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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. no doubt. this urban legend has been around since they first invented cameras. ------------------ i love music!
  2. sirdante

    OMG NO WAY!!!

    a silly pic deserves a silly song: *la la la* the dick bone is connected to the ball bones. the ball bones are connected to the sack bone. *la la la* ------------------ i love music!
  3. yeah the bday thing is tough. however, dont take it so seriously. as she tries to get on with her life, she simply forgot (consciously or subconsciously) to remember your bday. BTW, its unanimous. let her go. she has moved on, now its your turn. dont get depressed either. you know it will be exciting to date new women. as long as you are confident, happy, and *over* the ex, you have nothing but great fun ahead of you. in our scene (clubbing) and with the internet (and BB communities like this one) i guarntee that any sane, happy dude will have enough female prospects to make you say "who?" when someone mentions your ex. ------------------ i love music!
  4. are you male or female? either way, the only way to gain weight without gaining fat is to gain muscle mass. muscle is heavier than fat, but is more important for overall tone (and body health!) forget taking weight gain fuel and shit like that. what you need to do (and you know what you need to do, we all know what we need to do) is to work out!!!!!!! go to a gym and get a membership. every gym offers some personal training with a new membership (mine for example gives 1 training session per week included in the monthly fee.) get your body fat % analyzed, set some goals for yourself, hit the weights, and stick to your regimen. expect to get your ideal results after several months of hard work. if you want a simple solution, then just stop worrying about it. otherwise get ready to *work* out. ------------------ i love music!
  5. here are some shots i recently had developed. i own the copyright to these. i have others from this shoot but i am only posting these on the internet bc my subjects face is not in these shots. these photos have not been retouched yet. the woman is georgeous. the island is beautiful. what do you think of my shots? ------------------ i love music!
  6. lol. yep, ive been there. i couldnt believe it! the first time this one girl gave me a slop job, i thought she was just too drunk, then there was a second time... after that its like "hey! can i just stick it in your ass instead!" HAHAHAHAHAHA! ------------------ i love music!
  7. *ALERT!* *WARNING!* STUPID DRAMA POST!! WHY DO I THINK ITS STUPID?! HERES WHY: bc any DJ you bash here is better than you are. if they werent, you wouldnt bash them. if you think "weeeell, im not a DJ so i dont care if they are better than me," then you all really need to STFU, bc your opinions mean shit. THERE, HOWS THAT FOR DRAMA. now STFU. ------------------ i love music!
  8. thx. i put out two search agents from that site. lets see if they can find it for me. in the meantime, if anyone else wants to sell me a copy, i have $$ for vinyl. party on! ------------------ i love music!
  9. does anyone know where i can get a 12" of annahillate (major north)? its one of those tracks i always meant to get, but never did. tho we still hear it everywhere, all of the time, i still like this song. can anyone help? pls? ------------------ i love music!
  10. sirdante

    The Bases....

    what makes you think you were such a good girl? youre naughty now, so you were probably naughty then. besides, its remedial school. you still qualify for a few lessons. ------------------ i love music!
  11. actually, they r worse than useless. when u stop taking them, u have an even greater chance of getting pregnt! ------------------ i love music!
  12. sirdante

    The Bases....

    sirdante's school for bad, bad, bad girls. ------------------ i love music!
  13. Fuck you Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language today is the word "Fuck". It is one magical word which, just by its sound, can describe pain, pleasure, love and hate. In language, "Fuck" falls into many grammatical categories. It can be used as a verb, both transitive (John fucked Mary) and intransitive (John fucked). It can be an active verb (John really gives a fuck) or a passive verb (John was fucked by Mary), or an adverb (Mary is fucking interested in John), and a noun (Mary is a terrific fuck). It can be used as an adjective (Mary is fucking beautiful). As you can see, there are a very few words with the versatility of "Fuck". Besides its sexual connotation, this incredible word can be used to describe many situations: Greetings: "How the fuck are you?" Fraud: "I got fucked by the car dealer." Dismay: "Oh, fuck it!" Trouble: "Well, I guess I'm fucked now." Aggression: "Fuck you!" Disgust: "Fuck me." Confusion: "What the fuck...?" Difficulty: "I don't understand this fucking business." Despair: "Fucked again." Incompetence: "He fucks up everything." Displeasure: "What the fuck is going on here?" Lost: "Where the fuck are we?" Disbelief: "Unfuckingbelievable!" Retaliation: "Up your fucking ass!" Confused Aggression: "How the fuck should I know?" It can be used in an anatomical description - "He's a fucking asshole." It can be used to tell time - "It's five fucking thirty." It can be used in business - "How did I wind up with this fucking job?" It can be used to command silence - "Shut the fuck up!" It can be maternal - "You Motherfucker." It can be political - "Fuck Tip O'Neill!" And never forget General Custer's last words: "Where did all them fucking Indians come from?" Also, the famous last words of the Mayor of Hiroshima: "What the fuck was that?" And, last but not least, the immortal words of the Captain of the Titanic who said: "Where is all this fucking water coming from?" The mind fairly boggles at the many creative uses of the word! How can anyone be offended when you say "Fuck"? Use it frequently in your daily speech; it will add to you prestige. Today....say to someone: "Fuck you" ------------------ i love music!
  14. i like the trick where you do the following: 1) take the name of your first pet. 2) take the name of the street on which you grew up. 3) put them together. i am therefore the porn star known as... caeser bass! ------------------ i love music!
  15. sirdante

