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Everything posted by sinergygrl

  1. It's too early to be talking about pickled bodies. Yuck.... come to think of it, there is never a good time to talk about pickled bodies.
  2. I just got an invite for this thing in the mail. It is at the Drake hotel. Are there really people this shallow. Look at what you have to do to attend. A phone interview, two pictures. Geeezus! All for some rich pervert. I wonder what it is gonna be like?!? We should crash it. Check this out. www.mcwltd.com.
  3. Wouldn't it be kinda difficult to paraplug? The tissue might rip while your trying to stick it up there. I think it would be better to crush it up and put it in a capsule and put that up your butt.
  4. Either is great. It just depends on what kind of mood I am in. If I feel like being able to make a lot of eye contact and watch everything easier than I sit on his face. If I just wanna lay back and enjoy I don't sit on his face.
  5. They are just too damn stupid to realize that we arn't playing hard to get. It has gotten so bad lately when I go out, that I almost dread going clubbing unless my boyfriend is there. And if I get my crotch grabbed one more time someone is gonna lose thier balls!
  6. My name is Michelle, and some of my friends call me shell. My roomates name is Michele, so it saves us some confusion when people call.
  7. :laugh: Some of those hit a little too close to home. Have you seen those things girls can order through dancesafe.org. They are these fold up paper things so girls can pee standing up.
  8. That's how I used to feel. The right one will come around eventually.
  9. That would be pretty damn funny!
  10. Yeah, I post some other places too, but CP is definantly the best. I just miss all the old peeps who split.
  11. Well, Even if your passing that shit out, pass some my way too!
  12. The reason why people get high from smoking weed is because of an allergy response that humans have to the drug. Eventually after you have been usuing the drug for a long period of time (some longer than others) your body fights the allergy and you build a tolerance.
  13. You gotta be careful. You can end up with some pretty serious bacterial infections from snorting, and I'm sure a lot of damage has already been done. These infections rapidly work thier way up into your brain and lead to death. Be careful. If you think there is a problem I would see a doctor. I doubt you have an infection, but it is obvious some sort of damage has been done.
  14. At least you didn't trip and fall in it like I just did. I hate embarassing myself! Damn, I just wanna go home and curl back up in bed.
  15. Back off girlz, the helmet hottie is all mine. LOL!!!
  16. I think it's funny how all of the girls kept trading shirts, then he would take a picture, then they would trade again. They must be hookers, they don't even have thier own clothing. But a couple of them were pretty hot, but something about that trashy look turns me off a bit.
  17. Congrats. Your growing up so quickly!
  18. What is freebasing? I know I should probably know this, but I don't.
  19. Most colleges are known for the drinking. I have a feeling that there are probably a lot more Jr. and Sr. that do drugs than the new freshman and most Sophmores. It all depends. My friends throw roll parties all the time, but I dunno maybe it's just us? Just do whatever, but be careful!
  20. sinergygrl

    Sex Question

    One is th the most I have had, but I finally just talked my bf into a threesome. Now we just have to find that right girl. I'm too damn picky I think.
  21. Honey, if you want to make a difference in peoples lives, try doing it in a bit more mature manner. There is nothing worse than an ignorant person. I am sorry to hear that so many of your friends have been endangered, but the sad truth is most of those cases are from people being irresponsible. Not that doing drugs is all that safe, I'm not trying to say that. However, I do E once every 2 months, maybe more. I can honestly say it has changed my life and for the better. I am actively fighting for it to become legalized for theraputic uses. It is something that I strongly believe can help other people. Not saying anyone has to agree, but from personal experience I don't know what I would be like today if I had never tried it. Next time you get the urge to reveal your ignorance to other people thinking that it is going to make you a better person and you are doing your bit for society, just do everyone a favor and let someone with some intelligence speak out. Anywho... thanks for the chuckle today, I needed a good laugh.
  22. Actually, the three or four days before you roll, if you are taking HTP it won't do you any good. The stuff is absorbed quickly into your system and starts to work, but not that quickly. So doubling up your dosage the day of or the day before you roll isn't going to affect your roll at all. I just take the stuff permanantly now. And then two weeks before I roll I double up every other day.
  23. Damn! I'll be guarding my drink with my life. However, it's pretty hard to come across an old batch of roofies, and anything made within the last couple of years just floats on the top of your drink for about 30 minutes if someone tries to put it in there and it fizzes really bad when it does dissolve and I think it turns your drink a different color too, there is one other thing they did also to try and make it safer, but I can't remember.
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