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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. guys are (generally) straightforward. when we ask "do u want to go out fri. nite?" we mean "do u want to go out fri. nite?" and we expect "yes" to mean "yes" and "no" to mean "no." hard to get should only be used as a tease when all parties are sure you are gonna give it up anyway. i think that applies to guys as well as girls. the thrill of the hunt is terrific, and it should be savored. but you can prolong the thrill without saying something like "maybe" when you mean "yes." if mindy uses that second line she better not be surprised to find herself saying "oh mark is such a loser, hes out banging some local bar slut this weekend after he asked me out." maybe mark didnt want to wind up banging the local bar slut. maybe he would have prefered to romance the lovely mindy for some long term relationship. but if mindy's silly game sends mark down the path of least resistance, who can really blame him? ------------------ i love music!
  2. *YAWN* hmm... i dont think any of the following players were around in 1918: - nomar "batting champ" garciaparra - pedro "cy young" "lowest ERA" "etc" martinez - manny "most coveted offensive player in the AL" ramirez but maybe roger "i spent my best years in boston" clemens and paul "i use to be somebody" oneil were, i am not sure. ------------------ i love music!
  3. ooops... i guess i used the wrong posessive pronoun. i meant to say "how much more fun it is to be a fan when *my* team is #1" i said "your" team... you remember easily, but its been a while since i have had confidence in *my* team (my team being the sox). ------------------ i love music!
  4. whats your prediction for this weekends series with the bo sox? will the sox take the series 2-1 or do you think we will come down there and sweep the stadium clean, 3-0? which is it? ha ha. i am starting to remember how much more fun it is to be a fan when your team is #1. *thpppthhhh* ------------------ i love music!
  5. what a laugh riot this post is! the two crusty old club gods teaming up to beat down the newbie. what are we thinking? sending gravity and p00h out as our welcoming party? are we trying to be a private club? hahhahaaa. ------------------ i love music!
  6. jammy rules! ------------------ i love music!
  7. sirdante


    guess i havent missed much around here. *yawn* so... who wants to fuck me? ------------------ i love music!
  8. sirdante


    this question keeps coming up again and again. plus there are many newbies to the sex board. therefore i have *bumped* this back to the top again. i would hate to see it get lost in another server purge. naturally, i would prefer not to be so self promoting, but its a sacrifice i must make for all of the ladies... BTW, there was a response to this post. our fearless young hercules turned out to be a natural talent and had no problems on opening night. i assume things are still going well for the lad. ------------------ i love music!
  9. "well, actually, i am not really into all that religious stuff. maybe you could start by showing me something a little more... easy." ------------------ i love music!
  10. i think its bc younger girls are generally in better physical shape. personally, i am not especailly attracted to younger women, but i think thats bc all the women i know are fit & georgeous. ------------------ i love music!
  11. this isnt "am i hot or not?" wheres the nudie pics? damnit! lol. cute pics babe. the glasses give you that pretty librarian look: sirdante: excuse me, miss, where can i find books on the kama sutra? [cue music] *chick* *chick-a* *buwaaaa* *noot* ------------------ i love music!
  12. the speakers in the back are still swinging around and the DJ keeps the mix going. thats funny as hell. ------------------ i love music!
  13. andre the giant. nicest guy on the planet *and* he was in "the princess bride." may he RIP... ------------------ i love music!
  14. good point. i agree. individuality is the key to it all. thanks for your thoughtful response. ------------------ i love music!
  15. femininity died with chivalry. actually, it didnt die. it was killed. ppl, with their never ending delusion that change equals progress abandon traditions bc their ego tells them that they have become enlightened. PC and the mccarthy-like persecution of anyone deemed sexist is real trouble for ppl like me who hold dear to the values of their forefathers. IMO, being a lady and being a gentleman is a fine way of life, even in the 21st century. men and women are *different*. whats wrong with expressing themselves in a feminine or masculine manner to show off these differences? if you are secure with who you are as an individual, then why challenge who we are as a gender? cant we reconcile the problems of sexism without denying ourselves of the pleasure of variety? whats the ideal of this movement away from gender distinction? isnt there a better way to resolve "gender issues" than by removing the spices that flavor our society? are we looking forward to a grey colored world filled with asexual, boring but enlightened, freaks? ------------------ i love music!
  16. fuckin-A hillarious. i was laughing until i realized that its simply not fair that i have no free time, and they obviously have waaaAAYYYY too much. ha ha. ------------------ i love music!
  17. sirdante is a pagan. i am a true believer in the pagan traditions of my roman ancestors and of their more innovative western predecessors, the greeks. whereas many of us typically take the ethnocentric view that we are, of our own free will, enligtened *beyond* any religion, and most of the rest of us assume that we are, of our own free will, enlightened *by* a religion, every human knows that they do not properly comprehend the forces of the universe. to accept a statement like "400 billion years ago, the universe was a mass of gasses without life" requires the same leap of faith as accepting that "once upon a time the invisible man in the sky spent a whole day planting all of the trees on the earth." every "conclusion" we make is based on *faith* in the valiidity of our own system of thought. using thought to prove the accuracy of itself is paradoxical and therefore not provable. moreover, without first hand experience, there isnt even a simple validation of anything. none of us were here 400 billion years ago. none of us can say we watched the invisible man plant all of the trees or we saw a great big bang commemorate the start of our universal timeline. the only thing we can honestly claim for sure is that we do not properly understand anything. for example, we can not say we know for sure that the universe has a beginning, because we have no solid proof that we actually know how to conceptualize time. the buddhists say that all of our concepts and every one of our thoughts are false. perhaps they are wrong. or you could say they are right because you can not prove otherwise. therefore, i feel that a worship of the spirits of song, wine, love, etc, is as valid of a religious system as any. why is it, if we can not even validate our own system of thought, that we can regard an aethistic or monotheistic faith as superior to my claim that i am a high priest of bacchus? at least my practice breeds nothing but love. so, pls raise your goblets (or pop your pills). bacchus smiles on you this day, my party people. let the spirits drive you in 4/4 time to the true realization that the answers to all of the questions of life are not the business of mortal men. lose the blasphemy, stop the hubris, and get over yourselves, people! god, science, my house cat, enlightnment, ignorance, and everything else does not require your approval. ------------------ i love music!
  18. lol. love the replies. she set herself up for those! and, lips, youre the one with the web cam. so how about it, huh? show us something! you show me yours and we will show you ours! ------------------ i love music!
  19. she was thinking: "i am a slut, i love cum, and i am gonna blow a bunch of drunk slobs at mardi gras." BTW, is that illiana?
  20. i used to know a girl who could do that even better. she could get her head all the way back past her knees, while standing up even! guess what her nickname was ...?
  21. she ought to b ready. shes a butter face! as in "nice ass, but her face..." however, i think the fuck-me-now look kind of makes up for her visage. ha ha, jk, shes not that bad. ------------------ i love music!
  22. OK, fine. but if you chicks are gonna start wearing those crazy huge shoulder pads again, then this 80s thing must go and go now. ------------------ i love music!
  23. lol. i "pop up" everytime i think of you darling. ooops... i forgot: this isnt the *cough* sex board. ------------------ i love music!
  24. yes, but not in a long time. ------------------ i love music!
  25. i am going to antigua. there are no night clubs there, only bars, so i dont really need club reference. however, does anybody have any advice about rum, cigars, other drugs, hiking, biking, diving, or anything else that might help a first time carribean traveller and fellow club planetarian? thanks. ------------------ i love music!
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