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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. lovely! we already have the *prozac family* which works in the same way as ex...let's legitimaze all the drugs and we'll have a happier society:D :D
  2. if you're into that kinda game, rather get a colonic!
  3. "stick ur finger down the throat, hack up your tits, keep taking the pills and don't come back here untill you look like something" (patsy, ab-fabs) you're so cute...don't vomit though, LOL :laugh:
  4. girl you SHOULD feel guilty...win a victory over yourself:laugh:
  5. this is the second political comment i read from perfecto, and it's perfect! though i'm really not interested in politics (i regard it as amusement for the masses) i admire people who are serious thinkers and who decide to get involved. often though i think they'd be better off composing music and writing novels, than getting in the dirt of politics....
  6. you rule...i LOVED the last of the three, so true... :laugh:
  7. so true - however it's a choice between looking good and enjoying the food, and i choose the former. so, eachtime you skip a late-night snack think how you won a victory over yourself and how *fabulous* it'll make you look:bounce: :bounce:
  8. i thought this was supposed to be a website for clubbing, not a political forum....i don't mind you expressing your opinions on politics, it just looks weird..... advice: turn the news off and go out to party (you won't get to change anything anyway) ;)
  9. the more (clubs) the merrier...yeah, it should be reopened...we neeed to go somewhere close after roxy...
  10. c'mon *dude* you're getting serious again.....who's preventing you to express your style? since you're provoking me to continue this dresscode discussion instead of celebrating spa let me add this: there are appropriate and inappropriate 'atires' - you don't go to an embassy repeption wearing jeans, do you? so think of the dress codes in those terms - controlling the 'basic requirements' what's the big deal about the clothes anyway? it's only cut cloth with labels on it :laugh:
  11. well it all depends on how you define 'drama'...if it's bitching with that old hog misses, than i'm ready for it...if it's on the other hand a Serious drama, such as the talk about the dresscodes and asians, then we are not talking *gay drama* here.....
  12. of course it is...but drinking cosmos is better.....
  13. what's wrong with the dresscodes? LOL :laugh:
  14. ...that there is another obscure reason for keeping those bags on the floor and not checking them in. i said 'obscure' because one can't actually notice the consequence of it: to keep the make-up ~going~. you know those wanna-be-divas who in the midst of a sweaty club take out their make up to 'touch up' their noses or lips. i always believed that there is a special room assigned for these beauty-oriented actions...needless to say that it can hardly *happen* under the disco lights + that it usually results in kabuki- or john-waters-like makeup... :bounce:
  15. i agree; however, if the Result (as you yourself said) is the same, then what's the fuss about? that is, if we are going to get separated on the basis of attraction to this or that kind of music/dresscode, then why not just accept the fact that we are ALL DIFFERENT and that we can still enjoy the nightlife as it is. think of the dresscodes as signals of the kind of music/scene we like. if one likes rap, one will dress in such a way etc. this doesn't mean that one HAS TO LOOK in a certain way to like a certain kind of music though (that would be dreadful). clothes are, at least for me, a non-verbal way of communicating with other people.... *gawd this all got way too serious - let's get back to bashing the asians*
  16. i totally agree - clubs that you go to don't make you into a certain type of person....hmmmm......maybe they do after all? LOL... have a blast b&r ciao remember: rejection is the greatest aphrodisiac
  17. *berlin, germany, close to midnight, sipping 'moet' and getting ready to go out* p/p>>> i'm glad that you understood me...we are both clever chaps, LOL, so no need for additional negativity, when we already have those crazy anti-asians and anti-latinos to do it for us. save your nerves and try this link www.looplabs.com ciao z :bounce:
  18. dear phuturephunk....>>> i did you a favour! i read carefully your reply, but all i found were some funny moralising, almost religious statements...."YOU ruined something created in hopes of unity and love", "YOU and YOUR KIND are the destroyers of life," " YOU and YOUR KIND are sad cariacatures of the brilliance of creation, desperately seeking the seeing in your world of blindness ," etc. gawd, you sound like a cyber-preacher! it almost made me shout: “oh, please, st. phuturepunk of nyc nightlife, come and show me the right way! lead me out of my trendy darkness and deliver me to the light of the real clubbing, the land of eternal fun and love, where the velvet ropes are replaced with genuine emotional ties that connect one human soul with another.†ok, if you want to start a cult of "natural" and "organic" clubbing go ahead, it's a big city. + no one forces you to go to the same clubs as WE do. you don't have to dress up and to bow to the gods of late-capitalist consumption, like WE do. you can just look your 'natural' self, go out in old-fashioned/shabby clothes (beware though, it may become trendy to wear shabby clothes, and there's a danger for your 'nonchalant' style) and without a hairstyle, and there'll always be a niche for you and your kind, at least i hope (because, it seems, i am more tolerant than you, after all). but why, oh why, do we need all this negative energy when you probably hate going to SPA anyway? on the other hand, if you feel endangered by me and people alike me, and if you see this “evil trendy trend†conquering nyc nightlife, then maybe you are in the wrong, because you lost your touch with reality. having said all this, i’d still like to take you to SPA and show you how all these ‘bad guys’ can be very nice even to an outsider like you. And one other thing: “naturalness is the most difficult of all the poses.†Ciao
  19. by the way, i went to SPA last thu and it was phantastic*. there was a fashion show and some turkish dancing...+ the best retro-house music i heard lately. the crowd was great......... ps though it may appear otherwise, i am not a promoter for SPA, lol:D :D
  20. c'mon romie, you know those are - just big ugly bags that are packed with fake LV (or even worse - RL) jackets these cheap broads don't want to check in, as if anyone would steal those funky fashion items. then they gather up and pile up those bags, as if to protect them and dance in a woo-doo style around this mini-mountain of fashion-rejects....thus, nice guys&girls step on the bags, or even fall over them, making these viper-tongued wanna-be-clubber-esses angry and....you know it all!
  21. let's all reach our hands and feel each other's skin...regardless of the colour....and then maybe we shall overcum LOL LOL LOL:blown:
  22. No shirt no shoes no english NO SERVICE!!!!!!!!!! welcome to Amercia....
  23. good luck dude...you da man! kick his ass and make him paralised as well. then make him buy the clutch he stole from your friend without charging it to his health care plan, and Then stick it in his....then make him buy a wheelchair and push him down the stairs in it! Violence Rules! should it really be that way?
  24. wow this thread is still alive.... yeah, dumb bitches need to: 1. know that there IS a coatcheck 2. know how to get there 3. be able to count the $$$ 4. be able to spell their initials 5. go there and pick up the bag/rags when the party is over so, it is very tough for them...why check tha bag at all, sis?
  25. gawd this is insane.....the fact is that hispanic population is the largest ethnic minority in the us. let's face it! there's nothing we can do about it, unless we want to wote new hitler for a prez!
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