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Everything posted by fou

  1. is this for real and who's going? ------------------ [img]http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif/IMG] </A>
  2. 100% Egyptian ------------------ [img]http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif ]/IMG] </A>
  3. I love my job, WOW Pain, suffering, distruction, demolition is now what reads on my business card. ------------------ [img]http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif ]/IMG] </A>
  4. I agree NYC, f...k LA ------------------ [img]http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif ]/IMG] </A>
  5. me too, just after 7:30pm ------------------ [img]http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif ]/IMG] </A>
  6. YO i did see you. sorry bro. mind melt.............. ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif ]/IMG] </A>
  7. Great time, drinks, people. great to see that big of a turn out. ------------------ </A>
  8. You started my day with a smile. Great pictures M. ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  9. This was the first meet up that i made that was outside a club sceen. Great to meet everyone sober for a change.(althought that didnt last long). For the first time I also was able to talk to people and not have to scream over music(which is not a bad thing, just nice to hear what people are saying back). I also agree with Myrlin on the place, although I dont think I saw you. great to meet and see everyone. Peace ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  10. good things never last when there free. ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  11. do it, I ve been in the industry for 5yrs and now I am equity owner in the company. If you want to be wealthy you have to work hard period. Its hard for the first 2 yrs and then gets better. ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  12. Do it the simple way. If he/she is not down to get back together than your stuck. Go to a nice dinner make romantic passes at dinner. than go for a walk somewhere that means something to both of you. if you feel the vibe than just tell the person how you feel. Straight and direct I feel is always the best way. ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  13. good=) ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  14. feel better. ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  15. yes of the sweetest kind......... ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  16. smoke bud. it helps me all the time. ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  17. There is something else. its green and smells great. ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  18. I know that there is a meet up tomorrow, but i cant wait till than to slide some alcohol down my throat. Thinking Union Square area. ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  19. didnt even know you where gone.....lol ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  20. If you have such a strong view, how many cities have you been to in Europe? Because I've traveled through the whole country and have to say music is great but please each country has their issues. There is no issue between US and Europe just ignorant, uneducated individuals with sorry opinions. As far as Russia, I was just there also, Please dont even bring it into the conversation. You country is being raped every day, sad, very sad. Believe me my family is not from here, but one of the best places to develope and further your life is in NYC. But I guess you know that since your here!!!! ------------------ [img[http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif </A>
  21. NYC NYC NYC does it every night........... ------------------ [img[ "]http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif
  22. Very nice, I like what i am reading, SNL glade to see you post. Dave ------------------ [img[ "]http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif
  23. one thing to ask DJ JEAN........ ------------------ <IMG SRC="http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif/img
  24. no question, Making a stop this week for more ------------------ <IMG SRC="http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif/img
  25. did you smoke that little bud? very good, very happy . later ------------------ <IMG SRC="http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif/img
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