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Everything posted by divalicious

  1. I vaguely remember being invited to Vegas for the next couple of days. I don't know what happened with that though... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  2. I'm sooo sick of the double standard when it comes to sex, and how soon to have it! Yet in order for a guy not to think that the girl he's hanging with is a slut (even though he's more likely to be one than she is), she has to "pretend" that she's not ready to F his brains out, until they've hung out for a certain amount of time. Meanwhile she could have gang banged 5 guys a week before she met her current fling, yet she will be perceived as a "good girl". But the girl who decides she wants her fling and takes him, will be perceived as a slut. My point is, you guys make your judgements, and sometimes you really don't have all the facts with which to make certain judgements... And you may end up with a SLUT who's just playing the role! What's up with that??? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  3. I say Nay, unless it's something important... It's sooo bothersome when someone is screaming in my ear over the music, trying to have a conversation, while I'm trying to dance... Of course when I'm taking a break on the sidelines, let the yammering begin! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  4. Wait a minute. A few months ago, I was way ahead of you...Somebody call CNYC Message Board Anonymous! Congrats Doll... Hey, do I get perks because my partner in crime is a goddess??? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  5. LOL...Crackorn, you crack me up!! The things you think of... I think I would want a tail more like that of a cat, then of a dog. Cat tails seem to have more flexibility, and I like the way they move and snake around, and help them out with their balance. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  6. I'll give you some lessons Doll, but private ones only In answer to the question: When the music is pumping, my feet don't hurt, and I'm not tired from dancing all night. Oh, and if there is a circle going on and poeple are pumping me up, clapping saying things like, "work it out girl!", that gets me going that much more! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  7. I've been on the board (doing more reading than posting) since early 98 with a different alias, but I registered as Divalicious in 99. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  8. Waaaaiit a minute... Skribble better not even try to play some damn hiphop on the main floor when I'm trying to celebrate my birthday at Exit this saturday night!!! Hiphop has it's place, and it's not on the main floor! Take that upstairs!!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  9. I'd say some disadvantages to beauty are: 1. Unwanted attention from men, which can turn quite rude, when you're non-responsive to their catcalls. 2. People tend to assume that you are: dumb, snobbish, conceited, narcissistic, golddigging, and etc. 3. For women (I don't know how men react): Girls on the street and in clubs give me somewhat dirty to very dirty looks all the time. Because they know nothing about me from the 5 seconds they laid eyes on me and found out of my existence, I can only wonder if it is because they see me as a beautiful woman with whom they think they have to compete. Ridiculous!!! The way I see it, if you are so lucky to be goodlooking, you should first thank your mom and dad (as I do all the time!). You should see your looks as yet another asset with which to work. That means that your personality, intellect, wit, sense of humor, and etc. should be developed, and you shouldn't think that your looks make you better than anyone. To Peeps, Shinedancer and a12345: Just to let you know... I've known butt ugly people who were pretentious egotistical narcissists, and I've known goodlooking people who appreciate their gift, and understand that it is not everything. I'm not trying to start drama, but one disadvantage of beauty is that there are many people such as yourselves, who hold negative assumptions about people who are beautiful. Yes, I agree that many of the stereotypes may be true about a good number of the beautiful people, but it'd be nice if sometimes people would take the time to find out that not all of us are on high horses. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  10. Hey hey! Bum Angel checking in!! How are you Doll? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  11. Heeheehee, you're sooo funny!! I can't believe anyone on this board actually knows about Canon in D Major. I like that work. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  12. Why thank you! But now I'll have to top that outfit this Sat, since it's my b-day and all... Sorry to hear you two are having a bad/not-so-good-day, but don't worry Sweeties, it will be over soon... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  13. Ooooo, I want to know details!!! If I showed up nude at my last job (before I got fired!!), I would have probably not only kept the job, I might have gotten a promotion! That place was such a boy's club, and when I was hired, my supervisor was getting slaps on the back for hiring me, and bringing in some "nice scenery" as I heard it described once. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  14. oops.... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 12-02-2000).]
  15. You said it Doll, especially when you're part of our group! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  16. he was AWESOME!!! i absolutely love him!!!!! That's all i have to say!!! Monique and i left at 5:50 so don't know how long he went!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  17. It;s a good thing some of us didn't ave to work today! I couldn't do anything. I had a great time, as usual... Thanks Man!!! See you guys tomorrow!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  18. Why yes, yes I have... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  19. Although there are many periods in history that I would enjoy experiencing, none of them were very good times for people with my beautiful skin coloring... So with that in mind, I'd have to say that I'd go back to junior high school, and put things on the hot fast track from that point... Buy stock in those crazy Apple and Microsoft companies, and stuff like that... Ok, fast forward back to Y2K... Divalicious operates the hottest clubs in Ibiza, New York, Amsterdam, London and Miami. And she spins surprise sets that will rock your world, when she's in the mood... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  20. Thanks for all the support y'all... I'm actually a pretty good job-hunter, I've had many jobs since the age of 14... Yuhwoo, I will look at those sites you named... Nicki, that's why we get along so well, I'm looking at it the same way... Only, no crying yet! Cubano, as soon as I update my resume, I'll send it to you... Thanks a lot Man! Spheric, I just may take you up on that... It's not like I have to work tomorrow!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  21. Oh I love Calvin and Hobbes!! I was quite upset when Bill Waterson retired... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  22. Let's just say, if you're going to F up, don't F up big time... I sent out a blank full page ad to a newspaper for one of the biggest clients, JP Morgan, and the paper actually ran the blank page!! Ad space cost: approx. $15,000 Wed before TDay, I forgot to send files to the London office and someone had to come in on Tday morning to send them. OK, I'll admit that I didn't really like the job anyway, so I'm not bummed. They gave me severance and paid me for unused vacation time. The only thing that sucks is that I don't know that I'll find another job that will allow me to have 10:30-6:30 work hours... So Diva is unemployed! Anyone know of any openings in the Advertising/Marketing/Event Coordination fields??? I've got bills to pay! Thanks... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  23. So let me get this straight... The guy was in a block of ice for 3 days??!!! That's nuts!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  24. I saw a report on them on the news last night. IF you have high blood pressure, a heart condition, or are on certain medications, you shouldn't drink these things. And for those of us who are healthy, they recommend not drinking very many of them. I think the nutritionist they were interviewing said around 3 max. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  25. You know I love you Doll, but if you're serious about that, I have to disagree with you. If being sexually passionate makes one a slut, then that would make me a slut BIG TIME! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
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