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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. thanks for the reply. thats freaky, yes. horney? um... no. ------------------ i love music!
  2. sorrrrr-reee... forgive me, misskittie, for thinking you might actually talk about blow jobs bc you like giving pleasure... not bc you only do it to get something in return! now we are both disappointed apparently, misskittie is a fraud. if she really knew how to do all of those things, she would understand that a truely satisfied man can only utter "perverted little statements" after a good BJ! anyway... i am just kidding! seriously, i was mightily impressed with everything you said. it inspired me to put up a silly post ("all of the women on this board are freaks"). i wrote that immediately after reading this, but the board went down yesterday and i never got it onto the server actually, your advanced techinques are really inspirational. i should write a sequel to my old cunniligus post. that old post was for an oral sex newbie. maybe now i should present the advanced version. (especially since mysteriousss tells us its not just about the tongue-- duh! no kidding.) i do have to disagree with the blindfold technique you mention. the blindfold is a better fantasy element when used on a woman. on a man its got an opposite effect. we are more interested in the visuals of sex. cover our eyes and we might start thinking about baseball. just MHO, but i wonder if other guys agree with me on this. i really like your point about moving around. its something i would never have thought to mention, but now that you mention it... mmmmm. i love it when the girl is moving around. again however, i think its the visual aspect that makes that so wonderful. is there really anything prettier than a gorgeous female ass bouncing all around as she gives you TOTAL ORAL PLEASURE? ------------------ i love music!
  3. excellent. nice to see this board getting back on track! so, now, ladies... who wants to fuck me? i promise to... ...last more than five minutes. ha ha-- five minutes! that is sooooo sad. poor little girls. ..find your clitoris. ...not shove down your head so hard that you choke-- unless you are growling like a she-wolf and sucking like a pornstar while i do it! ...understand when you are not in the mood. ...not bitch, complain, and beg. thats what your damn boyfriend is for. ...give you a clitoral orgasm. ...give you a coital orgasm. ...make you scream when you come. ...wear a condom; i wont ask you where youve been; its none of my business. ...keep my fingers, toungue, ejaculate, etc away from places on your body and things in your room that you dont want to have touched. ...remember your name. ...not brag to my friends. ...tell you how beautiful you are. its not a lie. i wouldnt have sex with you if you werent beautiful. ...conduct myself like a gentleman before, during, and after our time together. ...remove my socks. ...not confuse lust with love. i will not get jealous when i see you out with other men. ...not only make sure you get home safely, but also walk you to your door, and also give you a kiss goodbye. respectfully, your lover boy, -sirdante ------------------ i love music!
  4. yikes! urban legend! http://www.snopes2.com/ ------------------ i love music!
  5. oops... couldnt bump it as its in the archives. you will have to follow the link. ------------------ i love music!
  6. we kind of went thru this once before. it was a more off-the-cuff posting about electing a "president" for our board. i will bump it to the top. also, heres a link: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum26/HTML/004404.html ------------------ i love music!
  7. wow! its amazing how intense ppl get when attacking/ defending music they hate/ like. whats up?!? wheres the love...? [samba music] "da-la. la-la. la-da-da-da!" anyway-- its good that DJs are being allowed to present different kinds of music. its def cool when fans are eager to hear diversity. i have questions for you defenders of DTs "back to mine." are you really samba music fans? perhaps this CD turned you on to samba music? or had you experienced it before and always (probably secretly) liked it? the original poster has a valid point-- he expected one thing and got another. even knowing what "back to mine" is about, we still might expect that a DJ who has made millions of $$$ with a certain kind of music might actually listen to that music when he gets home! i have very diverse tastes, so i understand. however, i still dont get the connection between samba and techno. i guess thats bc of my limited exposure to the mixing styles of eclectic DJs like DT, but can any samba/techno fans explain-- why samba? ------------------ i love music!
