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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. what is wrong with you? asking such an out of line question? dont you know this board is all drama? ha ha. jk. i dont know the answer to your question. but i thought id at least bump it back to the top for you so it doesnt get lost amongst the silliness. ------------------ i love music!
  2. oh to be young and ignorant of my own ignorance again! based on some of the drama posts around here i have developed the following guide for how to think and talk like a teenager. 1. saying it will prove it: "everyone who does something that i have not done is really insecure, not like me who has never had an insecurity ever. i am not insecure, you are. i really am not insecure. no i am not insecure. you are insecure. its you, not me, who is insecure. why are you so insecure? you are totally insecure. i am not insecure at all." 2. hiding sweeping judgemental statements behind a claim of veracity allows you to disrespect ppl at will: "everyone over 28, no lets say 27, on this board is a bunch of losers who wish they were young like me. hey, dont blame me for saying it. its not my fault, its true. i am just being honest. you are a loser. i am secure." 3. giving everyone a view of a hypothetical future exhibits your enlightenment: "sice you all suck, i hope next time i go to a club, that nobody else, from this board or elsewhere in the world, shows up. i want only cool ppl to be there with me. i know i am cool bc i know everything. i know my friends are cool because they agree with me on everything. everyone else should stay away." 4. your righteousness means that everyone should defer to your will: "all you old people need to go get 'renewed' now. you are ruining my scene-- and its my scene bc i know more than anyone who has ever come before me. you suck. i am cool. i am also very secure."
  3. you are looking in the wrong place. this board has no "nice" or "normal" guys on it. we are all devils and bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad boys. ------------------ i love music!
  4. nobody ever does. she charitably shares it with us at every opportunity. ------------------ i love music!
  5. look, heres another thoughtless, immature, know-it-all who thinks that "honesty" excuses his insensitivity, lack of class and poor judgement. if your gonna insult someone, pls do it straight up rather than veil it with this vile excuse. ------------------ i love music!
  6. STFU, kid. wipe the snots off your nose and go ask your mom for your allowance and a ride to the next rave. BTW, your dirt weed connection just got busted by the principal. seriously, andwhysee, get over it. if you think ppl at 30 are old, then why dont you *try* to keep up with them at *anything*. i mean partying, participating in sports, conversing, staying up late, working, fucking, eating, drinking, or *anything*. your comment exhibits your naivete, punk.
  7. the worst of all time? umm... prob someone youve never heard of. whats with the DJ bashing? you might think these big name DJs are bad, but i am sure theyre better than you! ------------------ i love music!
  8. the game was called zerowing. the grammer is just erroneous because english is so difficult. the guys in japan that i work with send emails that sound just like that. e.g. "Is there a difficulty which happens by this?"
  9. oh no! that couldnt happen in america right? yeah. surrrrrrrre it couldnt.
  10. thats ok. as long as you dont reply to every question with "wicked piss-ah!" or "wicked quee-ah!" e.g. Q. "hi cathy! how ah ya?" A. "wicked piss-ah!" Q. "i like this nightclub. do you like it he-ah?" A. "wicked piss-ah!" Q. "we ah goin to the baah to get some bee-ahs. you wanna bee-ah?" A. "wicked piss-ah!" Q. "look at those two guys makin out over they-ah. what do you think of that?" A. "wicked quee-ah!" ------------------ i love music!
  11. oooh... thanx for the "on LI" thing. now i have more ammo for future sooping into ppls dialects. its odd, i know, but i enjoy trying to figure out where ppl are from (or have lived) by their accents. this is the first time i have caught someone thru writing, tho. *pats self on back*. i use "wicked" as an adjective all of the time. its wicked useful. as far as i know, only ppl from within 50 miles of boston use it in such a way. pls dont spread this to LI! some of us are proud of our silly way of talking up he-ah. ------------------ i love music!
