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Everything posted by mrblonde55

  1. Almost postive Darey would NEVER spin at Exit, and even if he was so inclined, I could never see that scumbag owner paying him enough to show up let alone spin a record. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  2. You must be crazy, S&D will be the ones opening, they are gonna build it right the fuck up for Draper to blow everyone away. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  3. I drove by before Twilo friday night and the place was closed. Now I know Sundays do good and the sat party is starting to pick up, but I doubt that the 2 nights can pick up the slack for the place being closed on a friday. Dont know if the rumors are true, but maybe a change in management could breathe some life into the place. But thats just my $.02 ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  4. LMFAO, since when is anything being on an Exit flyer a comformation. The way they run shit, a good rule of thumb would be to see if the advertised act looks good. If it does, Exit is probably lying. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss? [This message has been edited by mrblonde55 (edited 02-27-2001).]
  5. Nope, its 18, go check the twilo website, they have a pic f the pass under special events. Its 18+, which means I miss yet another sick party due to my ass being stuck in Binghamton. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  6. Anyone remember the Tunnel Wizard Of Oz party, Eddie was the great and powerful Oz. Thats when themes were actually an event, not a bi-weekly excuse to jack up the cover. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  7. That sucks, last spring on my b-day, I got an upper respitory infection at Limelight and was in bed for two weeks, now that seriously SUCKED, but probably had somthing to do with the walk to Penn in a downpour, lol. Anyways hope ya fell better quicker than I did. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  8. Its what clubnyc has listed as the name for Elevate/Level/Phenomenon, its really a hip hop/reggae club called jamrock that used to throw friday night house parties. Me and all my friends used to promote for it and the one and only Russ Reign was resident for when it was elevate/level, before that like summer of 99 it was phenomenon and Tony Draper was there every friday. Had some sick parties, and I will always have some awesome memories of that place. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  9. I got it, email me at MrBlonde55@aol.com ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  10. FYI- there are red lights all over Exit along the walls. I was in the main booth once and these red lights came on (they are not bright, you would have to know your looking for them or youd glance right over) and one of the bouncers came over to the booth and started clearing people out, cuz he said the cops were inside. Turns out the red lights are a signal to staff that there are DT's in the club, so keep an eye out. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  11. Make sure you wear somthing with pockets, and in those pockets make sure you have 30 bux, then they wont give a shit what you have on since they fell green makes any outfit good enough for their party. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  12. This would be one hell of a fight...against time to see if medics could get Jet Li's broken ass to a hospital quick enough. The guy is impressive, but c'mon, BRUCE LEE???? Has anyone evere seen the footage from the expo he did in Cali at some Karate tourny that got him discvovered? He does the one inch punch, pushups on his thumbs and his hands move so fast he camera cant even pick them up. A fight between the 2 would be a massacre, and a quick one at that. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  13. "To all my friends present, past and beyond. To those that werent with us too long. Life is the most precious thing we could lose. While you were here the the fun was never ending, laugh a min was just the beginning"-Bro Hymm by Pennywise. Awesome fucking song. Another one I dont really feel like writing all the words for is Karissa Noel-Corrupt, the lyrics to that song are sick, I know a bunch of girls that I played it for and they adopted it as their new anthem, lol. So many good lyrics, so many chemicals that made sure I cant think of them now ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  14. Anyone know the website or event calender for stereo, me and my freidns are looking for an excuse to go up to Canada for a weekend. Anyone ever been there? Crowd/dress/music/vibe???? ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  15. Say hello to us and goodbye to large chunks of time. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  16. Tell them its your other friends B-day, and he plays better music. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  17. Cant agree more, heard it for the fist time at Temptation @ the vanderbilt last year, Mirco dropped it. My jaw still clenches when i hear that song. It is the hot buildup. Also gotta give props to the Arrival, its right up there. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss? [This message has been edited by mrblonde55 (edited 01-27-2001).]
  18. Actually its "Sub-Human" primates, lol. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  19. Try the fatboy slim remix (dont know if its really him or cut from one of his sets). i have it on napster username is mrblonde55. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  20. "Mines the one that says bad motherfucker on it." ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  21. Bro, this is serverly fucked up. Once again our plans get shot down, this time by the shitty weather. SO FUCKING SORRY. have a great birthday, and well get together before I go back up to school, I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday, and have a great <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">new year</a> . ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  22. Im just taking a guess here, but I think maybe she was trying to imply somthing about Russ by dropping that particular name. the question would have been just as valid (and pointless) if no name was used/dropped. She is obvioulsy trying to start some unnecessary drama. Russ is a quality guy, and if it is him you are talking about, maybe you should take up your issues with him instead of doing somthing as 3rd grade as posting it for everyone else to read, then trying to use his name in a "hypothetical" situation. PS - Russ kicks Denny's ass every day of the week. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  23. Thanks alot bro, I'll def be there. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  24. Whats the deal with Tricky at Limelight on the 25th????? Joeydollaz posted something about him being at Limelight on the 25th and Ive been pumped for it. the clubplanet listing just has Tricky & Guests listed under Limelight without any date given, and the Tricky website says nothing about it, but doesnt look to up to date. Does anyone have ANY conformation one way or another for this event, if they have recieved any emails about it or anything, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FOWARD IT TO ME. (MrBlonde55@aol.com) If its on, Im ready for a meetup there, as it should be an awseome show. ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
  25. Look folks, it's quite obvious what is going on in our nation today. There is a vast conspiricy behind the presidential election, and it has just stolen the presidency from Al Gore and given it to George W. Bush. This is no laughing matter people it is amazing somthing like this could go on today, but alas it has. Those behind this nationwide hoax are not the Conservative Right-Wingers or the GOP party machine, this plots roots can be found on late night TV every weekday and Saturday night. I am talking about the comedy writers of shows like SNL, Jay Leno, Conan O'Brian, Dave Letterman, etc. They have just put Bush in the White House so they can go on vacation for the next 4 years, Im mean c'mon look at this guy, the freakin jokes will write themselves. On a serious note, the guy is a fucking moron, and I just hope he doesnt fuck the economy up enough so when i get out of school I go straight to the unemployment line, which may no longer exist with all his wonderful "tax savings" for us. But hey, at least the jokes will be good right???? ------------------ The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs. How do you shoot the Devil in the back?..... What if you miss?
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