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Everything posted by g-money

  1. If anybody is thinking about posting anything in response to this thread, please don't. Its not worth it to respond to garbage like this. ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  2. All joking aside, what's the deal with the picture with him and his foot up on the car? I just don't get how he came up with that pose. ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  3. Why would hooking up with somebody make you stop posting? Just wondering! ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  4. just tell us already!!! ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  5. Cazz, I'm on the floor!!! I'll help you find your glasses and your shoes, so you have them. <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  6. Glowstickfactory.com ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  7. COLECOVISION baby!!! That was the real shit, before Sega Genesis and Playstation. Do you think that kids today have any idea what we had 20 years ago? Will kids 20-25 years from now look back and think that Playstation 2 and Dreamcast were absolute jokes? I'm scared to even think about what we'll have 20 years from now. I see completely interactive 3-D chambers which you walk into and you'll see other players in the chamber: G-Money, Eggmok, Misskittie, and Vinylgrl all battling each other to see who wins the game. All this will fit in the corner of your living room for a mere $5000 (which considering inflation might be $3000 in today's market). Sorry, I'm just in this wierd where will I be in 20 years phase. <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  8. The Cell sounds like some underground, S & M bar/club. Vinlygrl, I love MIST also. You have something going there with the Vapor and Mist, so maybe you can call your club VAPOR MIST. I was thinking about BLUEANGEL for the name of a club also. I don't mean to steal your screen name Blue, but Blue is my favorite color and BLueangel sounds alot better than Blueballs. Just think, you could have a Blue room with Blue lights and angels hanging from the ceiling. (Is that too cheesy?). <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  9. Brandie, Don't tease us like that!!! <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  10. Oooohhhh, I really love VAPOR!!! And if not VAPOR, then maybe VIPER! (again, maybe that sounds too much like the car). <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  11. Pizza is always good, but I'd have to go with Sushi. Does that qualify as one food or is that just a style? I don't know if I can pick just one sushi roll, but if I did, then I might go with Hamachi with Unagi a close second. Otherwise, Teriyaki Salmon. Only an hour or so till lunch!!! I'm hungry already!!! <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  12. I think this was a thread a long time ago, but I'm curious as to what you would name your club, if you owned one: How bout these ones? Club Krystal Cyclone Club Raw Intrepid (sounds like the car too much?) Club Odyssey Club Matrix (possible problem with Warner Brothers) <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  13. Its not about practice or meeting the wrong people or girls being stuck up. Its all about being yourself, going out and having a great time. If the vibe at the club is good, you'll meet the right people and maybe find that special someone that you can have a relationship with. Just remember, everyone wants to have a good time when they go out. Don't plan or expect anything to happen, just let whatever happens, happen. (Does that make sense?). <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  14. Not WHAT, WHO. Sasha & Digweed, maybe you've heard of them? <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
  15. Very Bored, but tomorrow is my day off!!! I'll be going golfing!!! Enjoy your Friday's in the office!!! I'll enjoy the sun for everybody!!! Blue, any word on your sister giving birth? I hope all is well!!! <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
  16. ok, here's a picture from a black tie affair. I'm on the far right and my cousin is on the far left. I guess I'll include one of me and a friend when I'm not all decked out too. G MoNeY, who's the real "G-Money?" <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
  17. I'm sorry but whenever I see a Mullet haircut I just want to take scissors and cut that guys hair!!! At least I haven't seen that 'do at the clubs. Remember "JAMS"-those long ass shorts? The length of the shorts is kind of back in style, but what was up with those prints? For the girls, it was all about those jelly bracelts, my sisters had tons of those. Is it just me but doesn't the 90's seem to be a fairly good fashion decade? I mean, I can't think of any really crazy fashion style , aside from the spandex under the shorts (which I still see people at the gym wear) I wonder if 10 years from now, we will look back and say "what were we thinking?" <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
  18. LAME!!! Your posts were sorry before and they still are now! At least change your approach a little bit, its the same old shit every single time. ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
  19. The intro to this site is very cool! Kind of like the MATRIX!!! <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
  20. Keep it real girls!!! I must say the Korean girls have something that the other Asian girls don't. I guess there will always be people who think that all Asian's look the same, but what can you do about that? I will say it is hard Sometimes, figuring out what nationality people are, especially when you see all these people who are a mixture of different races, but I find that the exciting part about meeting new people. I've met them all, but can you tell me why I have yet to meet a Thai person at a club? I'm in DC, so I'll miss your Tunnel meetup, but I'll be there for PVD on the 8th for sure! Hope to see Blue or Kitty there!!! <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
  21. What's going on with the multiple posts? Especially Blueangel? Don't worry, I blame the computers, not the users!!! Blue, I really don't think you look anything like Kobi Tai. Not to take anything away from you, (you're good looking in a way much different from Kobi) but it might be that somebody thinks that all Asians look the same. I'm not accusing anybody, but it just LOOKS like that! As for appearances versus what's on the inside, just because we like attractive people, doesn't make us shallow!!! I'm sure we all try to look good when we go out cause like it or not appearances matter. For most people, you have to have some type of attraction to somebody in order to be interested in them. It doesn't matter whether that's right or not, its just the way things are. It's True, It's True! <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
  22. I think I know somebody named Binky!!! Anyways: POPCORN LARCHFIELD. Dixie Deer is too good to be true!!! <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
  23. Man, you gotta stop trying so hard. It looks like you're desperate trying to talk up Paer Moon and DC. Perhaps you need to get out of town more often. I've been to the clubs in NYC and I've actually made pretty good friends there. It really doesn't matter what city you are in, if you're a nice person, then you're gonna meet other nice people. Anyways, good luck with promoting in DC. ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
  24. I was watching Leno last night and Sting was on. Needless to say he said that he will have a free concert in Central Park on September 12 (I think). I know this really isn't club related, but Sting is such a talented artist that I just had to post this! <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
  25. Oh yes, and how bout when Kramer was using the Merv Griffin set in his Apartment to host his own talk show without any cameras. Whenever somebody would walk in he would play this music from the tape player. Then he took a commercial break and had a snack! Yes, Kramer driving the tour bus was also a good one. NBC's gotta drop the Michael Richards show in leiu of a spinoff for KRAMER!!! <<<PEACE>>> ------------------ "...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX
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