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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. FOR A NEWS STORY FOLLOW THIS LINK: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010214/hl/parkinsons_ecstasy_2.html ------------------ i love music!
  2. lol. ------------------ i love music!
  3. wasnt even attempting to defend her. just joining in on the drama bc you obviously appreciate attention any way you can get it. that was what i found so ironic about your assault on her implants. your ridiculous application of glitter makeup and your impractically long fingernails are there for looks and nothing else. your appearance, as well as every one of your posts, proves that you crave attention more than anyone else on this board, dumbass. lol. BTW, you are right, i am a complete imbicile. i have no brains whatsoever. i am no fun to be around, cant get a girl, have no job, no car, no life. i have never been laid, dont know how to dress, and dont know how to party. i am broke, stupid, and ugly. you are so right that i should just end it all to make more room in this world for mature, eriudite, noble, intelligent, beautiful, and classy ppl such as yourself. ------------------ i love music!
  4. Answer the following questions and win free passes to your favorite club! STYLE STATEMENTS What's your favorite T-shirt slogan? It can be one you either bought, made, of saw on someone else. What T-shirt slogan would you most like to see and why? slogan? you mean an actual TM? uh... "fcuk" always makes me do a 2x take. best t-shirt line ever is "a loser is hitting on me right now." every woman should wear this. COLLECTIONS What young people do you know with the best collections? , how much their collection is worth, how they got into it, how they display their collection, do they sell off pieces, attend trade shows or events, what was the first item that got them started, what their favorite or rarest piece it, and anything else you can think of relating to unique collections. umm... am i missing something. what kind of collection? i am clueless about what you mean, specifically. but there was this kid i knew who had a sampling of several dozen indoor grown KGBs that he kept in a humidor. i think we liked the "northern lights" the best. MUSIC On Thursday, February 22, VH1 debuts "VH1 All Access: Music Money Power," a new series revealing rock's top 25 money-making artists and how they earn their millions. There are six artists under 20 years of age on the list. Write the first word that comes to your mind when you think of each of the artists in the top 10: 1. N'Sync marketing 2. Dr. Dre/Eminem marketing 3. Britney Spears marketing 4. Tim McGraw/Faith Hill marketing 5. Backstreet Boys marketing 6. Santana. carlos! 7. Creed psuedo-rock 8. Dixie Chicks [this space left blank on purpose] 9. Tina Turner old babe (with emphasis on babe) 10. Christina Aguilera marketing The second part of the assignment is to ask five people under 20 years of age who they feel is the best up-and-coming rock artist right now, and why. List each respondent's gender and age. lisa (f, 13) "i used to like n'sync, but now i think they are queer. now i like eminem; even though my dad threw out my CD." billy (m, 14) "i like britney spears and christina aguilera. i keep their posters above my bed." ron (m, 19) "i like britney spears and christina aguilera. my brother billy has their posters above his bed." doug (f, 15) "heres my top ten: 1. N'Sync 2. Dr. Dre/Eminem 3. Britney Spears 4. Tim McGraw/Faith Hill 5. Backstreet Boys 6. Santana. 7. Creed 8. Dixie Chicks 9. Tina Turner 10. Christina Aguilera" sirdante(m, 18 -- yeah, i *wish*) "carlos!" SPRING BREAK Have you ever gone to a spring break event? If yes, where... What... Do you watch spring break coverage on MTV?... yeah, i spent a week of spring break up in vermont with the kid who had that collection of KGBs. there was no television, only us and the weed. we picked up a couple of granola eating, tie-dye and scarf wearing chicks from UVM and got stoned and laid all week. fuck MTV. can i have my tickets now? i will be at twilo on sunday. hahahaha. lol. i crack myself up sometimes. ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 02-15-2001).]
  5. "dream to me" DARIO G Produced/Remixed: AIRSCAPE/WARRIOR Label: MANIFESTO i think this is the latest remix. the attached link is for realplayer. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 02-15-2001).]
  6. uhh... i, um... you should... i guess... aw, hell if i know! heres the link. think what you will. http://user.tninet.se/~prv247p/hatt/hatten.swf ------------------ i love music!
  7. all this drama is too hard to resist today. for some reason i actually find it funny. therefore, i am now going to demean myself by joining in: meanwhile, putting them all over your face and on the tips of fingers is a sign of...? thats right! it also takes too much makeup and ridiculously long finger nails to *really* go places.
  8. www.theworld.com works for me. i pay anywhere from $5-$15 a month depending on how much i use it. it is always up and it is always fast (for 56.6 modem-- not as fast as DSL or cable, but alot cheaper.) OOOOOPSSS.... check that. theworld only has local numbers in new england. sorry. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 02-14-2001).]
  9. heres a trick: "ok, babe, i am gonna ease it in on three. are you ready? here goes... "ooooooonnnnnnne... *thrust* "...so, does it feel ok?" MUHHHUUUUAAAHHH. ------------------ i love music!
  10. groovy. has a bit of a goth-rock throwback to it, but with a fresh sound. not for every club and/or party, but theres def a niche for it. ------------------ i love music!
