait too long and she follws your movements with her body, then it might be impossible to pull out before its too late. think about it. shes on top and about to come. you tell her to pull out or try to heave her off of you as you are about to shoot. one or two seconds pass, yet you have just created "junior." pulling out is simply a bad method of contraception. if you want a baby, have a baby. if you dont want a baby, use contraception. either way, if you have sex, be prepared to have a child bc no form of contraception is 100% reliable. ------------------ i love music!
  9. i will be there with a veritable hoard of boston-area ppl. be there around 3AM, trying to beat the line (i hope?) ------------------ i love music!
  10. i think this needs a *bump* to the promoters board. its ok tho, u r dammmmn cute! and the self-promotion is def a good idea. if i lived in NYC, id be there tonight! haha. ------------------ i love music!
  11. that would be a good name for a band. although it kind of steps on the toes of the suicidal tendencies. BTW-- anybody can contact me anytime. seriously, i am a good listener. ------------------ i love music!
  12. if you were to get someone who 1) has good communication skills 2) knows their shit 3) is not working for big $$$ with some global company then you would pay even bigger bucks. its a huge problem in the high tech training/educational field these days. its part of the reason why college, especially graduate work, is moving towards obsolescence (tho i dont mean its currently obsoluete-- a graduate degree in IT will give you a huge jump on your field. GL.) ------------------ i love music!
  13. pls do a "search" on the sex board. you will find exhuastive coverage of this topic.
  14. sirdante


    i dont think it has all that much to do with the sex. i think you are both experiencing a letdown. i mean, you were probalby both driven by your own imaginations. you were probably thinking things like: whats he look like? is he as nice in person? will he think im pretty? etc. when you two finally met, all of that was suddenly lost. i think the sudden loss of your fantasy is what made the realtionship seem to dissolve. good luck. you seem like a caring and thoughtful person. ------------------ i love music!
  15. *falls to his knees* goddess, was it only a few months ago? it seems like years since my eyes, weary from the ugliness of everday life, last saw the suductive charm of your heavenly body and the brilliant light shining from your soliel face. i feel horrible that i have caused you any pain, my love. please do not, however, forgive me quickly. i do not deserve forgiveness. i am a brute, a horrible beast, who invites scorn for his callousness. to know i have hurt you is shame enough to cause me to end it all. i should die, slowly, painfully, and soon. unfortunately, i must live on. it is now my sworn duty to attempt, if at all possible for one as lowly as myself, to compensate for your pain. i can arrive in new york, at your behest, within three hours. you need merely summon me to your side and i will stop all other activities to come to you. my only wish is to be commanded by you, to be your slave, tho i know that i am truely unworthy of any status, however slovenly, in your esteem. so, misskittie kat, for you i promise... ...to do things to you that i wont mention on this board. your most faithful and unworthy servant, -sirdante ------------------ i love music!
  16. oh, no, no, partner. i like your style. in fact, i think the contrast between us will turn on an even greater number of sweeties than both of us working seperately (the whole being greater than the sum of its parts). but, uh... being hopelessly heterosexual i always fear that the "more the merrier" enevitably leads to a sausage party! besides its not my board (i still think of this as PheOniX's board-- go back into the archives, youll see what i mean). keep up the good work, my man. i have to say that i am mightily impressed. its lovely to see our darling miss uknjx2 get this hot and bothered! ------------------ i love music!
  17. sirdante


    you met a guy who wasnt, in your esteem, a real guy at all. he was a fantasy figure for you. you never saw his face, but you trusted him. you say he didnt really turn you on, but you messed around with him. see where i am going? you (and obviously he) had this cool fantasy concept going. it wasnt about just about friendship and/or lust, it was about creating a fully unique relationship experience. you had your fun, he had his. i can tell by the subtext of your words that the charm has worn thin for you. his not calling proves that the charm has worn off for him. you shouldnt feel used. you both had some fun. it prob was getting too much like a normal relationship, or something else that he feels he doesnt need in his life right now. also, since you admit that "sexually... he didnt really do anything for me," then the sexual part was most likely not that good for him either. although ppl often declare otherwise, good sex *is* very important to most men and women. the prob is, as imnikki indicates, you cant go back to the way things were. decide what you want for *yourself* before you "confront" him. its pointless to have a conversation about where the relationship is heading if you dont have a clear idea of what you want for yourself. also, i agree with chillinbeat who says "usually nobody goes 4 months on the phone for a night stand. You should call him and tell him to be as sincere with you as he can be." just be prepared, he might have no clue what he wants either, so you might have to let it drop. ------------------ i love music!
  18. lol. its official, you are now my hero. ------------------ i love music!
  19. thats a beautiful image. i want to be your rubber ducky! *quack* *quack* ------------------ i love music!
  20. sirdante


    had to bump this one back up. i had to bc i was thinking about juicy, sweet, warm, soft, delicate, pink, tender, tasty, inviting, sexy, sensuous... ------------------ i love music!
  21. mr dick, you are stepping on my toes. this was my gentleman-lover's manifesto, not an invitation for lewd commentary! stay on your own side of the board. bad dawg. down. ha ha. oh well, i guess there are plenty of needy, naughty, nymphs for both of us. however, if you are going to operate so close to me, pls notice that i have a lofty level of class, charm, and respect. try to behave or you will scare all of the pretty princesses away. i dont want to settle for just the randy ones-- i want them all! unified with your intent but not your style, -sirdante ------------------ i love music!
  22. oops double post. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 01-11-2001).]
  23. cool. i can take both of you-- one on each arm. nothing wrong with showing up with two ladies for an orgy! ------------------ i love music!
  24. in that case, just for you, i promise to... ...give you a long, deep, sensual massage. ...delight in your presence-- with or without clothes! ...come back some other time if the above fails to put you in the mood. *kiss* ------------------ i love music!
  25. tell me when and where. also, just for you, i would do so much more. for you, i also promise to... ...write reams of poetry describing your incredible beauty and subtly addictive charms. ...not make jokes about you being from jersey. ...take you to an orgy. ...boink like a bunny! ------------------ i love music!
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