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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. i agree - one needs to look good when going clubbin' you rock babe:D :D
  2. yeah bro! good for you! can i take you to a club with me? you get the cock-blockers and i'll get.....
  3. so true and so fashionable....fasion is NOT about feeling comfy but looking fabulous...it's all about sacrifice, LOL. platforms are so mid-90s....history....
  4. try paul mitchel - he has a great line of products, you should in fact look for the the one that exactly meets your needs also trevor sorbie (quite expensive though) has great products
  5. apollon - ok then - i hope you didn't find my assumption that you're gay offensive because indeed being handsome (as your screenname indicates) doesn't imply being gay...no need to 'frown' lol... best of luck in finding clubs without meatheads - i'd try the EV bars if i were you
  6. hey well our clothes do express our attitude in a way, and not caring about clothes/being casual is an attitude as well...so make that your statement and it should work at the door. on the other hand, i think dresscode does help sometimes to keep the thugs out of the clubs... (i like dressing up so i shouldn't be replying to this anyway)
  7. i loved all the answers - very good taste!....i usually wear diesel sneaks (retro-adidas-like)...puma is very cool....kC doesn't do much for me though, and prada is not a good choice for a huge club...but hey, if one can afford to trash a pair of prada shoes weekly, lol, it's ok with moi. dressy shoes like vuitton or patric cox or paciotti or gucci etc are a show-off for fashion shows.... ciao
  8. such a difficult question...here are my choices: men: diesel ++ masculine (sexiest), must de cartier (elegant), givenchy pour monsieur (for retro fans), helmut lang (no reason, just good) women: diva by ungaro (timeless, lady-like), coco, miss dior (retro-queens) unisex: bulgari black (sophisitcated)
  9. well i see that these two topics are similar. just that bimbos have an additional device - a handbag. thus, the cigarette-trick (burning the bimbo~ids' as*es) doesn't work, because they (bimbos) can use the bag as a shield...if they know How to use them. i think drag queens can be of use here - i was told they often wear those stilettos with removable heels, which caused death of many d/queen bashers in australia (stiletto-gang-bangs). with a d/queen or two, one removes the handbag-cock-blokers by: 1. creating a competition (the duuuuuuudes who are into bimbos won't tell the differencs) 2. making nice incissions on cheap LV, fendi, and gucci nock-offs that bimbos wear
  10. what ever apollo - if you are gay (and something in your 'sreename' tells me you are, which is totally cool) - you like meatheads as well....i bet ya! ciao
  11. ok i totally agree with sweat&neck thing...as a friend of mine said apropos roxy: it's all about pecs&the jawline. one doesn't exist if under 170lbs! cruel?...however, i have a question: are you attracted to muscleheads? (if you're gay of course). would you like to look like them? (this is not a provocatuion but an honest question) one is so poisoned with the images of semi-nude men in fashion and commercials that we are lead to admire the 'sculpted bodies.' or maybe not. if the opposite from the muscleheads are fat guys, i'd still go for muscle... ciao
  12. hi all>>> i posted this review/list of suggestions on DRAMA messageboard and it provoked many comments (some of them were somewhat nasty), only to realise this is the right mesageboard for it hence, here's a little recapitulation about ultra@SPA. GENERAL WARNING: persons not interested in issues of style need not read! *ultra* @ SPA rules let's face it >>> the non-stylish crowd hates the velvet rope. unlike them, the gliteratti gather once a week @ SPA to celebrate the sophistication of NYC club/fashion scene. armani-suits & chelsea a&f muscleheads are simply not allowed - ultra is the triumph of the non-mainstream style/culture (which however generates the mainstream 2 or 3 years after, when banana republic and a|x decide to produce pathetic reproductions of the glam/trash clothes devised/designed for clubs like SPA). so forget about DKNY and cK, put on your favourite 80's shirt, high heels (a must for the ladies), and hide your gaze behind gucci sunglasses. obligatory drink: strawberry cosmopolitan dance style: anything but j-lo-lookalike favourite phrase: "oh, i'm sorry, i didn't see you!" favourite emoticon: :-===------------------ ****************************************** SPECIFICALLY FOR GENTLEMEN: for getting into SPA one needs a very different fashion concept than looking the same every season (ie wearing j crew and looking *preppy* or a&f and looking *jockish-duh*) or making two-season-late mainstream-targeted copies of euro labels. [alexander mcqueen rules!]. stay away from armani as well - he just recycles his clothes since 1990s..... burberry's ok! DUDES*WHO DON'T GET IN:post-work-kinda-guys ADVICE:get a fake euro accent for extra points at the door, LOL. ****************************************** SPECIFICALLY FOR LADIES: everything that's whacky goes, but don't misunderstand this - no rave fashion! *camp-ish ellegance* is the key word for SPA. though it sounds apsurd, in fact it's not: it means you shouldn't look like an upper-east mid-20s secretary who thinks she has some class because she wears "fashion items that never go out of fashion." there just isn't such a fashion item - fashion is all about change, but it's also about repetition. hence, a nice new-romantic retro-80s look with a touch of goth style is ok. (look at nena and kim wilde videos). retro-abba-esque also goes. to be on the edge you need some black clothes and a touch of hippie style (the latter i'd never wear, but tastes differ). kozak style is big, so if you have banana-shaped boots you rule. as for high heels, try to avoid thick platform heels. go for a stiletto instead. DAMES*WHO DON'T GET IN: dumb bimbo-esque chicks passing for ladies and in secretaries ADVICE:get a cigarette holder and act like joan collins ciao
  13. though it can be frustrating, watching all those a&f-ish sculpted bodies, it's a part of the game. what are we to do then? well, just hit the gym, haha!