  11. aaaarrrggHHH!!! no NO NO NONONOONONOOOOOOOO! kicking a guy in the nuts is the absolute, definite, complete *wrong* thing to do! the pain from a kick in the nuts is delayed by several seconds. this is the way mens bodies have adapted to deal with a kick in the nuts! in the time it takes the pain to register, your assailant will already be upon you. this will be especially true for guys who arent sane, or intelligent, enough to immediately recognize the potential damage a good kick in the nuts will do. a kick in the nuts is a great way to initiate a fight, not end it. seriously, its a good way to be sure you give the guy something to remember you by... but lets not get into that, we are all peaceful ppl here, right? ...hee hee. most self defense instruction will give the following (in order) as the list of the best things to do to protect yourself: 1. dont put yourself into the situation in the first place. in crowds, that usually means getting the fuck out of the way. in secluded places it means not going there. for you, its your job, so you have little choice. just remember, clairese, dont get too close to dr hannibals cage! 2. get away. unless you have fighting skills, dont initiate contact when you have the opportunity to run away. its fight -or- flight that will help you survive. flight is best, bc lots of other ppl *do* know how to fight. 3. if you *must* stike a blow, the best, assuming you are unarmed, is a swift upper thrust to the nose with the heel of your open palm. go upward, not straight into the face and use the heel of your palm, not your fist, as you have a better chance of making proper contact. strike as *hard* as you can, bc, despite what rambo movies taught us, there is *no* way you are going to force the nose up into the brain causing instant death. thats simply not possible. the best thing about a stike to the beak is that even a glancing blow will cause the eyes to water and blur and might give you the chance to run for your life. just scream, stike, and run like hell. i am sorry i am contradicting most of the other responses you have gotten, but i assure you absolutely that a kick in the nuts does not have enough stopping force while any other blow (throat, eyes, etc) is more likely to miss the target. cmon, but did you really expect to get good fighting advice from the crowd who put the P (for Peace) in PLUR? good luck. stay safe. ------------------ i love music!
  12. ummm... so he "believes that you believe." huh? this "twiloboss" response is insulting. he says theres "two sides to every story" and then relates a pair of ridiculous anecdotes, thus insinuating that you also have a foolish claim. i dont know this guy, i dont know his story or whatever, but his words make him look like a real ass IMO. who gives a fuck about twilos "position?" obviously their "position" is that they are inclusive. thats what their lawyers would tell them to say. duh. hopefully, this guy can come up with something better than this. i am sorry to hear about your trouble. i would love to say i hope you are mistaken. unfortunately, as a "white" guy i have been included in some real shitty conversations that make it easy for me to believe in this kind of racist BS. BTW, be careful what you say. they might send their lawyers to shut you up. quashing the truth with legal muscle is the thing to do in the good ol' U S of A. its as american as burning crosses or bashing homosexuals. without more love, the hate in this city, and others, will just keep going around and around. cheer up. weve got the love. this whole thing is BS. there are more ppl who want to get along than there are bigots. i swear its true. things have changed drastically in the past 100 years. with love it will only get better. fuck em if they dont get it yet! ------------------ i love music!
  13. i think if you dream about it, then you are obsessed with this board. oh well, my friend, there are worse things ------------------ i love music!
  14. hi kat, serious question-- have u recently started taking the pill or doing something else that would regulate your hormones? the pill def has effects like some of what you describe. actually, sexual inactivity also regulates moods. you are in a groove and you are adjusting. with no sex it would make sense that your body goes into "powerdown" mode something like those energy saving laptops computers. if you really think theres a prob, go see a physician. otherwise, i am sure your body/mind will let you know when the time is right to take care of the problem! -r ------------------ i love music!
  15. artful lives! i was getting worried! well, not so worried that i bothered to ask around or email or anything, but i *was* worried ok? really i was. lol. glad u r alive. see you next weekend for DT & CC?!? ------------------ i love music!
  16. machiavellis "the prince" is as good as any. gives you understanding of another time and another place where, despite different problems, there are so many similarities. ------------------ i love music!
  17. i am not a NYer so maybe my ideas are a bit skewed. but here goes, IMHO... the place: ugly character? yes, NYC def has lots of structural character. beauty? no, NYC planners seriously messed up with aesthetics. the people: opinionated NYC people need, in general, to stop making inaccurate statements about where the "most ... is" or what the "best ... is" ------------------ i love music!
  18. watch horror movies at bedtime (seriously). its kind of like jumping in the lake to learn how to swim or going skydiving to overcome acrophobia. better yet, forget the stress of the day and just relax. picture yourself going down a set of stairs leading to a happy place. you are walking down these stairs. down... down... into the happy place. down... one step... down... two... you feel all warm and happy... down... three best of all, practice lucid dreaming. *hope* to *have* one of your nightmares. use whatever horror comes upon you as the *trigger* for *flying*. when the dream scares you, *fly* in your dream. if you feel like you cant fly, keep trying. dreams provide unlimited opportunity for success. flying is the second best feeling in a dream good luck. good night. peace. ------------------ i love music!
  19. get more sound system than you need. overloading the home speakers is probably the most common house party mistake. oh yeah... and have bouncers. get friends of friends who dont know anybody, dont do drugs, and dont take shit from anybody/ anything. have them charge ppl at the door. tell them to make *everyone* pay up. if they want their damn 3 dollars back they have to go talk to you-- but they have to pay up *first*. hmm.. and invite enough people. its def not like a club when theres only 10 ppl standing around! ------------------ i love music!
  20. def track selection. personally, i cant mix for shit but i have good taste in music-- my mom thinks im a good DJ. hahaha. :) ------------------ i love music!
  21. holy shit... whats up doc?!? ------------------ i love music!
  22. this months "playboy" has a good article too. its about the qualifications required to become drug czar. its sick that the hollywood elite are so eager to please the political elite. hooray for the hugh hefners of the world (last months playboy had a great article about J edgar hoover and the known FBI investigations into playboy). ------------------ i love music!
  23. "Holy shit! The cops! If i get arrested, my kids are gonna kill me!" ------------------ i love music!
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