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Everything posted by djmissbliss

  1. why don't you all just exchange email addresses and bitch at each other privately so we don't have to read it.
  2. why don't you all just exchange email addresses and bitch at each other privately so we don't have to read it.
  3. no, as long as people keep having kids there will always be rebellious deviant things going on. the more accepting mainstream society gets the harder kids have to think of stuff to shock their parents and rebel and form their own identity. i think that's a lot of what the rave world is about, breaking away from what our parents did, doing something that they can't relate to, etc. drugs will always be around, not only for people to "rebel" but also for people to escape to. and partying? well, that's just fun.
  4. if you don't have those giant snug-fitting headphones that completely cover your ears there may be sound leaking in from outside. Vestax is very reputable, I'd guess maybe the headphones are crappy or too small. Or maybe it's just your mixer that's messed-up or broken, you could take it in to a store to get it checked out.
  5. there's a boat party on july 23rd. check that out. the boat circumnavigates manhattan island. i'd be there for sure, except i'll be out of town. pick up a copy of July Flyer NYC while you're here or that week's Time Out NY they are good resources for bars/clubs and let you know what's going on every night at various venues.
  6. well, i'll just say this: SoCal has one thing that NYC will never ever have, and that's desert parties. I used to go to school out there and me and my buddies would always throw desert parties out there. It's one of the funnest things ever, and there's just no place you can do that out here. Moontribe, Burning Man.. LA has some fun outdoor events. However, in terms of clubs, LA sucks. If you're into 25,000 people mega-raves, then you might have fun because there aren't those kinds of insane events out here (like Nocturnal Wonderland at the Orange Show). East Coast/West Coast.. it's just different, that's all.
  7. no they don't! work might suck, but there's lots to look forward to afterwards.. free Bryant Park movies Monday nights, Rahzel is playing for free in Central Park (Summerstage) tonight, there's Scatalogics -- the open turntable party at Rivertown Lounge (Free), and Konkrete Jungle at Acme Underground.. all kinds of good stuff.
  8. yeah, thomaskm1 knows what he's talking about. do whatever he says. -- Cara
  9. some famous people are coming to Copa to play tonight, so it might be kinda crowded. I'll be there though!! My buddies are gonna teach me all the moves.. can't wait. -- Cara cara@clubplanet.com
  10. definitely going to check that out. nice music, sunshine, smiling faces.. what more could you want out of a sunday afternoon? I think PS1 (in Long Island City, Queens) starts this saturday, might check that out, too. -- Cara cara@clubplanet.com
  11. Y'all should check out DJ Luck and MC Neat at Farenheit (B'way and Leonard) on Monday. The clubplanet crew will be there in full effect, and if you wanna go for free, check out the article on clubplanet's main website to enter win free tickets. It's 10pm-4am. Bringing garage to NYC, yeah!!! No work on Tuesday, so see you all there! [This message has been edited by djmissbliss (edited 06-29-2000).]