  8. heres the headline of another report on the same story from the same news org, WCVB, as above. "Ecstasy Blamed In Teen's Death Police Say Victim Took Drug At All-Night Party" again, if the kid ingested "enormous amounts of alcohol" why is "ecstasy blamed?"
  9. 'Police spokesman Cliff Connelly said. "During the traveling to Hartford, they ingested cocaine, ecstasy and drank enormous amount of alcohol."' thats a quote from local (boston) news. i see the words "enormous amounts of alcohol" and it burns my ass. the news media are such irresponsible ghouls. despite the obvious (that ingesting "enormous amounts" of a known toxin will kill you) the news and the cops try to imply that E killed the kid. read the story at the link i posted above, and you see some really bogus journalism. they quote a "woman who prefers to remain anonymous." what kind of BS is that? you cant present facts from an unverifiable source! you can only present a story. in case you dont want to follow that link, heres the gem of a quote from the "woman who prefers to remain anonymous." "Too many kids are dying," she said. "I'm too young to know this many kids as I know that have died. Way too young." i am sure the television version is even more precious. its prob got a grapic of some E pills behind the intensely concerned reporter.
  10. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/wcvb/20010108/lo/285378_1.html
  11. barfly "a drink for all my friennnnnds!" ------------------ i love music!
  12. are we gonna vote for king and queen of the prom as well? ------------------ i love music!
  13. i wasnt a geek. i was a freak. you know the difference right? its a fine line but there was def a diff in my high school. i was more popluar than i ever tried to be. unfortunately, as i always knew, many ppl were cool with me primarily bc i could get good weed. thats the way it was in my small school full of stoners! i always had a job, a car, and a hot GF too. having money and chicks makes even a freak more popular! ------------------ i love music!
  14. sirdante

    what the..

    ahhhggghhh!!! WTF *is* that?!?
  15. ... self fellator?!? lol. WARNING: this is a raunchy and male auto-erotic photo... ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 01-09-2001).]
  16. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... ------------------ i love music!
  17. ...and this song just came onto my walkman: "rise'in" steve lawler nalin & kane remix (w/ or w/out vocals, your choice) i wonder if i am going to get sick of this one. i suppose so, but still everytime i hear it, i start dancing!!! ------------------ i love music!
  18. impossible for me to decide my favorite ...absolutely impossible ...cant even try. i see so many from the list above. "u dont know me" will get my vote as one of the tops. in that vocal house genre, how about... "thats the way love is" byron stingly outside of dance music i like the following masterpiece from one of rock and rolls greatest guitarists: "telegraph road" dire straits ------------------ i love music!
  19. look at it this way... have you ever met any (vinyl spinning) DJs who have even remotely hinted/ suggested/ intimated that they like ppl making conversation while they try to do their thing? mixing requires one ear on the incoming music, one ear on the outgoing music, one eye on the crowd, one eye on the decks, both hands on the decks, both feet on the floor, and nearly total concentration on the entire production. where in the process do you see an opportunity to humor some pestering, drugged-out, freak's request? leave the dj alone. 99% of the time, ppl make requests to hear a song that is very familiar to them. i never understand why somebody says "play this song. let me get my CD out of the car for you." i mean, if you have the CD in your car, you prob listen to it all of the time. argh! (hint to all aspiring turntabalists-- dont bring CD players to party gigs; that way you can avoid playing some of the aweful crap that ppl listen to in their cars.) its called "keeping it fresh" ppl. its why DJs spend most of their lives in record stores, listening to new tracks, discussing music with other DJs, mixing, etc. its also why the DJ, and not the party goer, was asked to do the gig. BTW, all you NYC DJs, youve got it easy. up here in new england, the average partier thinks house music was invented last year! mention the word "trance" and they assume you mean new age music. at a party, the requests all night will be one of the following: - do you have something *good*, like the spice girls? - play hip hop. - do you have the new [whatever compilation] CD? they have some awesome songs on there. have you ever heard the "oompa loompa song?" how about "zombie nation?" what do you mean "played out?" i just got that CD yesterday! what it sounds like to you: "i would love to hear a particular track to which i desire to dance." what it sounds like to the DJ: "you suck. i dont like the music you play and i know better than you. play what i want to hear or i will bother you all night." ------------------ i love music!
