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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. haha. yep, i had to go search to find that. heres the one i was really looking for (and i am amazed at my memory for even remembering it at all!) THREAD "weed sucks" http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40696
  2. "fun fun fun 'til her daddy takes the e-bird away"
  3. cool. have a fun bday. BTW, i have always been a big fan of t ryan (i think i gave him unsolicited praise on this board a few times). now, i am gonna have to put together a mix tape. it would be a true fuckin honor to open up for spin cycle!
  4. ok. heres ur question: - do *you* know how to eat pussy?
  5. are you joking? theres plenty of casual sex in our scene! sociologically speaking, casual sex, like drug use, is an accepted norm of our subculture. do you really think that the big talkers around here (tastyt, mrdick, myself, etc) are not getting any?! damn, if i wasnt getting any, last thing id do would be to sit around on a computer and talk about sex. the first thing to do is go out and find some!
  6. thx for the props. BTW, i (naturally) love your avatar pic.
  7. ive been thinking a bit more about this. mrdick is right when he says "that if you have to worry about not touching the other girl, or making sure of completely equal attention or any number of rules, then you aren't ready." you might do yourself a favor by telling your girl that youve always had the fantasy, but that, after thinking it through, you wouldnt want to share her with anyone else. seriously, the rewards you will reap from keeping the relationship exclusive will prob outweigh the bit of fun you have with two chicks in the sack. personally, i have been in plenty of sexual situations, and IMO the absolute best of all is plain old one-on-one scromping. i think most ppl agree. moreover, unless you are in some wild swinging situation (a la our own mrdick here) you are *not* going to have your fantasy fulfilled. what i mean is, even if your girl brings home a smoking bisexual hottie for you to play with, you are not gonna just sit back like a shiek getting the harem treatment from these two ladies. you will spend alot of time watching and waiting for your turn.
  8. sirdante

    Anal Sex

    u have such a fine way with dirty words. tastyt, have i told you lately that i love u?! hahaha.
  9. i love baseball. so i would be happy to see the series go to 7 games.
  10. sounds like a fucking nightmare, bucko... lol (check my location). but have fun at the game. good luck to your team.
  11. dude, listen to sirdante. have the threesome, but *dont touch the other girl*. get it? *dont touch the other girl*. you are here asking our advice, so its obvious that you dont think your GF is totally 100% into this for her own sake alone. you will not be in charge of this situation at all. this might be your fantasy, but if you dont want any probs with jealousy, let your GF be the boss. if your GF is into this, then go for it! have fun, but listen to sirdante... *DONT TOUCH THE OTHER GIRL!!!* listen! let your GF go crazy on the other girl. let the other girl go crazy on your GF. just keep to yourself, or maybe get close to your GF when the opportunity presents itself. back off your GF when you start to get in the way (and you will get in the way-- even women who have no emotional attachment to you or each other will start getting jealous and shit). finally, and most importantly, dont touch the other girl!
  12. the street you heard about is lansdowne street, down by kenmore square and the fens. one side of the street is lined with nightclubs, the other side has the green monster of fenway park. avalon is the nightclub you want. axis also has decent tunes, but is smaller/dirtier. other clubs are scattered throughout (or outside) of the city. near the commons is a place called the alley that has several clubs and the roxy, another big club like avalon only less updated. http://www.bostonclubs.com/ http://www.411nightlifeonline.com/ -- good info, decent msgboard http://www.soundfactoryboston.com/ -- check out the board here too
  13. my great GPs (P = Paternal, M = Maternal): PPP - portugeuse PPM - portugeuse PMP - portuguese PMM - portuguese / spanish (basque) MPP - italian (roman) MPM - italian (sicilian) MMP - french / canadian (inuit) MMM - french
  14. sirdante


