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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. stupid exclamations like "suck it bitch" and "your twat feels so good, you fucking whore" are prob out. try being more suggestive and less vulgar. e.g. -- "you look georgeous when you are on top of me like that." -- [whisper] "i cant wait to put my tongue inside of you." -- "you are soooo fucking sexy." -- "can you feel me throbbing inside of you? youve got me so hot i cant hold it much longer. oh my fucking god, you are so georgeous, baby. yeah beautiful, you look so good and feel so incredible, i am just gonna... oh, oh, ohhhh, yeah! oh baby! *whew*" -- and, finally: "i cant believe how turned on i just got by looking deeply into your eyes as i was cumming." oh well. i dunno, i personally dont like to talk that much, but anything is better than, "i love to fuck your hot gash, you cheap skank." HAHAAAhahha. ------------------ i love music!
  2. i have seen some questions on this board lately that i was too busy to answer. recently i had some time, so i will post my knowledge here by attempting to answer the following questions all at once: - can men have multiple orgasms? - can men stay hard after coming? - is there really a way to "hold it in?" depending on how you want to define an "orgasm," it *is* possible for a man to orgasm without blowing a load. depending on how you want to define "multiple orgasms," it is also possible for man to achieve multiple orgasms. finally, there is a whole different kind of male orgasm that, upon discovery, can enhance your love life. the finger pressure method is a definite way to stop a man from ejaculating. however, finger pressure does not really stop a guy from blowing up. it merely blocks the ejaculation flow before the fluids shoot out. by putting pressure on a particular spot (theres a bump under the skin of the perineum approx 1/2 way between the ballsack and the bunghole-- press right behind that spot), you send the flows back to their origins rather than letting them fly. some champions of the method will tell you that use of finger pressure results in less fatigue to the man and even allows him to stay hard for further sex. IMO this is only somewhat true. however, i know from personal expertise that no matter how good you get at controlling your orgasms, once you blow up, with or without shooting your load, you are basically finished. whether you shoot your load or hold it in, you will likely still need to give freddie some deserved rest as a reward for all his *hard* work however, there is some truth in what they say. again, this is merely a personal anecdote, but i have been able to keep it up after orgasm more times by holding it in rather than shooting it out. beyond the finger method, a true student of his orgasm will also learn muscle contraction and breathing techniques. the muscles around the "golden spot" can be strengthened to the point that they serve the same purpose as the finger-- they stop the flow from ejaculating while allowing a man to orgasm in every other way. the muscle technique is very difficult to master. for example, as a guy who is a big-time "shooter," it took sirdante many years of practice before being able to do this and i still cant do it every time. i am not sure, but i think "dribblers" might have the advantage here. moreover, the muscle contractions also require a certain deep breathing technique, which demands serious practice and guidance. i personally recommend the book "Taoist Secrets of Love-- cultivating male sexual energy" by Mantak Chia for help with controlling male ejaculation. to continue towards the "multiple orgasm" question, i want to insist IMO that men can have an internal orgasm that is different from either the regular load blowing and/or the finger/contraction techniques. basically, a man can have an internal orgasm that is the direct result of stimulation, much like a regular, load blowing, orgasm. the man feels euphoria and release. he might even fatigue himself and his tool in the process. however, unlike the regular orgasm, the man does not need to achieve or stop ejaculation. any man who has been aroused near explosion, allowed to cool down, and then aroused again (and again... yeah!) knows this type of orgasm. that moment just before you cannot take anymore teasing, where your head swoons and your body tingles, is what can arguably called an orgasm. in some ways it is more pleasurable than the orgasm itself. however, because most men place ultimate importance on the act of ejaculation, many would argue that this is not an internal male orgasm. yet, somewhere between blowing a load (or blowing it without shooting) and reaching near-climax is the ultimate orgasm for men. its basically the whole point of the taoist practice and finger method. you achieve an internal orgasm, accompanied by all the euphoria and excitement, but you dont actually come (internally or externally). this is *very* difficult to do. it requires the ability to totally blank your mind while simultaneously straining yourself in a way i can best describe by comparing it to doing just one more 90# barbell curl at the gym when you have done so many reps that you feel like your arms simply cant lift another ounce. moreover, with a partner its even tougher. the female energy is incredibly powerful and becomes a difficult distraction-- especially if shes gorgeous! for this reason, the taoists always say its easier to practice with an unattractive woman! finally, besides the incredible personal rewards of all of this effort, theres another important benefit. once you gain mastery over your orgasm, you are able to really feel the energy behind the whole lovemaking process. theres an energy exchange between a man and a woman (the yin and the yang) that you can ride like a surfer on a wave. the practitioner of these techniques will have more awareness of not only his own arousal, but also that of his partner. with circular breathing techniques, a man can actually pull an orgasm out of his female partner while prolonging his own pleasure in the process. i am not trying to say all of this has made me the best lover in the world. however, i do believe these practices have made me a better lover than i was before. if you are serious about these kinds of things, you should look into it further on your own. good luck. ------------------ i love music!
