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Everything posted by g-money

  1. A good friend of mine always said "I'll try anything once." While I don't totally agree with that theory (i.e., I would never try Russian roullete), I do think that there are certain things in life which are worth a shot to try out. After all, how would you know whether you would like something if you never tried it in the first place? One cigarette, one pill, one bump(... won't kill you but you'll get to experience for yourself what those things feel like. If you don't like it , you never have to do it again. Of course, don't let peer pressure determine what you do but you have to genuinely be interested in wanting to roll, go into a K-hole, get high, etc... Educate yourself and surround yourself with people you trust and you can't go wrong! Good luck and let us know what you decide!!! <<<PEACE>>>
  2. g-money

    k + e

    Kitty, isn't it possible that K is just too overwhelming that even from one bump it kills the E... . I'm not sure myself. Alexz, taking more E might even enhance the K rather than bring back any roll. Regardless, since it looks like you've done this a couple times, it looks like its time to stick with E by itself. <<<peace>>>
  3. Alot of guys are players and just want... . But give me a break, sex isn't always about love and sharing emotions and... . It's also sometimes a purely physical thing which two or three people consent to. There is nothing wrong with that!
  4. To Metallica and all the other artists who won the preliminary round... . Face the music and realize that the industry is changing. Find a way to work with Napster and maybe your fans will appreciate you more!
  5. I'm a clubber, and when I'm not clubbing I'm... .
  6. DOing E every twice a month might not be alot compared to alot of other people, but when you think about what it does to your seratonin levels, it is. As with anything, the more you do something, the more your tolerance for that builds up. Taking time away from E is the best thing for you. Take some 5-htp till the next time you roll. Maybe take 5-6 weeks off. If you really want to feel it again this might be the best thing to do. Not rolling is like... , so good luck. <<<PEACE>>>
  7. K, GHB, or Crystal. But whatever you do make sure you research the effects of the drug to see if its something you want to feel. Don't be stupid about these things... Also, moderation is always wise. BE COOL!!! <<<peace>>>
  8. That song is KILLER!!! It might be "A night at the Opera with Sal Dano" by Tronco!!! Good luck!
  9. Filipino!!! But I sweat Koreans!!! To all the Koreans out there "an yang ha sayo!" (sp?)
  10. Filipino!!! But I sweat Koreans!!! To all the Koreans out there "an yang ha sayo!" (sp?)
  11. I have the new PVD CD and I'm enjoying it alot but I was wondering what other CD's you would recommend of his. From the looks of it, you would probably recommend them all, but I'm looking for his best stuff! Thanks!
  12. Unfortunatley, you will not find anything here that comes close to what you can find in NYC. Sting at Nation on Friday might be a good night but its pretty young. Other than that, there is Element, but I was there a few weeks ago and it was DEAD Sorry but that's about it around here!
  13. Thanks BLUE, KITTY, and Co. Or to Blue should I say "Kam sa ham ni da!" (sp?) I'll look for that 3 cd set and meanwhile I can be content with listening to the random live PVD sets that are sometimes played via Winamp radio. Kitty, is the inspiration for your name based on the Bust-a-groove character "Kitty-N?" <<<peace>>>
  14. What are some of the funniest things you've seen or heard about while at a bar/club/rave/etc...? I'm bored at work and need something to help this day go by faster!!! My meager story is from New Years 2000. I was talking to this girl, sitting at a table when out of the blue I start feeling really sick. I didn't think I drank that much but it hit me hard out of the blue. Anyways, we're having a good conversation but I don't want to leave to puke so I kind of point something out to the girl and while she turns I just throw up under the table. When she turns back around we just start talking again as if nothing happend, but I can only keep this up for about 5 more minutes so I just got up and started puking all over the place. Must have been 8-10 times before we actually left. Let me hear your stories too!!! <<<peace>>>
  15. rolling? Just curious as to how that would feel, probably amazing!!! THe only bad part would be waiting in line listening to the God awful top 40 shit they ususually play at the amusement parks. BTW, has anyone been to CEDAR POINT in Ohio? THey have a new coaster there called Millenium FOrce (I think). Its 310 feet high (taller than Statue of Liberty) and its first drop is 80 degrees while you fly at 92mph!!! Check out www.cedarpoint.com if you want to see mad pictures. <<<peace>>>
  16. I'm actually in Arlington, VA. Only been to Sting/Buzz once. Its a little too young for me. I do most of my clubbing in NYC, ya know, only the best!!! Unfortunately, I am just tired of the scene around here. Where do you go for fun? <<<peace>>>
  17. Gotta try this. Can't seem to get anything done at work and this is alot more fun anyways.
  18. Cheetah might be the place to go (Thursday?), not too big, not too crazy. Good luck with this, yes age doesn't matter! But be careful not to let yourself get carried away. Learn about him and let him learn about you. Don't let him change you and make sure he is open to the music, the scene, the crowd, the drugs, etc... If he accepts you for who you are and what you like, then its all good!!! <<<peace>>>
  19. Agree with Brandie!!! I'm not going anywhere near there!!! But if that's your thing, then that's your thing, just don't expect everybody to be willing or able to do what others are! <<<peace>>>
  20. Agree with crossy, but I also notice what girls are wearing. THe right outfit which can enhance a womans best features is SO MONEY!!! Also, too much makeup is a turn-off!!!! NIce hair for some reason is also a turn on for me!!! <<<peace>>>
  21. g-money


    I guess I should drop into GNC and give them a try. Thanks guys!!!
  22. Let me know Corporate! I'm a bit skeptical myself but when it comes down to it I guess people react differently to different things. Anyways, its always good to compare notes! <<<peace>>>
  23. Can anyone tell me what this does? When would you take this? <<<peace>>> ------------------
  24. g-money


    Can anyone tell me what this does? When would you take this? <<<peace>>> ------------------
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