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Everything posted by allday420_2000

  1. aight first of all most peeps at the job are pretty cool. in fact i'm trying to get my supervisor to go to twilo tonight for some S&D. but keep it up man. i'm going to go puff, i'll be back.
  2. how do you braid nipples? and with all things ass hairs. i gotta know. for real that shit has got me rolling though.
  3. WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! alright i'll be wearing black w/white stripe adidas pants adidas kicks and white t-shirt or maybe a white wife beater. power bar at 6 sounds cool. i have to agree w/ raver mania on the speaker thing. but i'll be there ya can't miss me. i've got short bleach blonde hair and a pretty good tan going. rob
  4. people hi! yeah baby yet another weekend is about to begin. for all you heads out there. be safe and smart...but most of all stay sexy. nikilina i know you'll be staying sexy. mmm my goodness woman. peace rob
  5. good for you! love the dancin lil' smiley face. hilarious
  6. i don't know what i'm wearing, but i know i'm going now just to see pooh walk around w/two onions up his/her ass. still can't stop lmao. funny how ya'll are meeting where i'm suppose to meet this girl, by the speakers to the right of the dj booth(i guess thats where). i'm curious to meet up with some you cats. except the ones carrying magic markers on them. and shadowchaser is practically a neighbor. anyway...i'll let ya'll know what i'm wearing. pooh i'll be lookin for ya!
  7. now this is really hard... i don't recall the names,mostly track #'s.. on communicate i would say disc 1 track 3 n 4, disc two track 8 until the end. the global underground discs are so hot its damn near impossible to have a favorite. damn i can't wait !!! peace
  8. hey... i work for a post production house at 45th and 5th as an asst. colorist. i doubt anyone would know what that is. except maybe antvil. i too took a course at NYU.if anyone is interested in learning more about the joint(its really cool) check out http://www.mte.com. in this industry there is so many drugs and so much boozin if my co-workers weren't at the clubs i'd be suprised. and the ages vary alot. i got totally wasted at the company party then went drinkin some more(w/co-workers) and ended up passin out at my supervisors flat, showing up two hours late and five minutes before i had a session w/clients the next morning. oh but its fun. during the summer we have someone that fixes up cosmo plus there is beer on fridays out on the deck. i love my job, it's the greatest place to work at. i'm always smiling and laughing, so the peeps in my department always call me chuckles. hmmm do you think they are on to my little afternoon walks...hell i just came back from a nice one too. ooooh and there are ALWAYS a few hot lookin clients in the building. ***sighs deeply*** you women are the most beautiful creatures out there. and that goes for nikilina & cathyo...yummmm. wish i had these recent pics scanned to share w/ya'll (sniffle sniffle). later folks enjoy WOOHOO!!! SASHA & DIGWEED CAN'T WAIT!!! [This message has been edited by allday420_2000 (edited 08-24-2000).] [This message has been edited by allday420_2000 (edited 08-24-2000).]
  9. did anyone read about a series of drug busts going on this weekend? it was in the sunday paper or something. and did anyone make it into exit this past saturday? i know there was a private party for the cast of oz there.
  10. hey folks... i'm lookin for a chill lounge to hang with my girl this friday, can anyone help me out?
  11. hey folks... i'm lookin for a chill lounge to hang with my girl this friday, can anyone help me out?
  12. hey folks, tonight i get to chill with the honey i met at twilo last friday...cooooool deal. take a guess who's a happy camper. i'll have to puff alone though human101 cause the lady has a drug test next week. bummer for her! i guess while i puff the hydro-j she can find something to do i'm sure(haha). nikilina i'm sorry to hear about yer grams...hope you put a smile on her face when ya see her. i wish her well. as for the rest of you knuckleheads... i'll be burning one for ya <zzzzzzzzzzzz~~~~~~~~ mmmmm HYDRO!
  13. tempts sucks! unless yer a girl lookin for mr. beef or yer a fag. nothing but dudes everytime i've gone. very few women..but they are nice with all there plastic work.
  14. happy belated birthday djchris. its not over yet man...i turned 30 feb. 5th in exit. had fun then and i'm still havin fun. cheers to all in there thirties!
  15. HEY! check it out... i'm not telling anyone what to do by all means. it was my opinion. i'm real chill about it.... if i offended "everyone that drops" or anyone well you'll get over it. it's not like its the end of the world. oh geez looks like a bunch of yas got your panties in a wad over the"fools" bit. soooooooo sensitive for a bunch of drug users. if you think i'm a hypocrite(however you spell it) well we all are. do what ever pulls yer trigger honey i could really care less. i spoke my mind now if you don't like it join the rest of them and shut up! oh ya see before i forget the "FOOLS" was just to be sarcastic obnoxious. just like "join the rest of them and shut up" surely you don't take everyones opinion so seriuously. [This message has been edited by allday420_2000 (edited 08-03-2000).]
  16. well first off i wasn't taking any pills thats for sure. i nust have drank like 2 L.I. teas there plus a beer, but i must have drank like six cosmos at work b4 i left plus i went to convention type of thing after work b4 twilo. and yeah i didn't see alot of juiceheads but thats comparing to exit. i mean i saw a few meatheads, and it looked like they were gay too so. i can't stand juiceheads believe me... and i usually start some sort of trouble with them so i know when they are present. i didnt even wait in line or pay the full price..haha it was pure bliss. the vibe so cool too i mean in exit ya got assholes lookin to beat ya up if ya look at there girl...what the fuck...ah i found heaven regardless of all the negative comments. i form my own.
  17. i work at manhattan transfer a post production house in mid-town. awesome people to work with! i'm an asst. colorist. basiclly i work with film and video on commercials and movies, and some tv shows. we work on the show "oz" check out the web site mte.com its pretty cool.
