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Everything posted by divalicious

  1. Thanks Man... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  2. OOOO, a total ClubPlanet meet-up party would be so cool!!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  3. You're a nut! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  4. How did you guess, doll? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  5. This is the only time I will actually answer to your stupidity. Why don't you do us all a favor and drop the F dead. Who do you think you are, to try to tell me that my opinions and observations should be taken elsewhere?? This is a public forum, and we accept you and your negativity and complete idiocy! If you want some real drama asshole, why don't you bring your tired ass to my face, and try to say something to me then, you sorry excuse for a wannabe man. Don't bother to reply, because I won't bother to answer. That is all... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  6. Damn!! OK, so what if we are a group of hot girls??? Spheric, are you going down for this btw?? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  7. I happen to be one of the few people on the board who actually likes SF, Exit and Twilo, and I have to say that all 3 clubs are very different from eachother! Twilo - I go there to dance my ass off. There is a definite vibe, and it's so not GQ/Trendy/no-shirt-wearing-bigorexic-fight-starters/silicon-barbies/meet-market... The venue is mid-level IMO. Exit - I go there to dance my ass off (although the music on the main floor can be a bit commercial). The vibe is more group oriented as opposed to being an overall club vibe. You will find some Bigorexics and Silicon Barbies, but it is mainly people like me, who are looking for a great time with their friends and if they are lucky, to meet up with a cutie. The venue is high-level, and the best IMO. SF - I go there to dance my ass off. This club is for the true hard-core clubber IMO. You will find lots of Bigorexics and Silicon Barbies. Although the people dress like they are going to the gym, they are definitely concerned with whether there is a D&G/Guess?/Armani Exchange/etc. label on your outfit. (I could care less btw, so long as I look goooood). Definite meet/meat market place. The venue at this moment is low-level (I'm told that it is in fact under construction), but it can easily be mid- to high-level. These are just a few of my observations... OH! I forgot to mention that about 90% of the people at all 3 clubs are on some illicit substance. That may be the one thing they all have in common. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 11-27-2000).]
  8. Listen to the man! Although I've not been to a WMC, I've been told to save the few hundred for partying... Spheric, what abour press passes? I'm hoping to snag one! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  9. I want that bag of $20's I keep asking for. When people are going to the store and they ask me if I want them to get me something, I say,"yes, a bag of $20's please." But do they bring it back with them?! NO! It's not like I'm being greedy and asking for a bag of $100's you know... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  10. Waaaaiiit a minute there Miss Missy!! How do I get blamed for being the bad influence? I can remember a few times when you were in my ear encouraging my naughty behavior! I guess that's why we are partners in crime! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 11-27-2000).]
  11. I am definitely there this year, and Nicki is with me! We are actually looking into renting an apartment for a week, because we couldn't care less about having a luxury room... We are only there to party, and will not be spending much time in the room, except to shower and nap! Anyway, if anyone is interested in doing something like this, it is usually much cheaper than a hotel. Let me know and I'll give you some names! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 11-27-2000).]
  12. Geez, I still can't believe we were there for 8 hours!!! And Like I said, my new friend did help to keep me bright eyed, as I'm sure that little cutie would have helped you. Too bad he was an impatient little horn dog, or else we would have closed the place! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  13. 28 yo female in Bklyn (w/a clean record), paying $1800 a year for full coverage on a 96 Jeep Cherokee Country (like the Sport), through Geico. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  14. I love that song...but only the version that speeds up and slows down. Oh man, it will still get me going if I hear it in a club, so what if it's a bit old... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  15. After being a regular at Twilo and Exit for the past few months, I returned to the Factory on Sat night, and it was on point!! Large crowd, but not packed, the music was Slamming, and of course, there were lots of nice male bodies to look at. I'd forgotten why I loved that place sooo much. The only complaint I have is that they need to fix the place up a bit. Slap on a coat of paint or something. The place looks like they are in the middle of construction. Anyhoo, we stayed until 11am, but only because Nicki was done. I was hanging out with a new friend, so I guess he helped to keep me bright eyed. All in all, I'd have to say it was a great night at the Factory!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  16. Hey man, just wanted to thank you for your hospitality last night (and Wed night). Again, we didn't get to say a proper goodbye. Hope to see you again soon... You'll have to let us know where you're going to be spinning! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  17. Last time I checked, this was a public forum, and everyone's opinion was asked for. You seem to be getting pretty angry over a rather trivial thing. Seems someone has some issues with which to deal. Oh, and I notice that you are quick to jump bad with me, and I only made a simple not-trying-to-cause-drama-statement that you should get over it. But you say nothing to the guy who dissed you. Hmmm... As for me being ugly, puh-leeze. Ask anyone on this board who has met me, and you will find that you are terribly wrong. But hey, I'm not mad at you, you just don't know any better! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  18. Could it be true? Zoya is going to grace Exit with her presence?? Woohoo!! Can't wait to see you girlie! And btw, sometimes it's a good thing to stand out. I meet lots of peeps from the board because they recognize me. hee hee ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  19. Well, being the girlie girl that I am, I do not yet know what I am wearing. But my bud and I are kind of hard to miss...I'm Black with long curly braids, and she is White, with short blond hair. We will go behind the DJ booth for the meet-up. See you there!! Oh, and you didn't tell what you were wearing!! What's up with that? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  20. Congrats doll, but you were already a legend in my mind! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  21. Oh really?? Yay!! Will you show me how much you love me on Friday? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  22. Thank you my sweet. That sorry fool is obviously looking for drama, but Diva don't play that... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  23. I'm staying home long enough to start prepping TDay din, take a nap, shower, dress and go out!!! You kidding me? There's no way Diva's missing out on the biggest party night of the year!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  24. Never hurts to look hot, that's what I always say... Exit, dress to impress SF, a little more relaxed, I've seen guys in there with sneakers and athletic pants, and I've seen guys all GQ'd out ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 11-22-2000).]
  25. Happy Bday fellow Sag baby! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
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