    The Bases....

    1st base -- oral sex 2nd base -- coital sex 3rd base -- anal sex home run -- complete domination ------------------ i love music!
  16. sirdante

    Home video

    if you want to do the hand held technique, its gonna look pretty crappy without a steady cam. rent some of 1st person BJ pornos to get an idea of what you can do with hand held camera and porn. real movies are made in takes and then edited. you will do a set up (lights, camera, props, scene, talent, etc) then run throught the scene. then you will switch the camera and do the scene again from a different perspective. also, you will want a "cover shot" of the entire scene from a 3rd, long shot, camera angle. with at least three different perspectives of the same scene (acted out at least three different times) you should have enough material to edit together one continuous scene. with lighting remember theres 3 points. theres the key (main, primary) light, back light and a fill light. for continuity, you should set up your lights so that they work with all of the different takes. when switching camera angles, remember the 180 degree rule. dont expect to edit together two shots that come from different sides of the same subject. keep the camera on the same side of the subject (within a line of 180 degrees) or you wont be able to edit the scene smoothly. all of this advice is basic studio instruction. get a book on the subject if you are serious about making a movie. otherwise... just set up your camera on a tripod, press record, and fucking go nuts. ------------------ i love music!
  17. sirdante

    Orgasm question

    relax. there is *nothing* wrong with you. some women never have *any* orgasms with their partner. be grateful for what you do have. most women do get off primarily with clitoral orgasms. coital (socalled "g-spot") orgasms, are far less common. theres really not that much difference between the two. you should not get frustrated by only experiencing one. want some advice? relax. enjoy yourself. if you want to keep trying for the elusive coital orgasm, go ahead and keep trying. read books on tantric lovemaking. practice the various positions. i am sure your BF wont mind. also, i think you can have alot of fun researching and expirimenting. dont get jealous by what some other chicks can do. just keep exploring your own sexuality. ------------------ i love music!
  18. i... am... soooooo... pissed... offfff... right... now... jk. have fun you bunch of freaks! i will be there in spirit. peace, lust, and happiness, -sirdante ------------------ i love music!
  19. i know. sorry. i really have to learn to STFU. ------------------ i love music!
  20. more than 3, but heres the bare minimum: honesty creativity intelligence energy ------------------ i love music!
  21. hey! you "didnt wanna post this on the sex forum" because you already "know" our answers. so mister smarty pants, why should we reply now? ------------------ i love music!
  22. actually, you said it better bc you used fewer words. i really have to learn how to make shorter posts! ------------------ i love music!
  24. i hope i am not starting an argument, but you said you want to know what we think, sinergygrl! IMO, i think you are full of it! are you really trying to tell us that you have ever been satisfied merely "to impress someone with [your] natural self?" what about first impressions? you dont care about making a good first impression on ppl? suuuuuurre you dont! i have known ppl who truly follow the "natural self" philosophy you espouse and i dont think any one of them would fit into the glitz and glamour of the club scene. if you honestly believe that ppl "should love every little natural thing" about themselves, then we should assume you have leg and armpit hair, long dreadlocks, and you only wear clothes and clip your fingernails for practical reasons. drawing lines that you wouldnt cross and saying everything on your side of the line is ok, while everything on the other side is "fake" is a good way to hurt someones feelings, but not good for much else. ------------------ i love music!
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