  3. its very rare, but not unnatural. very few women have ever experienced this-- and even fewer men. since the nervous system is interconnected and controlled by that mysterious nerve bundle we call "the brain," you could technically make a girl orgasm just by saying "boo." consider yourself lucky for having been there for this event. and dont get disappointed if you cant repeat it-- ever! ------------------ i love music!
  4. np. i love giving unsolicited advice. it does seem odd doesnt it? but its not. i kno i felt a bit let down coming back to these boards after i started meeting ppl. it was like i was not as free to be uninhibited anymore. once ppl from here met me and my lady it would be rude of me to continue to talk about her and our sex life. ------------------ i love music!
  5. sirdante

    Tug of War...

    the dick pull thing is scary. yet i cant get over the matching white socks and black sneakers. thats really creepy! ------------------ i love music!
  6. seriously now-- unless he has some kind of problem, dont worry about him comparing you to his other girls. hes with you now. those other girls are history! youre his woman and i am sure you rock his world. ------------------ i love music!
  7. well... to get over being shy in the bedroom, talk about what you want to do. like, go on a web BB, a so-called "sex board" where theres ppl you dont really know. just be sure to give *very* graphic descriptions. we want to hear everyth... umm... i mean you should really open up and talk about your fantasies. of course, you never have to do what you talk about, but the talking about it might help unleash your wild side. ------------------ i love music!
  8. youd have to catch him first, pal! gl. lol. BTW, ric is obiously biased towards foreign cars. if you dont mind spending extra cash for the same value, buy a foreign car. however, i promise you theres nothing under $30k that can catch my GTP! ric-- you are right, in american cars the parts drop out. but the lower purchase and maintainence costs combined with the fact that i will replace my stock trannie with a HD custom one will make up for it. the whole cost thing is balanced out one way or another. the automotive industry is very competitive so its really just a matter of preference. if you like mods and the roar of a power plant, get american. if you like fine tuning and the whirr of a well oiled machine, get foreign. also, i want to say, IMO, the new computer driven autos are excellent. i always preferred a stick, but am quite impressed with the automatic in my vehicle. it shifts exactly where i want it to everytime! i have two shift options (normal or performance) at the flick of a button and i can swap out the PCM (programmable computer module) to allow me to downshift from 4-2 or 3-1. ------------------ i love music!
  9. actually, thats more than just a funny statement. if you think about the natural, chemical recations of "love at first sight" you are basically talking about the same thing as ecstasy. when you see a hottie, your brain gets an endorphin boost and your seritonin levels rise, similar to hit of E. of course, follow that brief high with a conversation that hints of a connection, a few dates, some steamy passion, and an eventual feeling of snuggly security and *voila* you have love. appearances *do* matter, and it isnt necessary a shallow thing. you are looking not necessarily for mere picturesque beauty, but also for evidence of other traits that you find important such as intelligence, style, social grace, industriousness, whatever. ------------------ i love music!
