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Everything posted by jenny5150

  1. You may wanna give Conscience Point a try or Jet East (I've only heard about Jet East, never been there myself.) You may want to also check out Brazil. Personally, I won't set foot into the Beach Bar. The stench of puke kinda' turned me off forever. And the crowd was way too young and ghetto looking. (Sorry, hope I don't offend anyone.)
  2. What I used to go for: Hair color: Dark Hair length: Short Eye color: Brown Short or tall: Well, I'm 6'1" (6'5" in heels) so I used to look for any guy over 6'5". Type of build: a guy that can fill a doorway, but not necessarily cut. Personal Style: Neat! I always liked clean cut guys. What I'm dating: Hair Color: Blonde Hair Length: Short Eye Color: Greenish Hazel Short or tall: he's shorter than me! 5'11" Build: He's big. Broad shoulders (which I love) People always comment on his build. Personal Style: He's very neat and fashion conscious!! Thank god...a man with style!
  3. Caffiene on Long Island back in '92 when I was 17. Those were the days when I didn't drink...my how things change! First NYC club was Webster Hall in '95.
  4. Boy do I miss Caffeine! Those were the days. I was never into CPI's. I used to love Chevy's even though it was more of a bar than a club. (Metro 700 was fun too! Even if it was a bit guido.) And it's a shame that the Vanderbilt doesn't cater to the 21+ crowd anymore. That place has a lot of potential.
  5. Well, here's my contribution to this thread. I'm the tall chick on the left.
  6. Well here's my contribution to this thread. I'm the tall chick on the left. The other girl is my close friend and an old college roommate.
  7. Bridgeview Yacht Club is great on Saturday nights. Cyberia in Farmingdale gets an awesome crowd in the fall/winter on Friday nights. For now, the 56th Fighter Group is kickin butt on Friday nights, but be prepared for an extremely long line with no <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlists</A> available.
  8. 1990 grey Lebaron back in 1992. I'm trying to convince my boyfriend to purchase me a black Acura NSX or Ford Excursion.
  9. *Grey Goose on the rocks *Absolut Mandarin or Stoli-O w/cranberry juice *Long Beach Iced Tea *Red Devil *Finlandia Cranberry is good stuff too! As my friends would say, "Keep Jen away from the vodka!"
  10. In the MEN'S DIVISION: Howie Long wins my vote! With Pierce Brosnan, George Clooney, and Christian Bale following closely behind. As for the WOMEN'S DIVISION: Catherine Zeta Jones, Famke Jansen, Daisy Fuentes, Gabby Reece. (Hell, the list could go on and on...what I would give to look like any of those women!)
  11. The Hamptons are definitely not what they used to be. I'd head into the city before I'd go to the Hamptons.
  12. I was at Cyberia this past Friday and it was dead. They closed off one of the bars w/a curtain and half the stalls in the ladies' room were closed. (That kinda gives you an idea of the Friday night summer crowd they've been getting.) One of the bartenders said that the 56th Fighter Group was killing them. I'd recommend the 56th Fighter Group (Farmingdale) or CoCo's (Huntingtion) for a Friday night...if it's not raining, since they're mainly outdoor clubs. And definitely the Bridgeview Yacht Club for Saturday nights. Unfortunately, the Vanderbilt only does catering & concerts now. They were holding an 18+ night on Friday nights in the winter. I don't know if they're still doing that in the summer.
  13. Guys w/o shirts look like they're trying way too hard to get women (or men.)
  14. Long Beach Iced Teas Mandarin & Cranberry Cosmopolitan (Asia de Cuba has a great drink called a "Floridian"...similar to a Cosmopolitan.) I'll drink anything but beer...go figure.
  15. Risa, I'd say they play a mix of top 40 dance and house. I believe WKTU is there on occassion. Hope that helps a lil! Oh...and they only charge $5 at the door and unfortunately, as far as I know, there's no <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlist</A> for them available. -Jenny
  16. We got there at 10pm one Friday, which is fairly early for a club. The line was crazy! I'm fortunate, thanx to my boyfriend's impatience, that I don't have to wait on line. (A lil' green goes a long way!) We left around 2:30 and there was still a bit of a line. I guess you could say the crowd is the same. Really mixed! From extremely casual to clubby. I also like the fact that it's more of an older crowd, not many underage "patrons" in there!
  17. I have to agree with you on CoCo Bongo's. The music wasn't for me. I did like Daddy O's though. Their music was much better...more progressive house! I didn't make it to La Boom...next time!!!
  18. The 56th Fighter Group is on Route 110 in Farmingdale, the Suffolk/Nassau Border (not too far from Cyberia.) Part of it is outdoors overlooking Republic Airport. Friday night is by far their best night! The line gets nutty!!!! People wait for hours to get in. CoCo's is on the water in Huntington. Monday nights used to be huge with them (Industry night.) I've only been there on a Saturday night so far this summer. I plan on giving Friday & Monday night a try to see if there's a difference. If the weather is nice, you definitely want to give these clubs a try. The 56th is a must along with Bridgeview!!!
  19. Have you been to the 56th Fighter Group (Friday night) or CoCo's yet? Just wondering!
  20. Hey Risa! Doing great, just looking forward to Friday! And yourself? I used to go to the Hamptons a lot - CPIs, Beach Bar, Turtle Bay, and Dublin Over (now Brazil.) We hit Brazil & Beach Bar last Saturday. I refuse to go to the Beach Bar ever again! (I'm getting to old for that place.) Actually, have you been to the Bridgeview Yacht Club in Island Park? You should definitely give that place a try! It's also a lot closer to you.
  21. hey Risa, It's me again! Just wanted to tell you that if you're gonna give Brazil a try, go on a Friday. From what I've seen (based on <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlist</A> demand), Brazil is a Friday night club. Justin Time is dj'ing as well!!! Have fun! -Jenny
  22. I'll be heading to Hong Kong next month and I'm looking for some ideas! Thanx, Jenny
  23. I've only been to Exit once and it was a Saturday, but my boyfriend and I were able to walk into both VIP rooms with no problem. We both got our hands stamped, but I assumed that was just for admittance into the club.
  24. Are the VIP rooms at Exit open to all on Saturdays?
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