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Everything posted by divalicious

  1. Just curious... why is the meetup on teh second floor? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  2. OK, Joey, you definitely got my vote regarding the girls with their boobs out for the world to see... Regarding the "trophy" topic... If I was wearing a 3 Carat Classic Tiffany engagement ring, I would expect to gain a warped respect from the shallow people. Does this mean anything to me? Not really, because they are shallow, and that means that what they give is so easily taken away. Plus, the foundation for their "respect" was not something based in me, it was based on the ring. So in essence, they don't "respect" me at all, they "respect" my ring. But when people go around showing off their "trophies", aren't they really trying to incite envy? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  3. I refuse to be blamed or punished for the mistakes and wrong doings of others. While it is true that there are game-playing manipulative women, it is just as true that there are game-playing womanizing men. There are bad apples in every kind of bunch. What is unfortunate, is that these types don't deal exclusively with eachother. They touch the lives of those of us who choose not to be players of the game. What is also unfortunate is that some of us feed into the negative behavior, thereby bringing on more of the undesirable treatment. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times... It's very simple, be honest with yourself and others, and communicate your feelings, desires, likes and dislikes... (I am one woman who does come with an "instruction manual".) It's the only way to understanding and empathy between the sexes. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  4. Alrighty, move over ladies... I'm tossing my nipples into the ring! Hey guys, do I get extra points for wearing loooooow riding pants that show off camel toe and butt cleavage?? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  5. OK, so what confuses me sometimes, is that when I listen to different DJs, who are supposedly in different categories, I hear tracks that are very similar... But I guess I can just attribute that to either their diversity, or cross-over tracks... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  6. Womaaaan!!! I knew you would be there!!! Yaaay! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  7. Welcome back, welcome back, welcome baaaaack... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  8. OK, I just went to mtv.com, because I was worried for a moment! But it's only one of the headlines, and it's not on the first page. Plus, unless the names mean something to them, most people are going to just pass it by. Just like the flyers for this night... They have just a baseball cap + a smile with a space between the front teeth... Only means something to those in the know. It's funny that mtv is trying to get with the program tho... But I did find something out that I didn't know... CC will be at Twi every Sunday preceding a holiday in 2001! Sweet!!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  9. I like my house hard, deep and sometimes fast, just like... Well, let's not get into that here... I would like to know what the board's opinions are on the differences between Hard House and Deep House. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  10. He's baaaack! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  11. Oh and you're not tacky for trying to tell someone you don't even know how to live her life? It's not ridiculous to think that just because someone enjoys having fun with her life that she will remain single? It's not foolish to assume that you know what she wants out of her life? How do you know that marriage and children are what she cares to have?? You don't! I don't think she has humiliated herself at all. I think she shared someone's stupid opinion with her friends, as anyone would do, when assaulted with such nonsense. There have been numerous occassions when PM's were shared with the board. I think you are the pathetic one, for taking the time out to worry about how someone, with an actual life, spends her time. BTW, you are further displaying your idiocy, because she is in fact only 32. What is your problem with her anyway? There are plenty of people on this board who are in their late 20's and above, who club on a regular basis. Why single my friend out for attack? (BTW, a regular basis can mean once a week, once a month, or once a year. I know some concepts are difficult for you to grasp.) Do us a favor and get yourself a life, you trifling boy. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  12. To Souvlaki's ridiculous statement that 32 is old, she gave a direct response. And she did it with some force, because it seems that we are not dealing with the brightest bulb in the pack. And seeing as how you are right in here with us, you may want to rephrase the way in which we are all "carrying on"... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  13. I think there is definitely a difference between being bothered by something, and being shocked by stupidity, and sharing that shock with one's friends... For someone to believe that 32 is too old to have fun, is baffling in itself. To go further and send a message to said "old" person to reiterate and tell her how she should spend her time... Damn, give me a break! He's telling her to get a life??? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  14. OK, wait.. Not only is he telling you that you're too old, he is also telling you what to do when you go out?? OH man, does this guy have a pair!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  15. I'm getting veeerrry annoyed! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  16. OK, two things... First, Phoenix... If you knew Nicki at all, which you obviously don't, you would know that she is not being defensive. So please save it. Second, Souvlaki... Seems you are the one in need of a life, since you are all up in my friend's business. You are one sorry fool to think that 32 is too old. That is exactly the kind of attitude that will have you being a settled, close-minded bore when you are in your 30's. While you're out trying to get that life, you should try finding some sense and common decency as well. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  17. Is Seb going to be closing? What time will he be going on?? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  18. Hehehe, Lola can't handle weed! Nyah nyah nyah nyah! How's it going doll? I had fun with you guys, as usual on Sat... I got home OK, on Sat. Joe and I went to SF for a while after we left you. Zoya, I didn't see you there! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  19. You might want to try checking out the classified sections of www.villagevoice.com or www.nytimes.com Both have lots of apartment listings in the neighborhoods you mentioned. Park Slope is also a very nice neighborhood that you might want to check out. The rents in all 3 neighborhoods can be pretty expensive with a 1 bedroom apartment going for $900 - 1500+ depending on amenities, FYI. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  20. Damn, aren't people just full of drama!! In answer to the question: 1. To be super rich 2. To be super powerful 3. And to be Happy (however I define happiness) With these 3 wishes I would make some changes in this F-ed up world! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  21. Hey dollface! Twilo Fridat, for Seb Fontaine, baby!! But I'lll ring you before then, maybe we can do the party beforehand... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  22. I don't know who he is or what his story is, but I've spied him out on more than one occassion... You've got to give him props for being out and about in the scene. The guy's in his 50's at least! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  23. Yeah, I'm down. How can I say no to a girls' night out at Exit, and for free at that! Spheric, we will meet up with you, but maybe before 4am, so that we can hang with you before you start working... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  24. Hey man, I still love that song! And now I finally know the words...Thanks! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  25. I would be Me, only super rich and powerful... Set some things straight... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
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