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Everything posted by sinergygrl

  1. sinergygrl

    LOVE or MONEY?

    Definantly love. No matter how much pain has come with it, I would never choose money over the love my boyfriend and I have together. We are both going to be a couple broke asses for a while. He is only in his second year of med school and I have 7 years of grad school coming up. But there is no way I would give what we have up, I'd be so miserable without him.
  2. She probably has the wrong idea and is thinking this is a date thing. Just let her know that this isn't a date and you don't pay for any of your other friends when you go out, so you sure as hell arn't gonna pay for her ass. Only be a little more polite about it. Or you could just be a nice guy and pay for her.
  3. Mmmmmm... sex, that sounds nice right about now. I think I'm gonna call my man and see what he is doing for lunch. Hopfully it will be me!
  4. Not only am I bored, but I am freezing my ass off! It is about 65 degrees in here! I wanna go home and snuggle up with my boyfriend. I'm so jealous, he gets off at noon today. I don't know how I am going to make it through these ten hour days for the rest of the summer. Yuck! I'm sure there are people that have worse hours. but 7am-5pm is killing me with boredom!
  5. If you are plugging it won't make a difference if you are eating before you roll, and while it is good to drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration it isn't going to help the roll kick in any faster. When you plug your pill it is absorbled in your anus, it doesn't go anywhere near you digestive system. This is why it is supposed to hit faster and harder. I'm not sure what is going on with you. If you were to just eat the two would it take this long also? Or is it just when you plug? Maybe you have just done a lot of damage to your saratonin receptors and you can not release saratonin as easily as you used to. I would ease up or take a break and hope the damage isn't permanent if that is what it is.
  6. Hmmmm.... That is really strange! It is supposed to hit you a lot faster when you plugg them! Maybe you didn't stick it far enough up your ass? I'm not sure if that would make a difference, or if it even makes sense.
  7. My mom knows nothing. Well she knows that I drink but she has always been cool with that, even before I turned 21. She was a goody goody when she was younger so she doesn't have a clue what things are like. I would be upset if she found out, it would hurt her so much.
  8. It is only degrading when the other person is affected in a negative way by it or feels they are being degraded. As long as you keep it in the bedroom and don't treat your partner that way normally (unless that is what gets them off) then it's all good. But if it starts going to your head than it's time to find somthing else to get you off.
  9. Not everyone can use depo. I react horrible to hormonal forms of BC. Lucky me. Just for some tidbitts of info on the abortion pill. Many women still choose the traditional abortion over the pill. Taking a pill may make things seem like they are a lot easier and less painful, but it isn't true. There is still pain, bleeding, and all of the other horrible symptoms that you would probably experience with a normal abortion. Me personally, I think I'll just stick with being responsible. It's worked pretty well so far. I know accidents happen, but I just can't imagine going through an abortion. How horrible. I don't think abortions are right, but I believe that everyone should have a choice in the matter, and who's to say that I wouldn't change my mind if the situation arose. My heart goes out to anyone that has had to go through that.
  10. Favorite: Pleasures for women For a change: Cajarrah Hate: Remeber that 80's Debbie Gibson shit... electric youth I think it was called... Nastie shit right there!
  11. Sounds like you had a good time. Sound like it won't be long until you are ready to roll with the big kiddies! My weekend: Thursday- Went to a couple bars, hit a club until about 4am, finished the night up at about 7am at a house party. Friday- Bar, club #1 11-3am, club #2 3-5am club #3 5-10am Sat- Started out at a nice titty bar, then onto a couple clubs and called it an early night at about 4am. Two of those nights I was sober due to this nice little sinus infection that I have going on right now that makes me sick if I drink anything.
  12. sinergygrl


  13. We have been getting a lot of shitty pills around here lately. I probably don't really have a tolerance, just a bunch o shitty pills!
  14. sinergygrl


    That is really mean! I luv you B2B.
  15. Vitamin E oil! It works wonders. I always shave last when I am in the shower that way all of the hair is softend up a little. Good luck girl. I hate that damn razor burn. I usually don't wear panties so that helps too.
  16. to regain your tolerance to E? I have rolled about 10 times and I always wait at least 1 mo inbetween, somtimes 2 months. For some reason when I roll, it hits me about 10 times harder than everyone else, but it is also over sooner. So I have started one pill to start and then half when I start to feel my comedown. I think I'm gonna need two pills soon. Will a 3-4 month break from rolling do it, or do I need longer. I know that nothing is ever going to be like that first roll again, but I will settle for a feeling similar to the 3 or 4 times I ever rolled.
  17. I have to agree. It makes you feel like a total loser when no one reply's but 100 people have viewed it.
  18. Hey... where did you find that pic of me??? LOL! J/K
  19. Are you ugly? Unless your ugly I don't see what you really have to worry about. What usually works is when you walk up to them and say, "I PUT OUT!". Get's em everytime, sometimes even when your ugly. For real girl, I never have really had this problem. I figured that if the guy wanted me bad enough he would come talk to me. I'm not really into shy guys so it kinda weeded those out. Just be honest, approach him, and if you are tounge tied then don't worry about it. Things will work out if they are supposed to. Plan out now in your head things you would want to say. That way you have a back up plan. Everyone makes an ass of themselves once in a while. Just make sure you be yourself, you don't want to be all fake and then a couple weeks later he realized he doesn't like the real you. Good luck!
  20. for the five millionth time. I love that movie. Anyone else have any favorites related to the club scene?
  21. Place: Your place before the clubs Time: Whatever Date: This Sat Quantity: Hmmmm... How many cans of whipped cream do you thing we will need? You said you will cum through, don't let me down. O wait... we're talkin pills here. Sorry, my mind is in the gutter today.
  22. Just wait... I never break my promises.
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