  12. first, no beat-matching lights. those things are annoying as hell and if you really do use those to learn, you'll end up becoming reliant on them. if you're going to learn, do it without those flashy red bulbs. second, you beatmatch by cueing up the record to the first beat with your hands, then letting go when the "one" count of a measure(1-2-3-4) hits and fucking with the pitch adjusts from there. repeat until the records can play together with beats hitting at the same rate indefinitely. if they do happen to slip in the middle of your set, use the pitch adjusts to make little corrections. it's smoother and more controlled than touching the vinyl with your hands. -- Cara cara@clubplanet.com
  13. dunno if this would be any good, but try priceline.com for cheap tickets. i just got a pretty cheap fare out to Colorado. you never know. -- Cara
  14. yeah, well, the best way to break into the business is have friends who are promoters or work at venues who'll get you gigs. do free/cheap events when you're first getting started and pass out tapes, just to get your name out there. You could try to sell your tapes to a record store and if you do get a gig, make sure you take part in the promotion by passing out flyers, telling your friends to tell their friends about your event, have a website and make sure it's on all your tapes and flyers as well as a number and email address for booking info. get a tekkie friend to help you put mixes up on the site, a bio, contact info, pictures of you DJing etc, your top-ten list... -- Cara cara@clubplanet.com
  15. I used to go to school out in CA, and we'd always throw our own desert parties or hit up the Moontribe ones, but other than ones under the bridge at 188th street in Manhattan, I haven't been to any outdoor illegal underground parties out in NYC. Are there any? -- Cara cara@clubplanet.com
  16. yeah, I have friends from Brooklyn that always want to take me there. I'll make it out there some day, I promise!! It sounds great, from what they've told me.. -- Cara
  17. no way, you got to get Technics. I've used other peoples' Geminis before and they suck. The response-time is so slow, they just don't work like they're supposed to. Plus, once you're ready for an upgrade, who's gonna buy those crappy Geminis from you? Technics, on the other hand, are a sound investment and you can always sell them if you're in need of cash or you're through with DJing. And yeah, all the best DJs are supposed to be able to match beats using the pitch controls. Basically, if you're going to learn to play an instrument, you've got to learn on the proper equpiment. If you buy Gemini and (if you're lucky) figure out how to beatmatch on them, once you start playing out and the venues all have Technics you're going to need to re-learn everything. If you're worried that it'll be too expensive, get a cheap mixer, you can upgrade easier from that. Or buy your turntables used. -- Cara cara@clubplanet.com
  18. It's all about the free nights for me this summer, I've checked out Scatalogics (open turntable event at the Rivertown Lounge Monday nights, free), Testpress Sundays (Drinkland, $5), and a bunch of other stuff, you get the idea. What else do y'all recommend? -- Cara
  19. absinthe is what people did back in the day (like 80 years ago) when they wanted to get really fucked up. never tried it, but it's definitely the most hardcore drink you can make. other than that, it all depends on your alcohol to tasty-stuff ratio. if you're going by one drink, then champagne for sure. and on an empty stomach.. you'll get yerself worked!!
  20. y'all are crazy. H&M is an important step away from overpriced clothes. if it can make cute clothes for mad cheap, why not? yeah, the place is a mobscene, but they're opening another across the street from Macy's, so that'll probably make it less crowded. I think it's rad. you can get all the cheap trendy stuff you probably won't wear a year from now but don't have to pay out-the-ass for it. I mean, a few key, cheap, cute accessories can totally liven up an outfit, and all the better if it's dirt cheap. i wouldn't recommend going head-to-toe H&M, but then I wouldn't recommend going head-to-toe DIesel or Prada or any other brand. it's just tacky.
  21. yeah, H&M is the new clothing revolution. cheap, cute clothes. why didn't we think of that sooner?!
  22. satellite records is on Bowery around Bleecker street or so, and they're online, too. Throb is another store in NYC to check out. Temple might have stuff, but I'm not sure if they've got a selection of CDs or not. -- Cara cara@clubplanet.com
  23. check out www.satelliterecords.com, they have a wide selection, and most of their current stuff has a one-and-a-half or two minute sample that you can listen to. you can search by genre, label, artist, so it's really useful. They do mailorder too, so they'll ship stuff down to you in FL. If you want, go in on a batch records with a friend so you can split the cost of shipping. -- Cara cara@clubplanet.com
  24. Well, it depends on how much loot you're willing to cough up. If you want top-of-the-line, then Technics 1200s or 1210s are the only turntable to consider, mixerwise, I'd recommend Vestax, they've got a really nice selection. Honestly, I wouldn't really consider any other kind of turntable. Technics ought to be quality even if they're used. Those buggers are tough. Just make sure you test the equipment before you pay up. For mixers, there's a wide range of quality and it all depends on what kinds of functions you want as well (how many channels, how many knobs -- highs, mids, lows, etc., how buttery of a crossfader if you're planning on scratching, if you want a sampler or effects processor... the list goes on). Also, the cartridge and needles come in a wide price and quality range as well. Consult your friendly local record store or electronics store, the people there should be able to give you some advice once they know exactly what kinds of stuff you're looking for. -- Cara cara@clubplanet.com
  25. Just curious about what events you make yourselves known at on a regular basis. The favorite, reliable party spots where you recognize the faces that come back week after week and you go to for a guaranteed good time. -- Cara
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