  18. i work at manhattan transfer a post production house in mid-town. awesome people to work with! i'm an asst. colorist. basiclly i work with film and video on commercials and movies, and some tv shows. we work on the show "oz" check out the web site mte.com its pretty cool.
  19. yes glowdancer i do agree but in this society of ours hey... what do you expect ya know. and raver_mania, i'm really sad to see your comments here after reading the little comment you made torwards me in the other topic but its all good i'll live...nah the scene would be real cool if all ya'll would stop taking those fuckin pills. FOOLS!!!!!! don't you people know what is in those freakin things....wait ya don't so hey why not take more. not for nothing a friend of mine died on his 24th b-day(thanksgiving),cause like the rest of the idiots with him,couldn't use thier freakin heads. but then again what's meant to be is meant to be. smokin herb is all i do. well i do a couple bumps of blow maybe to keep me alive if i've been up at work all day. too many people do drugs and can't control it. the drugs take over the person and....out the door goes all common sense. hey i'll preach why not...i've been there done that probably before alot of you people here. i'm 30 if you were wondering. been hangin at clubs since i was 15. and what! i wont lie i have tried E and once that was it. and i've tripped on lots of acid,mesc and shrooms. alot! when i got tired of the club scene i got into the dead. ha...ya wanna talk about drugs. anyhow maybe people will change and the chances are they won't. whats most important is that we surround ourselves with good people because when you do...good things happen. glowdancer keep glowing and dancin look out for me you may catch my smile. peace love & lots of parties
  20. well first off.... raver_mania at what point did my two cents lead you to believe i was in this just to hook up? i mean really bro or sis whatever gender you might be. i too am in it for the music, however i can't help the fact that i am a man, and love,love,love,love women. they are the most beautiful,loving,caring and precious creatures. so with that in mind and some hot lookin sweetie wearing latex,pvc, whatever sexy...walks by and she smiles at me ...i'm sorry but i'm not gonna let her go by w/o saying something or just a slight touch on the arm or something. i hooked up with this honey at twilo for the first time ever, but i didn't take her home and take advantage of her or nuttin... we danced and laughed n shit n she came home w/me. next day i took her home. but whatever you go out just for the music though and enjoy cause no matter what...while ya'll sit here complaining about shit i'm enjoying it. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!! SASHA IS KING!!!! [This message has been edited by allday420_2000 (edited 08-02-2000).]
  21. alright i don't know if i'm the only guy here to say this but... the object isn't to get all drugged up and laid for all us fellas. i wouldn't say i found love at twilo 7/28/00 it's too new to tell. but the right will come to ya when its meant to happen. i guess...but shit i took this young lady home with me that night..and we fucked around a bit but i was a gentlemen and always will be. i don't drive anymore but..i paid for this gals taxi....which i took with her to the city, hopped on the train w/her to penn station, and waited til her train came. and i was hung over like a big dog...see "first time at twilo for s&d" blue angel...u know what i'm talking bout... it wasn't about the pills and booze and that shit...it was about the music,the vibe. i kept seeing people w/these long faces. if you were one of them you might have encountered a bleach blonde dude in a black wife beater telling ya to smile. i was telling alot of women that that night. i wish i could have made ya all smile and be happy. like i was feeling
  22. HEY! big props to all the folk from bergen county. B.C. sucks but what are ya gonna do. shadowchaser you're like a freakin neighbor...i'm in cresskill...wooooohoooo as i was saying bergen co. sucks. but then again so does the city when it comes to quite streets. ya know when ya wanna sleep but some asshole in a cab is laying on the horn and you hear it seven freakin floors up. mmmmm i would go broke sound proofing the joint if i moved back in the city.
  23. yeah i forgot about the smiles but shadowchaser got it for me.... there's nothing left to do but smile ...smile...smile....
  24. now that was some funny shit.... well i'm not bragging or nothing, but i don't seem to have troubles touching the ladies(gently) and groovin w/them. maybe yer just not a very open person or maybe i'm completely wrong and some juicehead tried hittin on ya and nearly ripped yer arm off. i don't know i wasn't there. for the brutal gents out there though ease up...but on the other hand girls can give off false vibes at times too. and wait a second...everyone in the club is not in their right form of mind so what the hell do you really expect. hell i was grind on the girl who sells cigs walking around in the club. she gave me an look like what the ...and i smiled at her and smacked her lil' bootie and said don't be angry with me...and she said she wasn't chuckled and walked away. later she came by again bumping me w/her hips n shit. hey!!!!!!! ladies!!!! and men the same. we are all (just about) out there for the same reason to hook up. ladies and you know who you are... don't front and lead someone on... and fellas, fellas, fellas... easy with the touchy crap if ya aint got the touch cause ya spoil it for the handsome lookin dudes like me...hahaha peace love and lots of parties
  25. whats up folks! well i can't believe people in these circles actually rag on the clubs and dj's still. oh and the crowd too. what the hell happened to the love people? it was my first time at twilo ever, and first seeing or hearing the two(s&d) spin. fuckin amazing!!! the people i saw and ran into were mad cool and friendly. alot ladies to dance with and no juice heads to bother with. it was great, not to mention i took home this lil' cutie taht left my legs sore for three days from dancin w/her but... thats besides the point. if anyone has a set list or whatever i'd love to know what they played. to the folks that i met which called this event their sunday of church...i'm coming back with ya! i use to hang at exit on saturdays...never again. the girls are all nice but their attitudes suck and way too many juiceheads. hmmm need any d-bol ....go to exit! anyway can't wait for the end of the month...to get back to hangin w/some chill people and my new lil' honey. peace love and happiness to all the heads out there. and you negative fuckers should just find something else to do if ya don't like the crowd and or scene...or stop lookin at shit so negatively. later peeps!
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