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Everything posted by divalicious

  1. Sorry Ph0eniX...no discrimination, sweetie! We can be friends 2
  2. OMG u guys...stop instigating! I don't want to fight...
  3. Not to be a B-otch or start any drama, but why would you copy my user name by adding a 'v'. Couldn't you think up a clever name for urself? I'm sure u r a Diva in ur own right, but I don't want people confusing u for me, the original Divalicious one . I'd really appreciate it if u'd consider changing ur name. Thanks a lot hun!
  4. I tend to agree with the sentiments that one may not be able to make a love connection in a club. But I don't agree fully...a guy in a club is someone who loves what I love and chances are he won't try to stop me from going out dancing - he'll come with me! If a guy approaches me the right way - ie: makes eye contact and dances with me, with a respectable distance between us - and I find him attractive - he's got a foot in the door and I won't give him the treatment that some ass-grabbing fool will get! I will even approach a guy I fancy - no double standards for this gal. But alas, the cute ones are always snatched up right quick! BTW, I'm not looking for some flashy, I'm-so-hot-you-know-you-want-me type of guy. A comfy pair of cargo pants and tank top can be quite sexy on the athletic type of guys I like.
  5. I go to Exit, SF, I'm also in the hamptons, and I go down the shore. Last night I went to Bryant Park, then Lunar park, to do the after-work thing... I don't go to hole-in-the-wall places, they are not at all my style. I don't really think I'm looking in the wrong places...
  6. ...goodlooking/attractive guys? It seems that whenever I go out (to clubs, after work spots, the street of nyc), I see way more goodlooking women than men. What's up with that?? Is it that we women take the time to make sure that we look good when we go out? Any one have any thoughts on this matter, and how the heck we can fix this very troubling problem?? I want to date too goddammit!!
  7. frankie-pep...thank you baby chele...right on the money!! p.r.new years eve
  8. frankie-pep...thank you baby chele...right on the money!! p.r.new years eve
  9. Rave in bklyn on Sat??? Please tell me all teh details, I had no idea! OMG, I need to go to this!! How much, where, when? Thanks
  10. I'm a str8 female who just luuuvs men to death!! Buuut, I am quite curious to know what it's like to have a woman pleasure me in a way I'm sure no man can. Will curiousity kill this cat? If so, will satisfaction bring me back? =)~ teehee
  11. This is me! I hope this works... [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 08-10-2000).]
  12. fashion institute of technology - aa brooklyn college - ba for two completely unrelated degrees...i'm still trying to figure out what i want to be when i grow up.
  13. Just wanted to know if anyone was going to attempt a meet-up tomorrow. I know it would probably be a little hard to do there since there aren't any real "landmarks" to gather at, so if anyone wants to say hi, look for a black chica with long curly braids and a white chica with short blonde hair camped out on a big blue and white sheet. Anyone else care to ID themselves so that others can say hi?
  14. This sounds like it's going to be a great party! Only problem is that it's an 18+ party. Tunnel really needs to learn its lesson and raise the age to 21.
  15. As a general rule, drinking and E aren't a good mix because both are very dehydrating and that could cause you some problems. Of course the exception to this rule is drinking champagne while on E. The bubbly stuff just makes you feel sooo bubbly good! A nice hit of some kind bud also makes my ride that much nicer =) Pre-loading (5-htp, l-tyrosine, selenium) also makes the trip nicer, and helps with the after effects, like feeling down, which never ever happens to me.
  16. I would wish for complete and total happiness. The way i see it, if i were completely and totally happy: -my family, friends and i would be financially secure -there would be nothing but good news to report on the 11:00 broadcast because there wouldn't be crime, poverty and hardship in our world -people would love and care for eachother, and we all would see ourselves as unified human beings instead of black, white, rich , poor, and all the other things we use to separate and alienate ourselves. How's that for a pageant answer? =)
  17. Not that I have anything against my homosexual brothers - i'm actually a bit of a fag-hag, and I'm going to go regardless. I'd just like to know, so that when I see some Hottie, I'll try to figure out if he likes boys or girls before I try to make eyes at him. Thanks!
  18. $20 cover 11 pill 10 parking 5 water 4 misc. tipping ---------------- $ 50 for a night jeez, that's kind of cheap compared to what others on the board spend!
  19. 50% Belizean 50% American Black -------------------- 100% Cutie
  20. This happened to my clubbing buddy: We were at Exit this past Saturday dancing on the stage, and she was feeling way too good and dropped her ciggies (which housed our one precious hydro joint) underneath. So we go to look for them and I take the steps like a normal person =) She found a quicker way, stepping off the stage where she Thought steps were (of course there weren't any) and FELL OFF THE STAGE IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY. She hurt her hand pretty bad, but she hurt her pride more.
  21. Hey all I'm 28 and I've been clubbing since I was 16. I party harder and more now than I did when I was 16. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon either. My clubbing buddy is 31 and she too does not see the end of her clubbing days arriving anytime soon. We both love the scene, the music and the great vibe. It's sooo weird tho, because most people our age are married with children. We can't even imagine having that life at this point in time!! I have to say tho, that we do avoid clubs that are 18 to party, because you know that there are going to be 16 y.o. in there and we don't like to party with the youngins.
  22. Hey everybody! For the longest time now I've had this very same problem...my friends are just not into clubbing at all. I on the other hand sooo look forward to the weekends! I met one gal through raveworld.net and now i have 1 friend to club with. And we've actually become very good friends. But there's always room for more!! I am PartyPatrolDiva@aol.com for all those who want to hook up with a par-tay grrrl =D I have an idea! I think a great place for all of us who are looking to expand our circles of friends to meet up is at the Body and Soul event at Summer Stage in Central Park. We would actually be able to talk to eachother and hang out while we party. What do you all think? Cheers...
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