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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. by the way, is anyone here familiar with amanda lear? she's soooooooooo bad:D :D
  2. i know you don't care anymore..::double sigh:: au revoir;)
  3. sigh... sometimes it doesn't help being nice....i can't undo what i've done...::sigh:: anyway, that dude didn't post pics of bimbos.....and it was implicit that you thought i was camp... ok ciao zzzzzzzzzzzz:blank:
  4. what about that one? it's more personal than an imaginary 4sum with a bag, a dude and his chick, i think, which is obviously a Joke. why are you so peevish? should i apologise? if that's what it takes, i'll do it (z<---nice guy) ciao z:(
  5. gawd you re stubborn....ok i'l become an alcocholic then...i wish it didn't give me headache...i always have to take 'virgin mary' the morning after....
  6. also portishead: portishead...i love them!!!! they're all about pain and frustration, LOL:blank:
  7. Two roads diverged in a wood..... and I took the one less traveled by.... have you ever seen the film called "the grey gardens"? it's fabulous!!! and it features poetry by r. frost (ie you)
  8. never! even in a wheelchair i'd still go, LOL. and i'll say to myself: "not dead yet, huh?":bounce: :skull:
  9. cheer up old chap! i was just being playful. if i were to get angry with you apropos all the things you said about me, we wouldn't have chatted a long time ago. so - are you feeling any better? it's so boring here in budapest! i need to leave soon for berlin....trezor was a cool place to go to there. but nothing compares to ultra@SPA lol :)
  10. hey, you are totally right - it's called DRAMA! so give it to us!!!!!
  11. hey i could also claim that alcochol (which you like so much and in so many forms) is a kinda drug! please read sven vaeth's view on it! (i wonder how he came up with all those numbers and percents). you mentioned the *dude* not me. it's only legitimate to suppose you were interested in him. and c'mon, he's not that bad~! you 2 will get along just fine, LOL. also he may be bi and have a girlfriend Who Doesn't Check In Her Bag. you'd make an awesome 4-sum (bag included). ta-ta zzzzzzzzzzzzz
  12. yeah maybe that's the song! it could also be "these boots are made for walking" (amanda lear) cuz the bag is also bimbo-ish (in her baggish way) and unaware that it's a bag!!! there has to be a bimbo+bag club somewhere in new jewsy...i bet!!!! :D
  13. hey why not have a special bimbo/bag-room? those rooms should provide comfort for both the bags and the bimbos. *** bimbo 1: "hey marla, i looked for a coatcheck an there wasn't any. what a relief! i finally won't be asked to check my street-'fendi' bag in!" bimbo 2(marla): "oh shutdafu*k up karen. they're playing my bag's favourite song!!!" ***
  14. hey you are totally hot...you should hook up with glow, if that's your preference, or.....LOL...... :D
  15. + it works against girl's makeup....or for it, depending on the girl..... :D
  16. yeah leave the :-===-------------- for moi! hmm, i still like fendi and i think one can appreciate camp without being campish, but ok. even if i were to be condemned to be camp it's not a tragedy, LOL. i'd rather be camp(ish) than trashy. as for the fake bags, that's cool, if the person wearing them has style...but we are talking bimbos here. as for the earing *dude* it seems that he stirred your graceful imagination - why don't you arrange a date with him and check whether he's me! you'd be surprised.......
  17. patsy: "when i heard that eddie was ppregnant i told her to abort! abort, abort, abort!!! bring me...a *knitting needle*!":blown:
  18. indeed, while the bimbos get trashier every day. maybe eventually they won't be able to BUY the damn bags or to afford to get into the clubs, because they wasted all their money on breats implants, silicon lips and fake designer bags or to find the clubs, due to the complete lack of balance as a result of the disbalanced boobs
  19. first of all, i'm sorry you're ill. maybe some :-=---- would help? it increases the temperature of the body, you know. + if you mix it with your favourite vodka/white russian tea coctail, it works even better. the compliment i gave was to my own grace - since i haven't met you in person (and i'm a bit distrustful about the internet pics - see the thread at NYC comprising some rather scandalous images) i can only speak about myself we have already established that bimboid bags are not 'authentic,' but fake. so why not check them in? in order to support the myth of their authenticity? i doubt that the experienced eye of cottoncandydream, for example, would mistake a genuine gucci for a fake one, even under the stroboscope! and btw what's wrong with fendi? i LOVED their last season's collection for men - it was sooooooooooo camp - as if it was taken from the editorial of the 70s version of the wallpaper magazine! ciao z
  20. hey stope spreading your anti- :-====------------- propaganda. there's enough room for both of us here (i hope) ::yawn::
  21. or with her heel - take the shoe off and hit the bloody bouncer! :D
  22. *sleepless in budapest* patsy: "is it a BEE? oh eddie, find it, kill it!!!" eddie: "it's on me" patsy: "oh, it's a small shoe" eddie: "no, it's my cell phone dahrling":cool:
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