  10. yep. unfortunately the general public has an attention span of... about... um... uh... ------------------ i love music!
  11. little green army men, dominoes (to use as forts) and rubber bands (for projectiles). my brother and i spent many happy hours placing our troops, building defenses and then taking turns trying to knock over the other guys men... hmm... i wonder if my bro has any plans for this weekend. ------------------ i love music!
  12. oops "queen" is not right. lol. how about the emporess of exit? thats sounds better any way. ok: risa-> the emporess of exit jammy-> the viscountess of vinyl myst-> the foreperson of the factory later, -r ------------------ i love music!
  13. .. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 04-26-2001).]
  14. i think a standard is better. it keeps you more involved with the process of driving. like the steering wheel and pedals, the stick serves to help make the car an extension of the operator. it only gets boring in traffic jams. ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 04-26-2001).]
  15. funny you three should all be here on this post. next weekend (not tomorrow) we are going to NYC, planning on vinyl on fri and exit/SF on sat. see the irony? jammy is the queen of vinyl! lola is the queen of exit! myst is the queen of SF! ------------------ i love music!
  16. well technically you are correct. however, now that the *supreme* court of the land has passed down its *ruling*, things have indeed changed. with this ruling, a cop no longer has to think twice when arresting someone with probable cause. before, when making such arrests, the police and the DAs would want to be *very* sure they had a criminal on their hands. now, the following hypothetical scenario has no legal ambiguity: - you are driving a vehicle with a bumper sticker that says "WARNING: NYPD cops are hazardous to your health" or some other equally protected free speech statement. - a cop, who doesnt agree with your politics, pulls you over for a minor infraction, such as "failure to stay in marked lanes." (perhaps you crossed the middle line while trying to avoid the cop car that was illegally parked in the road). - you have a brand new hemp hat on, are burning hemp fuel in the engine, and have hemp seat covers, but have never smoked a joint in your life. (you are one of those of *crazy hippies*). - the cop says he smells marijuanna, you insist its just the nifty, new "hemp saves" air freshener, but he pulls you out of the car anyway. - after searching the car and finding nothing, the cop still has probable cause to suspect that those new hemp seat covers are really an ingeniously devised way to smuggle a half a bale thru the the 5 burroughs. - while your car is taken to "crime lab," you are arrrested and held in jail for 48 hours. - two days later, you are released and your car is returned to you. no charges are filed as no crime was commited. have a nice day, "citizen." - the only way for you to avoid arrest and detainment in the above situation is to change your political behavior. so much for free speech. ------------------ i love music!
  17. hi. ------------------ i love music!
  18. the only reason i brought this up is bc of what i read on this board. i hear about selfish lovers. i hear about the "one pump chumps" or the girls who look good but are basically stiffs in the sack. yet, when i go to a club, it seems that *everybody* is always after the *hottest* POA in the room. personally, even for just a hookup, i dont consider that a good idea. i was wondering if it ever crosses anyone elses mind to not even look at the "perfect" 10s. i dont. i am rarely attracted to the hottest woman in a room bc i know that to look so stunning she is prob too self absorbed. i guess nobody disagrees!? ...or, more likely, nobody who disagrees has bothered to read my long-winded post! ------------------ i love music!
