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Everything posted by mrblonde55

  1. Does anyone know what the age is gonna be for Thanksgiving Eve???????? ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  2. Im an absolute Gore supporter on a majority of his platforms, but I dont see how you can say he is Pro-Labor. Anyone who supports free trade organizations (WTO, NAFTA, etc.) is creating a SEVERE injustice for the blue collar American working man. These groups exploit forigen labor at the expense of American jobs. Im not going vote Gore because I like him, Im going to vote Gore because hes not Bush. Its sucks that that is what this countrys politics have come to, but with everyone making a mad dash to the middle, they are carbon fucking copies of each other aside from 3 or 4 issues, of which only one will they take a strong stand on one way or the other (abortion). Nader does take a strong stance on issues that mainstream canidates wouldnt, but I dont think that would remain true if his chances of winning were better than they are. PS- Not one of the canidates has anything wrong with catagorically discriminating against our demographic with America's "war on drugs" PPS- Have you heard any of Bush's speaches?? Im mean c'mon the guy is a fucking moron. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. [This message has been edited by mrblonde55 (edited 11-02-2000).]
  3. 1.No idea 2.No idea 3.Sliders was good, but I think we all got to know and love Jerry O connel on "My Secret Identity" ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  4. Bro, its- Jockin' the BITCHES Smackin' the HOES ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  5. Yeah 10 bux an hour is about right. Thats what I used to get when I did beach distribution, Jones Beach Field 4, Robert Moses, then off to the Hamptons to catch everyone coming out of Neptunes. It wasnt that bad a racket actually, I got like 100 bux a day and a sick tan. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  6. She and Johnny Vicious did another song last spring, but I dont know if it ever came out, its off the fuckin hook. I saw her do it over the summer out on the island. Ive seen her a bunch of times and her performance is sick, another great party I'm gonna miss being stuck up at school. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  7. The mix sounds pretty tight, but you have to get Bullet In Your Gun 2000, then Ill be first in line to get it. P.S.- Fright Train and Do It Again would be greatly appreciated. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. [This message has been edited by mrblonde55 (edited 10-31-2000).]
  8. Then you would have to inhale the cigar smoke, no? Thats def not my idea of a good high, lol. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  9. Your kidding right? Do you think that most of todays Pop stars have ANY talent whatsoever?? These prepackaged bullshit bubble gum pop groups are all spoon fed lyrics, dance moves, clothes, vocal lessons and everything else you know about them. Talk about lack of talent, charisma and showmanship, these people not only have none themselves, but are told by other people what to do in order to give the appearance that they have any personality. In my opinion the only thing worse than having no personality is having to use one scripted for you. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  10. Last year I was right by the wall street subway station, and the people in the office across the street were chucking the yellow pages out the window from like the 15th floor, funny shit as long as you ddint get hit,lol. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. [This message has been edited by mrblonde55 (edited 10-30-2000).]
  11. Anyone hear the new Fatboy Slim song "Bird Of Prey" yet??? Its AMAZING!!!! Its an ill beat that you would expect from Fatboy Slim, with Jim Morrison vocals sampled, hardcore trippy. Anyone else love it as much as me? ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  12. Nah def not. I downloaded it a couple of days ago and I hated it. Its a huge change from 5.0 and takes a little getting used to. Im up at school and my computer is on a network, so Im always online, and I keep Instant messenger on all day, when you sign on with 6.0, it will sign off your instant messenger and is a real annoyance. I deleated it after like 10 min of use and wnet back to 5.0 ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  13. Whatever, Im just curious as to when the last time the Fins actually beat the Jets was. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  14. I think, just as everyone says that they are stopping because the quality of pills is dropping (which I agree with), an equal factor is the fact that the group you do it with never stays the same. I had the chillest group of friends that I used to party with, but over time we didnt chill as much. Some kids get into harder shit and it consumes them, others drop the scene all togeather and we all just GET A LITTLE OLDER. I still see them all once in a while, but it hasnt been all of us togeather in like a year and to tell you the truth I dont miss it that much. I look back and love all the memories, but Ive moved on and have no regrets, and thats the most important thing. No matter what you may have or have not done, the best thing is to be able to look back with no "what-if's". P.S.-I know this post was a litte long and rambling, but cut me some slack Im just rying to avoid studying for my Bio test tomorrow. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  15. You must have forgotten last mondays incredible breakdown of your wonderful Dolphins. But I guess since Miami cant beat the Jets theyll have to rely on cheering for the other teams that play them and actually have a shot. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  16. You can always sign up through the kurfew website to get a discount invitation that you can just print out. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  17. My friends up at school got green 007's and after all the shit Ive been hearing about the fucked up pills goin around I just wanted to know if anyone has tried these or knows someone who did. Im tryin to get him to ease up on this shit, maybe some neg feedback would help. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  18. It def wasnt the way I was dressed, or the people I was with for that matter, I was dipped in French Connection. I guess the time might have been a factor, although I knew people there that night and the party reached about 12 anyway. Just wanted to put in my 2 cents. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  19. I was always under that impression until the first week of JV's residence at tunnel. I left tunnel at about 8 lookin to keep partyin so decided to take a walk up to factory. It was me, another male friend and two girls, they wanted 21 ID from all of us, which I would have show if I had known it wasnecessary, but not wanting any hassle i just showed my real licence only to get a strange look from the bouncer. He asked me if I thought it was Friday. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.
  20. DRUGS ARE THE FUNDAMENT OF ALL CRIME!?!?!?!?!?! Are you seriously eating all the Drug-Free America bullshit that is being fed to you? The government and the police arent serious about drugs, because if they were they wouldn't bust my balls about the 5 pills in my pocket, they would go after the 5 million that come through the airports. The war on drugs is an easy way for law enforcement to look good by instilling fear in parents then making some token raids and busts to make everyone happy. The illegality of drugs is the source of most of the crime that is drug related, so maybe you shouldnt take all the govt BS at face value and think about whats really goin on. [This message has been edited by mrblonde55 (edited 09-26-2000).]
  21. Juniors Essential mix from this new years. If ya like his shit its awesome, jumps ahead in the middle of all the copies Ive seen, if you find a complete one PM me.
  22. Im comin home from school for next weekend and am hard up for a real party. Now I know exactly what to expect from Twilo next Friday night, but have been itching to try out Vinyl for some time. I just had a few questions about it- whats the crowd/dress code/price??? And when does the party usually slow down there, cuz a 5 AM end of Vinyl would be perfect for me to then catch the best of what SnD is gonna be at Twilo?
  23. Anyone remember the cartoon with the rich-kid teenages. At the beginning they are drivin around in the limo with the pool in the back, it was kinda like 90210 but a cartoon. I think it was on with Dino The Last Dinosaur. It was awesome, but seriously nothing can touch Thundercats. Has anyone ever gone online and found all the Thundercats fuck ups, they have the outtakes of the guys who did the voices fuckin up and cursing and shit, its hilarious.
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