    ummm... pls dont play doctor. the last thing you need is more drugs! sure u can take paxil and valium to help keep you from being so sketchy from all the E and C. yep, you can take viagra to overcome the impotence caused by all the pills. whatever. however, you really need to take the healthy route for a while. plan 12 weeks of working out, hiking, biking, fucking, and drinking nothing but water, protien shakes, and the occasional fruit juice. LAY OFF THE FUCKING DRUGS, MAN. your anixety can develop into more serious mental illness if you dont take care ASAP!! you have to decide. what do you want more... good party drugs ...or good health? from what you describe, it sounds like your body and mind are both trying to tell you something. sounds like your spirit needs some serious picking up. drugs alone do *not* lift the spirit and will bring you down if the rest of your life feels like it is going down. i highly recommend the gym-- especially since there are usually hot girls there. get into a routine, everyday and give up all the chemicals for at least 3 months. sincerely, your witch doctor, -sirdante
  15. i was a comm/media major. so, personally, i would do a critical analysis of *how* the news gets us to watch. if you want to write about current events, you could research what the news did during the last war (gulf war) and make comparisons to what is happening today. alternatively, u might take it on from a psychological angle. research the psychology of fear and use ppls fear of the unknown to explain why we seek answers from the newsmongers. what ur major? what class is it for? you can never go wrong by using the angle of ur major (for example, if you are a psych major, do this paper on psychological implications). this is my best advice for anyone in college-- by always doing papers from a similar angle (that of your chosen major) you will, over 4+ years, have many papers that can be reused and rewritten for many different classes. e.g. when i wrote history papers, i always examined the role of the news media in events (bc i was a comm/media major). by my senior year, i had used one term paper (the history and message of 1930s bauhaus art) for four different classes!
  16. if u buy used, you could get two 1200s for under 500.
  17. DIONYSUS, God of Ecstacy. You are one sex-loving deity! And you sure know how to turn any bedroom into an unforgettable party for two. You are sensual and fun-loving, and you will do just about anything to get some play. You have an insatiable desire for sexual pleasure. You have a young, playful spirit that makes the bedroom your personal playground. Because you are housing a god within you who used orgies as a method of worship, you have no limits to your exploration. Your experimentation and lack of inhibition make your sex life all the more interesting. Your open-mindedness and irrepressible energy allow your sexual energy to keep going and going and going. And when the day is through, you've left a trail of satisfied mortals in your wake.
  18. lol. i was thinking the same thing. also, if she has a better self image, she will be more in the mood. so, get off the internet and show your girl how sexy you think she really is!
  19. hey! if you happen to be in the worcester area this sat and want to do something less stressful than going into boston, come check out our party. we are having our annual costume bash this year at rox's bar/nightclub. its in oxford and there will be two DJs, cash prizes for best costume, etc. its always a good time. of course, it isnt the same type of party you will get in boston or NYC, but thats kind of the point. we will have fun and the music should be good. i rarely do DJ gigs, but when i do i... tear... shit... up! haha. its open to the public, so come on by. heres the website for the bar. i know it says "the hottest nightclub in southern worcester county" and i know thats funny... maintain! http://members.aol.com/rcorey9159/rox.html ROX'S Rt 12, Main St Oxford, MA (508)-987-8762
  20. if i remember right, there was a husband and wife team of astronauts that went up in the 90s. i think they actually recorded some written data for research on sex in space.
  21. i dont want to be a drag, and i would like to be positive if i could. but... if you keep getting these feelings you are either a jealous jerk or you are probably ready for a change. "I'm beginning to feel like I'm a little controlling and I don't want that at all," is what you said. this indicates that you are not a jealous jerk. therefore, perhaps you should take your feelings as a sign to move on. listen, my advice is this. move on. basically, be totally honest, give her all the space in the world, and then take care of yourself. i think you would both benefit from the change. i dont think giving "some" space is right. in my experience with women, your giving/ wanting some space is a signal to her that she is no longer safely in control of the relationship. in order to not feel out of control, she might start another relationship (if she hasnt already, which theres always the possibility that she has). tell her the long distance thing is driving you crazy (it is). tell her you love her (you do). and tell her you will always be there for her (you will). then go out and get involved with someone or something more comfortable for yourself. true love can overcome personal suffering and all that. but pls dont keep hurting yourself trying to force a relationship that isnt right, or at least isnt happening at the right time, for both of you. good luck. remember, if you part friends, before anyone gets hurt, you have a better chance of remaing friends and possibly getting back together when the timing is better.
  22. wow! you have beautiful... umm... eyes!
  23. you are on different trips, but the destination might be the same. just let it ride, hope for the best, and be honest all the way. a long term relationship most likely will *not* work out for the two of you, but there is still a strong possibility that it *might* work out. take it easy. dont do anything drastic like changing your (or his) lifestyle. either way, theres no hope for a relationship if either one of you starts making major sacrificies for the other, as that will certainly lead to resentment. have fun, be cool, always be honest and respectful. make small adjustments. perhaps, after a few months, you guys can get into a workable groove with each other. if not, at least you had a great time along the way and nobody gets really hurt.
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