  19. sirdante

    Vegas Q

    you wont get robbed! even the casinoes who take all your money are not "robbing" you, bc you willingly give them your money. vegas is relatively safe place considering its size and #s of ppl. when you go, have fun. just remember that you can do pretty much what you want as long as you are gambling and drinking. there *are* underground parties and after hours (search the NYC board for "vegas"), but for the most part, any drug use other than alcohol abuse is *not* accepted nor tolerated. those cowboys have strict laws against marijuanna and everything else imanginable. so if you do do drugs -- BE CAREFUL! babys, ra, and club rio are all decent regular nightclubs. you typically get LA or LA-styled DJs. afterhours does happen, but i havent been there in a while, so i will let someone else inform about the latest and greatest parties. if you like sports betting, go the bellagio. its a class joint. at 8 to 1 or 7 to 1, bet on the red sox to win the series. the 2 to 1 on the yanks is a suckers bet. (sorry, i had to add that). the bellagio is also good for poker, the mirage too (but there are alot of sharks at both places). the horseshoe and the orleans are the only poker rooms that give food comps (discounts, line passes). just ask the floor man. for table games, any of the major casinos will give you good treatment. the odds are the same everywhere and they make enough money that none of them will ever attempt to rip you off. if you want a prostitute, leave town. there are a few brothels about 1 hour outside of town. its ridiculous to get arrested, ripped off, and/or diseased within city limits for something that you could have done safely down the road. a few years ago, i went out to vegas with a friend of a friend who payed $200 for a hand job from a hooker at the rio. he paid her and brought her back to his room and because he had been drinking, he couldnt get it up. so, after five minutes of touching his limp dick, she left. id imagine two bills would have gotten him some better treatment at a brothel like the Chicken Ranch. the Crazy Horse Too is the best strip club. stay away from any seedy looking strip club (or any other off the beaten path bar) as those are for the locals. as with any tourist town, locals dont appreciate having "their" place invaded by some out of towner who thinks he can hang. if you are a white tourist walking into a place thats only for mexican locals (or visa versa), then... well... go with god, my friend. wherever you go, dont be afraid to ask about free stuff and line passes. asking a dealer if you get free drinks might bring a chuckle (drinks are free for players just about everywhere), but not asking means you will sometimes uselessly pay extra and wait in line for things. also remember to splash tips around. most ppl in town work for tips and throwing a few dollars, a five spot, or a twenty is the vegas way. also, the cabbies are generally fairly straight-up and are busy enough that you dont have to worry about them ripping you off. theres also a bunch of other stuff. try the space shot at the needle or the roller coaster at NY NY. if you like meat, eat out at a brazilian place called Ulees. if you like mexican, go to Albertos (its accross the stip from the Stardust, in the second floor of the red strip mall). have fun. good luck. and if you are used to places like twilo, SF, etc, dont get too excited about the nightclubs. they are fine fun, but nothing spectacular. ------------------ i love music!
  20. i think narcissists make lousy lovers. when i say "narcissists" i am referring to the people who spend all of their free time in the gym, at the hairdressers, in electrolosys, in a tannning booth, at the shopping malls, on the stage at a nightclub, or on the phone with their friends talking about working out, tanning, shopping, and nightclubbing. pls dont get offended if you think i am talking about you. i am probably not. most ppl in our scene maintain ourselves by working out, tanning, etc. we can look good, have social grace, yet not become totally shallow and self absorbed. the kind of person i mean is the one who obsesses about their physical and social *appearances*. these ppl value skin deep beauty over anything else and use social interaction primarily to satisfy their emotional need for attention. there are plenty of ppl like this in our scene and you may, in fact, be one of them. i dont want to put anybody down for being different from me. i am not suggesting that the lifestyle of the narcissist is somehow inferior to my geeked-out existence of computers, books, and the occasional bit of fresh air and exercise. i am only wondering what everyone here thinks of the narcissist as a lover. does their excellent physical appearance make up for their generally shallow character? i know its enjoyable to get down with someone who is totally georgeous, but ultimately, would you prefer to have a person who gets more pride from pleasing you than they get from putting together a stunning outfit? is the "perfect 10" who lets a bad hair day ruin their libido really a good lover? ------------------ i love music!
  21. heres my response to my own survey 1) D 2) A 3) A (i guess i am a regular person here, but i have also enjoyed gangbang and orgy videos.) 4) C (mmm.... pretty girls giving blowjobs.) 5) J (again... mmm... pretty girls giving blowjobs) ------------------ i love music!
  22. .. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 04-23-2001).]
