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Everything posted by maximman

  1. unfortunately, i don't have speakers at work so I can't listen to it now, but if this is the thing that they played on Z100 a while back... HOLY COW, this is HILARIOUS! You'll never be able to look at or hear Ja Rule again without saying, HOLLA!! :laugh: :laugh:
  2. What are Britney's measurements anyway?
  3. haha... gross. Show me a picture of a DJ with eyes closed and a smile on his/her face. (Should be kinda tough).
  4. nice STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN mix Nero. It was just too cold in there that night though. Most people stayed in I guess, so it was pretty empty for a while.
  5. get a REAL job you HIPPIE! hehe j/k It's just like any other office job, politics are involved in EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE. I assume that you're going to stick to the place where you're a resident?
  6. Hypnotiq by itself is too tangy for my taste. A splash of sprite tones it down a bit. I haven't tried the Hyp+Henney mix yet though, and bartenders are still learning to work with it. It's definitely a drink that you could call "Liquid Panty Remover". I'll let you know how the tasting goes after this weekend. Good call on the mix.
  7. I just got on the patch like a week ago and I have to admit... it works great. Everyone's talking about how expensive they are but with the price of cigarettes as they are now it's a good deal. Actually, you can get a 2 week supply of Nicoderm for like $35 compared to anywhere between $70 to over $100 for a 2 week supply of smokes, so do the math.
  8. yeah, that's what i'm basically hearing from most people, that LION KING'S too popular right now to get any good deals on tickets... that's why i'm hoping that someone on here can get corporate discounts or something... Once again, would be really appreciated.
  9. Off Topic: but can anyone hook me up with some LION KING tickets on the floor for a good price? "Good Price" meaning, better than ticketmaster. Anyone have any connections or get discounts through their company? I would forever be in your debt. Let me know. THANKS GUYS.
  10. Question: I've been out of the party scene for a long while now but my cousin's visiting (who's not into the scene at all) but wants to see what it's like. Where can I take her on a SATURDAY night? Obviously somewhere kinda commericial for the visual aspect of the whole thing. Someone under 21 will be traveling with us so that has to be factored in too. SF's out, but I'm not really sure about ROXY or EXIT (blah). Are they 18 on Saturday nights? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
  11. yeah i noticed that too. I don't know though... it just hasn't been all that great reading these days, and that's saying a lot considering what my user name is... but for some reason, i just don't think FHMman would sound as good.
  12. I was just there this passed Saturday. It's a pain in the ass to actually GET to the building because of the numerous ONE WAY streets. DUMBO section of Brooklyn. This one was my first so I wouldn't know how the rest of them are like, but IMO it gets to be too much. Jungle, D&B, breaks... just non-stop all mixed in together. Difficult to get through the whole night there. But yeah, it's a good place to hang out for a while. There was a fire eater this passed Saturday. Definitely worth checking out.
  13. BRING RADIO CHICK BACK TO 102.7!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. the market will correct itself (sooner or later). You can buy in now, just gotta be smart about it and ignore all the pointless "noise" that's always around. In any case, that was funny what you wrote... i'll have to quote that one day... if you don't mind.
  15. Who does Cingulair use as their advertising company? They make some great commercials. That one with guy who can't talk, walk or use his hands but can paint is AMAZING.
  16. Hey man, what do you do? I'm in telecom. too... it's a bitch... Anyone ever have to deal with QWEST Comm? There's a REASON that they're doing so badly... ugh... their customer service department... Same goes for IDT too... Seems like the bigger the company gets, the less happy it's employees are... but I guess that's true for all industries and companies.
  17. Hey, who are the bartenders there now? Is Allison still working there? I haven't been out in SO long... too tired on the weekends and FORGET about Thurs. nites man... But yeah, if you've never been... it's a great party! I don't think the guestlist ever closes, or if it does, it's REALLY late... and there's absolutely no dress code...
  18. unfortunately, i've never heard either spin (haven't been out much lately) but you'll have a good time... it's $5 on the list and $10 w/o... all the info you need is on that page that i posted... it closes whenever... the crowd dictates when the party ends...
  19. this thread covers EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Good music, bad music, "Lord PVD", "Cheesy PVD", racism, handicapism ( ), good aspects, bad aspects, drugs, no drugs, guidos, asians, marganalism, blacks, Oakenfold, Exit, Vinyl, Derb( ), Old Skool Legends, Newbies... etc... etc... I've got my monthly fill of CP off of this ONE thred... Just one other comment though, I dont' think PVD's cheese or anything, but yeah... he DOES spin differently here in the US than he does over on the other side... Back when he was spinning @ Twilo someone challenged him to bring it... that we were tired of hearing the PVD "light" that the US was getting... and man, he BROUGHT IT... it's definitely an experience hearing THAT version...
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