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Everything posted by jenny5150

  1. Howie Long is my ideal man...Need I say more?
  2. She fooled around with the guy I was involved with for 5 years, then kept the fact that they were seeing each other a secret. (I had dumped his sorry butt by then, but she didn't want me to know they were togther.) Actually, it was the BEST THING that ever happened to me. I met the most WONDERFUL MAN 1 month later and my best friend and the jerk are now living together. (And yes I'm still good friends with her...I just wish she would dump the loser's sorry a*s!)
  3. No prob! If ya need anything (other than diet supplements ) private message me! By the way...CONGRATS on becoming a "CLUBBER"!
  4. My boyfriend said to me one day, "Inaction is as much of a choice as an Action." He's right. One day I just brokedown b/c I felt so terrible about myself. He said "Go running. You'll feel better." I did and I do. I understand about not wanting to run/workout early. I was on the crew team for a few years and getting up at 4am was not my idea of fun. You don't have any other time in the evening or night? Do you work and go to school? Work 2 jobs? Hey, maybe you should go out dancing more!!! My friends and I get a great workout when we go nutz on the dance floor! That's always an option! (And an excuse to go out.)
  5. Don't worry about your so called "boring sob stories"! Bring em on! Hey believe me...I know where ya' coming from! I'm 6'1" and 160. I've never been "thin" in my eyes and I've tried MANY ways to bring my weight down. Because of my height, I always felt the need to be super skinny. (Everybody assumes you should model when you're tall...even if you've been beat with the ugly stick!) It's kinda funny how we view ourselves. People compliment me and tell me I have a great body, but all I think is "It needs work! A lot of work!" The only thing that helps me feel good about myself is the running and working out. If I don't do anything, I get real down on myself.
  6. Yikes, I'm gonna guess the average 5'4" female should weigh 115-120, but you can't always go by that. It should be based on how you feel about your body and your appearance. You have to be happy with yourself, not the number on the scale.
  7. I would do a quick run before I would go out for the evening. I used to be pressed for time, so I made sure I did at least 1 mile (under 10 minutes) everyday. That was all it took for me. When I run, everything gets toned. I lift weights now for strength and so I can spend time with my boyfriend, but running is definitely the answer for me. Before I started going to the gym, people would ask me "What do you do to work out?" My answer was pushups, running, and stretching. It doesn't take much...just a little everyday!
  8. oops Caffeine...I always spell it wrong!
  9. I loved Caffiene! I spent a lot of time there back in 92 as well.
  10. I used Metabolife for a month and ended up with some serious side effects. (Numbness, insomnia, blackouts, and really bad heart palpitations.) I decided it was time for me to discontinue that product. A few months later I gave Metabolift by Twin Lab a try. Same story. As for Hydroxycut, I'll take one of those when I'm really tired, but that's about it. To tell ya' the truth, I get better results with my body when I do it the natural way...RUNNING and WORKING OUT! Just so you know, the FDA is doing some serious research on these dietary supplements. Use of the product can lead to permanent damage. There's also been a decent amount of deaths to warrant them to look into these products. Also note, most gain their weight right back when they discontinue using the supplement.
  11. In college I was called Jenny Penny thanx to my cousin. (I went to school with my sis and cuz and yes, we actually dormed together.) I wouldn't respond to Jen since there's so many of us out there, so my cousin started the whole Jenny Penny thing and the next thing I knew, everybody was calling me that. (They still call me that...my b/f has even started.) The other nick is ToeTag...don't ask! I even have it on my license plate.
  12. I hope you've gone for therapy since that incident. I know I would need it.
  13. COOKIES!!! Entemsnns Chocolate Chip Cookies (Original Recipe) or chocolate covered sugar wafers (which can be found in the Pathmark bakery dept.) Yumma! I worked in my Aunt's Yogurt/Ice Cream shop for 4 years, so I'm kinda' turned off by the "cold" stuff.
  14. My boyfriend had to talk me into getting me my first pair of leather pants. I think now he's regretting that! He just got me a pair in the beginning of the month and I haven't had the opportunity to wear them yet. Hopefully this weekend!!! The one drawback about leather pants or one's that look like leather, is that everybody feels the need to rub their hands all over the pants! (Or maybe they're just looking for a cheap feel.) How annoying. Anybody else have to deal with that?
  15. We may give Life a try (never been there before) Sunday night to see/hear Hex Hector.
  16. Wow, I figured you of all people would be out raising hell at the clubs!
  17. My boyfriend and I have friends coming down for the weekend, but just in case that falls through, I need some IDEAS!!!
  18. I can't say I knew or heard of the Glowgirl before you since I'm fairly new to posting on this site, but I think dynamix should give the folks on here a little more credit. It sure as hell doesn't bother me what handle you use.
  19. Hiya glowgirl! My name's Jen (obviously) and I'm 26 going on 18! I'm located out in eastern Long Island. I guess you could say I'm new to the NYC club scene, but like you, definitely not when it comes to partying! Just wanted to say welcome. -Jen
  20. Bangkok = gambling and sex! (you name it, they'll set it up for ya!) Cancun was fun, but weak in the "wild" category. NY definitely has the best nightlife when it comes to music, the crowd, decor...you name it! We've definitely got the most to choose from.
  21. I have a particular fondness Roll-N-Roaster's cheeseburgers and cheese fries. Nothing like some good ole liquid cheese!!! Yeah baby bring it on!!!! (Well, now we all know where I'll be going tonight!)
  22. Jenny being that my first name is Jennifer. 5150 stems from 2 things: 1) I'm a Van Halen fan 2) I was heading into law enforcement and 5150 is a call sign (in California) meaning escaped mental patient
  23. Mom: Irish/French/German Dad: Italian & Slovak I'm just one big happy mutt!
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