  23. please respond to the following questionaire. this is a survey being conducted by sirdante for personal and perveted use only. ----------- which of the following best describes you. please read all answers to each question before making your choice. feel free to give a brief explanation for any of your answers. if you are unfamiliar with any of the terms contianed herein, please search the sex boards, we have pretty much defined every sex act known to man in some of our posts! QUESTION #1 -- what is your perferred type of porno? (choose only one) A) i prefer "soft porn" (i.e. nudity and sexual situations only) to pornography that shows penetration and/or close ups of genitalia. like soft porn and "mild hardcore" porn that includes penetration and close-ups, but nothing as extreme as anal sex or gang bangs. C) i like only mild hardcore because soft porn bores me and really hard porn is too much. D) i like all porn, hard, soft, or otherwise. E) i only like hardcore! F) i do not enjoy pronography. [you may skip the rest of this questionaire] QUESTION #2 -- which sexual preference do you prefer in porn? (choose the one that applies the most) A) i prefer porn where guys only get with women but women may get with guys and/or women. i prefer totally straight porn where guys only get with women and women only get with guys. C) i prefer porn with men only, no women. D) i prefer porn with women only, no guys. E) i prefer porn where guys get with anybody and women get with anybody. F) i prefer porn where women only get with guys, but guys may get with women and/or guys. QUESTION #3 -- what is your preferred combo? (choose the one that applies the most) A) i prefer watching one-on-one and/or one-on-two sex. i prefer orgy porn with four or more people getting it on. C) i prefer gang bang (and/or reverse gang bang) porn with one or two people getting fucked by three or more partners. QUESTION #4 -- what is your favorite regular flavor? (choose the one that applies the most) A) coital anal C) oral D) hand jobs and/or sex toys QUESTION #5 -- what is your favorite kink? (choose the one that applies the most; plese dont kill the messenger if any of these offend you) A) i like home-video/amateur porn. i like voyerism (hidden-camera, spy cam, webcam). C) i like B&D (bondage porn with masters and/or mistresses and slaves engaging in relatively straightforward acts). D) i like S&M porn that mixes hard core sex and painful violence. E) i like asian porn. F) i like latin porn. G) i like black porn. H) i like "jungle" porn featuring black men "taking advantage" of white women. I) i like cumshots. J) i like facials. K) i like blow job videos. L) i like japanese porn where a group of guys have a circle jerk, shooting on a woman in the center. M) i like ass worship porn. N) i like foot fetish porn. O) i like tit fucking porn. P) give me tiny titties. Q) give me massive mammaries. R) i like teeny weenies. S) i like seeing huge dicks. T) i like porn featuring transexuals. U) i like porn featuring pregnant women having sex. V) i like porn featuring pregnant women lactating. W) i like fat porn. X) i like mature (old folks) porn. Y) i like hirsuite (really hairy chick) porn. Z) i like midget porn. AA) i like porn featuring ppl with various disabilities. BB) i like golden showers in my porn. CC) i like feces and shitting in my porn. DD) i like porn featuring men or women in military and/or other uniforms. EE) i like porn featuring women dressed as schoolgirls and/or french maids. FF) i like porn featuring lolitas (young or young-looking girls) GG) i like beastiality. HH) i like anime (cartoon) porn. II) i prefer written porn. JJ) i like unmentionable sex acts that i prefer not to discuss because of the percieved immortality and/or illegality of such acts. (eg. snuff porn, rape porn, kiddie porn, etc). KK) call me a super freak: i like all kinds of kinky porn! LL) call me straight-up: i dont like any kinky porn. MM) call me a private person: i like kinky porn, but i refuse to share with all my friends at CP. NN) i like another type of kinky porn not mentioned above [please specify]. ------------------ i love music!
  24. i have been on this board for over a year. in that time i have read 100s of drama posts about how "twilo is whack" or "SF sucks." i never understood any of them. any warehouse sized, open-all-nite-and-day, top NYC DJ featuring, alcohol serving, party promoting nightclub is at least as good as any other one, IMO. i am glad to see misskittie had a good time at SF. you are too diverse and intelligent to limit yourself with prejudice. (i got that off of a fortune cookie). ------------------ i love music!
  25. you must hate your heart. ------------------ i love music!
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