  20. funny story-- my 1st time ever clubbing in NYC, i went to the tunnel to meet my friends. the line was around the block. i thought there was no way i was getting inside within the next few hours. the guy at the door tells me i have to wait. i offer him $20. he tells me "no way." i offer him $50. he says "not for any amount of money; get in line; trust me." i didnt realize how big the club really was. 15 minutes later, the line had moved quickly and i was getting in. the bouncer just smiled and said "i told you to trust me." i tried to give him a 20 anyway. he refused to take it. that was very cool. ------------------ i love music!
  21. do you know gibberish? for example, "whithagut thithaga fithaguck ithagam ithig-eye sithigaying?" its kind of like pig latin. what you do is put the phrase "ithiga" before vowels. sounds like babel, but can be good for communicating with another gibberish-savvy speaker. so anyway, heres my funny story from last weekend. it involves ectasy, a random hottie, and her attempt to use gibberish to speak secretly with her friend. i was standing in line at a club up here in new england on new years day, monday. it was very cold, very crowded, and very much a cracked-out hour of the morning as ppl waited for the doors to open at 6AM. my friends got hustled inside, but with the surge and crush of the crowd, i got caught outside in the line. like i said, it was very crowded. so, picture a mass of 200 underdressed partygoers huddling for warmth just before sunrise as arctic winds blow icy crystals of snow over our heads. i stood there wondering if i should leave to try the side door or stay in line to wait it out like a normal person. almost without my noticing, the pretty female standing next to me wrapped herself around my body to stay warm. the girl was inside my jacket and had her head restng on my chest before i even realized that i had never seen this chick before in my life. like i said, she was good looking, and i am a straight guy, so i didnt object to this random act of cuddliness. as i continued to try to get the attention of my friend the doorman, i looked down at the girl. she was very pretty and she looked like she was ready for me to kiss her or something. i could tell by the look in her eyes that she was definitely rolling her face off, so i did nothing to take advantage of her. i can be quite chivalrous that way, you see. anyway, now let me present the funny part. my new girlfriend here has a friend. her friend talks with her in hushed tones, like they are trying to share words without the whole world hearing what they have to say. i am able to hear the conversation easily, as i am easily within earshot. the funny thing is that they are talking in gibberish and obviously think that i can not understand them. i havent heard anyone use gibberish for about 10 years, so it takes me a minute to realize that indeed they are using this esoteric form of communication. i will translate their conversation so that you, like me, can get a good laugh at what they were saying. Cuddly Girl: i feel out of control. Friend of Girl: its too much. these rolls are very strong. CG: but i feel really out of control. i dont know whats right. FoG: its all right. CG: i dont want to be out of control. guys are everywhere. i dont want to do anything wrong. FoG: nothings wrong. CG: what can i do? FoG: anything, as long as you dont fuck them. CG: yes? FoG: yes. lol. as i said, i am true gentleman. therefore i thought it most civil to not embarass these two ladies by revealing my knowledge of gibberish and therefore my complete understanding of their conversation. i also had my real date waiting inside so i was unfortunately unable to help this pretty young one figure out what she could do with that feeling of hers! ah life... it can be both beautiful and silly sometimes. ------------------ i love music!
  22. this board is like a scratched record. it plays the same shit over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... ------------------ i love music!
  23. http://www.pheromones.com/ ------------------ i love music!
  24. *waaaaaaaa!!!* *sniffle* i hear ya! its gonna be a terrific night for you guys. i just hope i have some fun. i am hanging with a friend whose wife just walked out on him! yikes! till will meet again, -r ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 12-22-2000).]
  25. i think hes been drinking the eggnog... ------------------ i love music!
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