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Everything posted by mrblonde55

  1. Anyone know if there is a place to pick it up on the 'net. Im up at school and highly deprived.
  2. So Ewing finally gone for 6 players including Glenn Rice and Luc Longly. Mixed feelings about him leaving thought, he was a constant source of solid numbers, but can anyone ever forget that missed finger roll in the eastern conference finals? He will be missed, but its all probably for the better.
  3. Yeah the Sebor is the OG shit, Im prteey sure your supposed to mix it with quite a bit of sugar and ice, not drink it from the bottle, lol. Ive had it once at a friends house and it def is worth the $60 investement. A quite different experience.
  4. In no particular order- -Back To The future -Cocktail -Top Gun -Goonies -Breakfast Club -Ferris Buhlers Day Off -Friday The 13th I know its not a movie but does anyone remember the TV show Parker Lewis Cant Loose, that shit was awesome.
  5. Do you know who is spinnin for the ministry of sound party?
  6. Ive never personally had the experience of being caught but have seen some EXTREAMLY FUCKED UP SHIT GO DOWN. At limelight one night i was coming down the back stairs from the DJ booth and when i got to the bottom two bouncers were yelling at some girl to come back down stairs, she took off and one bouncer looked at the other and said go for it, the bouncer made it up the stairs in like 5 steps and hit the girl right in the small of her neck putiin her right down. I left the club like 3 hours later in the pouring rain and the girl and her BF were outside tryin to get back in to get their jackets, but security was just like "Your gonna have to wait for everyone to leave", BTW it was like 40 degrees out also, not fun. At Tunnel a few weeks ago, I saw them eject someone head first off their feet throught those big double doors and right out on to the street. Most of the bouncers at Limelight and Tunnel are the same, and prob some of the most brutal in the city.
  7. Yeah its def a sick effect, espically when your swaetin your balls off, the first time i saw soemthin like it was at La Boom in Cancun, they have it shoot up from slits in the floor and from the ceiling at the same time, its sick shit.
  8. It is but Brian tells me I may not be the only one. I heard Jared Scream really is in law school and may have the rights to that name, lol. WHAT THE FUCK BRO!?!?!?!?!
  9. The one and only, although brain tells me Jared Scream really is in law school.....so what the fuck man??????? Thats weird shit.
  10. Yo Russ- Didnt know you were a Jets fan. Thank god for that, you prob have enough headaches rooting for the mets, lol. Flame away Met fans.
  11. The show is def off the meter and anyone who has ever heard it knows what im talkin about. Last week Mike Mac tore it up and Im sure Russ will do the same if his previous sets are an indicator. Rip it up bro.
  12. So far what Ive heard is its gonna be the "biggest club in nyc" which you can take however you want, denny tsettos (sp?)is gonna be the res and its prob gonna be 23 guys/ 21 girls when they first open
  13. I had 3 triple x's at tunnel for thegrand opening. It was my first trip since Kind at limelight (4/20). Before i stopped in april i would trip alot, and reg ate like 3 or 4 pills. Well, I swallowed one of the triple x's at penn station and chewed up the otjher two at the door when I was getting frisked (i forgot to hide em) and let me tell you, ive never had anything like these before. I got really hyper then like 30 min later got real sick and puked. After that i had to sit, the tingleing in my legs was wayyyyyyyyy to much and i spent like 3 hrs sittin in the hallway TRIPPING MY FACE OFF. Hardcore halucinations and extreme difficulty getting up, I was totally zoned out. After my friends finally got me up though I was dancing till the lights came on a trooped it to factory after. I was goin till like 3 pm the next afternoon. So for 3 pills i think thats quite a trip. I though i was a heavyweight, but these things knocked me on my ass. My other friends one were eating one at a time said they took a while to kick in (aprox an hr) and they too made the mistake of eating another one two soon. Good rolls, but they def will mangle you.
  14. Yup yup, Paris was a man, i heard she went all the way with it though and now is all woman.BTW, she can be downriht hilarious at times, as long as your not on the recieving end of it.
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