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Everything posted by divalicious

  1. See Nicki! And you said no one can die from not getting any!!! I told you so! I told you so! OK, so what are we going to do about this? This is a very big problem! I don't want to have a heart attack! All I know is, my next Lover Man better have a strong heart and a big libido!!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  2. For those of you who like to spend as much of your money as possible on partying, you may want to consider renting an apartment. I've rented one on Ocean Drive for a week, for just over $1000, that will sleep 4 people. I did this when I went to Puerto Rico as well, and I think that it's the only way to go now! And I like that it kind of feels like I'm living there for the week. Anyhoo, just a tip if anyone cares... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  3. The issue of appointing Supreme Court Judges was a big one for me. Not only because of the abortion issue, but for other issues as well, such as this one. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  4. Speaking of toys... This little rubber, multi-speed-vibrating, battery-operated device is in the shape of a ladybug, or a firefly (that I've seen). Its got adjustable straps, so the woman puts it on like she would a pair of undies, strategically placing the ladybug on her clitoris. Now, when her man is in her, the antennae stroke him with every thrust, and he gets a big burst of vibration when he stays deep within...Yup, it's a fun toy! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 11-29-2000).]
  5. girlie, u crack me up! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  6. If I had to make a choice, I would choose the larger club. For me it not only offers the usual things one wants, music/people/vibe, it offers me different atmospheres... I'm the type who needs a change of scenery every 1/2 - 1 hour or so, and I like to go on walkabouts when I'm at a club. I think that's part of the reason I'm a regular at Exit... The place has sooo many places to hang! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  7. Do you know what time he's going on? Last time I got screwed because Twilo's answering machine said he'd be on round 2, but he went on at 11. I got there at 3:30 and only got to hear the last 2 1/2 hours! Those "Wack Ass Motherfuckers"! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  8. Mmmmm doggie style... G-spot stimulation... mmmm ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  9. Hey man, you weren't rambling... I too was suprised by how nonchalant people were about the appointment of justices. It just didn't seem to be a big deal to them. But this is the one thing that the new president will do, that will have a (possibly) big affect on this country for years to come. I think it's a pretty scary thought to have a conservative supreme court. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  10. go to www.wmcon.com that should give you all the info you want I rented an apartment that sleeps 4 on Ocean Drive for a little over $1000 for the week ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 11-29-2000).]
  11. Whoa, damn J, why are you yelling at us?? There's no need to get snippity young man. Don't let me have to come over there and bitch slap you... Oh wait, you'll like it, so forget that! And just for the record, I could get laid every day of the week, three times a day, by a different guy everytime, IF i wanted to. So there is no "inability" to get laid. I just have some standards... Unlike some people, when the fucking is done, I would like for there to be something else there. Oh, and another thing, I don't whine! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  12. dammit! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  13. Back in the day, when I pictured what my life would be like when I was 29, it consisted of me in the corner office, with the house, husband and maybe a kiddy. Now that I will be 29 a week from Sat (!), I can't imagine having that life. I believe that I still have some growing to do as a person, before I can make such a commitment. I feel that I am too selfish at this point in my life, to give my life up for children (although when I am ready, I know I will make a great Mommy). As the eldest of 5 children, with my youngest brother being 8 y.o., I do understand and appreciate the great gift children are, and how they can make you see life through a whole new set of eyes. Also being a child who was raised by a single parent for a number of years, I also understand how important it is to have both parents in one's life. I think I do want to have children at some point in my life. But I would want to have children with a life partner, on whom I could depend to share the responsibility, even if we did not work out romantically. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  14. I like trance or progressive house to get down to... But one always needs variety... I also like sexy jazz and ambient ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  15. The car is just to get to and from the Ft. Lauderdale airport... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  16. Heeheehee, don't I tho. But watch how quickly everything gets booked up! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  17. Woohoo! I just booked the flght for myself, Nicki and Yvette, and I'm about to rent us an apartment on Ocean Drive and car for a week! SoBe hear we come!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  18. I have a fear that I'm going to die if I don't get some soon, and it's making me crochety! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  19. Thanks... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  20. Hey Papa! Always a pleasure hanging with you...but you just have to remember to let us know personally where you are going to be... And hey, be careful with those Red Bulls...you need your ass you know! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 11-27-2000).]
  21. I have to agree that Exit has been a bit on the weak side lately...maybe because I go there every week?? I went to the Factory this past Saturday, and it was great!! But Spheric is right, Exit is a great venue, and although I love Twilo and SF, neither of them compares to Exit's space, layout and decor. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  22. OK, I have to say a couple of things... First to Miss Glowgirl, my buddy. Girl, loosely, by your definition, I might be a slut. I wear little tops when I go out, I dance on the boxes at Exit, and with the way I dance and shake my ass, guys are definitely getting stiffies. BUT, that does not mean that I will even pay attention to, much less sleep with any guy who wants to, or that I will pick up all the guys I do want and sleep with them. I am a one guy woman. Second, to those of you who answered this question by saying, "A slut is a girl who...". Excuse me but a slut is a person who sleeps around randomly, and often IMO. Guys are waaaay more slutty than girls, because many of them think that high numbers make them a stud. Sorry to burst your bubbles guys, but high numbers of random sex makes you a slut! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  23. Hey, where can one buy ephedrine? I take one Sudafed and I'm feeling NICE. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  24. Oh man, RB and vodka is the BEST drink! Mmm and the flavored vodkas, ie. orange or raspberry, give it a nice twist... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  25. Teeheehee, power you say? I like having power, but I promise to use it for good only! If no one beats me to it, I'll call for the meet-up this saturday. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
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