  14. mjr203 >>> i am sooooooooooo sorry that you disapprove of our spa-thread, but i was merely answering a question a fellow-clubber asked. and if it's all crap, as you said, why bother reading it at all? moreover, why bother posting a comment? we can't all be stylish, you know. and if you're not aware of it, then just have a look at the mirror. ciao
  15. thank you again! i'm all about style, haha. and to answer your question: no, i don't frequent 'the big cup.' i prefer SPA, as i said here for many times. if the comment you made was in fact an allusion to my sexuality, then, yes, i am gay (what a way to out oneself online, lol). however, i have a deep appreciation for women and all that i worte was in fact a reaction to the rudeness and the obvious lack of style of the unmentionable autor-ess (UA) of this thread. i admit i was imitating the *gay style* of bashing when writing this, because i'm not positive whether this game we play here is really serious. that is, maybe the UA secretly enjoys being called nasty names? and even gets excited (sexually) with it? who knows? best regards
  16. yeah, it's kinda crazy, but it's also private in a nice way..i'll go to spa next thu, so if you want to meet up there, it's cool ciao z
  17. hey i didn't mean to make u stressed...as i said, you are quite a fashionista, and i think you shouldn't worry at all. on the other hand, one has to think about clothes if one wants to stay on the edge... YOU'LL BE FINE ciao
  18. hey b>>> thank you for the info. i've been to limelight and i know it well. OHM sounds nice, the only prob being i get very picky with music...i like disco-house and i cannot stand music like trance and happy-hardcore. tech-house is also ok. (this is not to say that i think everyone should agree with me). so, please let me know about the music and the nights which are good at these clubs. triangle sounds way to small...ok, have fun, and write back.... ciao
  19. hey r>>> well the thing is i never had a problem to get in there + i'm male, lol, so i can only tell you what i saw inside. everything that's whacky goes, but don't misunderstand this - no rave fashion! *camp-ish ellegance* is the key word for SPA i think. though it sounds apsurd, in fact it's not: it means you shouldn't look like an upper-east mid-20s secretary who thinks she has some class because she wears "fashion items that never go out of fashion." there just isn't such a fashion item - fashion is all about change, but it's also about repetition. hence, a nice new-romantic retro-80s look with a touch of goth style is ok. (look at nena and kim wilde videos). also, retro-abba-esque also goes. to be on the edge you need some black clothes and a touch of hippie style (the latter i'd never wear, but tastes differ). kozak style is big, so if you have banana-shaped boots you rule. as for high heels, try to avoid thick platform heels. go for a stiletto instead. haha, this is quite a long reply, and i hope it'll help! trust me, the guys at the door know what's stylish have fun and please report how it went (i can't make it alas)
  20. hey i went there in jeans and got in. it's the armani-post-work-kinda-guys who don't get in. i see you're quite a fashionista, so don't worry. get a fake euro accent for extra points at the door, LOL. and of course do let me/us know whether you had fun. ciao ps try the 'cosmopolitan' - it's a great drink
  21. hey just wanted to let you know that it's great reading your lines on here, because they actually make lot of sense. it's not about bitching, but providing some real help and advice, among other things. cotoncandydream - you are a real club god ....so 54 is good on sat? i never went there. what kind of music? to be honest, i'm getting tired of roxy - i prefer smaller clubs (which doesn't mean bars) where the feeling is not so industrial (not as industrial music, lol). have a nice time both of you!
  22. ok, d&g is ok as well...just stay away from cK, LOL. for getting into SPA one needs a very different fashion concept than looking the same every season (ie wearing j crew and looking *preppy* or a&f and looking *jockish-duh*) or making two-season-late mainstream-targeted copies of euro labels (cK, DKNY and all the rest of the so-called upscale nyc designers). [alexander mcqueen rules!]. stay away from armani as well - he just recycles his clothes since 1990s..... ciao:shades2:
  23. well dear misses i'll go one step further than you, and not even include your ridiculous reply to my post. writing things like "stupid idiotic" is just silly, and it makes me think whether you have your HS degree at all - perhaps you got stuck in the second grade inhaling nail varnish as the cheapest drug you could afford. anyway, i was expecting a bit more writing culture from a 'regular clubber' as you claim to be. clubbing is not just going out, remember? it's a sophisticated lifestyle - and you should at least try to get one, lol. as for steaks, i eat them in nice restaurants and in a quite relaxed mood, while you're probablly contented with a TV dinner which turned your lower body into a lipo-suck***-material and made you into a bitter bit*hy person. au revoir
  24. good luck fu. put on ur gucci sunglasses and you'll surely get in
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