  12. we holed up in the VIP all night. sucked not being with all the enrgy on the main floor, but worthy bc we had room to dance! once they reopened the front doors to the VIP, around 6(?) i began making "scouting" expiditions downstairs. at 7:30 AM, i went to the main floor and after two minutes of squeezing through the crowd near the ramp entrance, i was still only at the edge of the floor! crowded? yes, very, very crowded. rather than complain about the crowd, id rather admire the DJs for gathering such a following-- intense, diverse, and fun. ------------------ i love music!
  13. keeping this bumped up to the top. i want to remember to check this out, since i ll still b at work at 7 tonight. GL, russ, knock their pants off! ------------------ i love music!
  14. a snuggle orgy?!? yep, that sounds about right for this crowd. ------------------ i love music!
  15. this vernacular suggests that you prob dont pronounce your Rs very well either. are you really *from* LI? ------------------ i love music!
  16. a woman in the throes of passion, the avatar of venus, oozes the sweet nectar of the goddess of love onto our mortal tongues. the taste and smell instantly makes the lovers mind drunk with passion and soothes his soul with her gift, a sensual connection to our own immortality. - sirdante ------------------ i love music!
  17. i know. i was just joking around. i couldnt resist. glad you didnt take me the wrong way. i hadnt thought of that. i always think of tall women as being *especially* sexy. ------------------ i love music!
  18. WTF, over? perhaps you mean... Donkey Punch 3 parts Orange juice. 2 parts Ginger ale. 1 part Pineapple juice. 1 part Light rum (Bacardi) 1/4 part Grenadine. ?!? more likely, id guess you refer to... Donkey Punch "Banging a girl doggy style and then moments before you cum, sticking your dick in her ass, and then punching her in the back of the head. This gives a tremendous sensation, but for it to work correctly, the girl must be knocked out so that her asshole tightens up." NOTE -- both of these descriptions were found on the web. sirdante has never tasted donkey punch, nor would he ever do anything as vile as giving a punch to a the back of a chicks head. have a nice day. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 02-21-2001).]
  19. maybe they mistook you for someone who wasnt so shallow. how are they supposed to know your height standards just by looking at you? shhheeeeessssh! - sirdante, same height as you. ------------------ i love music!
  20. nope, wasnt me. i think i would have remembered the jersey. i was in VIP all night as well. ------------------ i love music!
  21. thanks for trying to make me feel better. unfortunately, i cant belive you. that girl does nothing but smile. BTW how come i didnt see you? or most anyone else for that matter? i feel like a pariah. and to think, i even showered this week. ------------------ i love music!
  22. why didnt i see you for the rest of the night?!? did you leave the VIP after we met? or did my eyes get so blurry from too many rum & cokes that i didnt notice you were still there? BTW i think i love you! ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 02-21-2001).]
  23. one of my friends left at 7 am to go back to the hotel room to sleep. the rest of us stayed. it was after noon when i forced all of us out into the streets. - i kept telling them we had to check out by noon. - they kept trying to convince me that we had someone at the hotel who could watch our stuff. - i kept trying to remind them that our friend was prob not going to wake up, get all of our shit together, and then wait in the lobby for us to return at some indefinite point in time. - they would just ignore me and dance off into the crowd/music. 364 days a year = responsible adults; one night at twilo with CC/DT = total crackheads. we had too much fun. we got there before it opened and still had to wait for over an hour. we holed up in the VIP ASAP and didnt risk the mad crowd on the main floor until 7 am, when it *was still packed*. ------------------ i love music!
  24. last sunday night/monday day was the ultimate party. you might as well hear about it. i do believe that that night at twilo was the official party to end all parties. there will be no more. get used to it. ha ha. ------------------ i love music!
  25. an open relationship, as i understand it, is a sexual proclivity, meaning you have other ppl fuck the person you love. its not about getting into other relationships. i know ppl who have had open relationships for many years. it seems to work for them. its a purely sexual thing, like having another partner in the bedroom is like having a new sex toy. some ppl have urges and are willing to deviate from customary norms to fill these urges. i would imagine it is either done lightly, and the relationship is not that serious, or its done as a calculated risk. as with everything, the risk takers probably have a more wild time, while more conservative ppl have a better chance at stability. ------------------ i love music!
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