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Everything posted by maximman

  1. hahah that's actually a really good point... All the smells that you normally wouldn't notice, are now becoming more apparent. After a night of dancing, I could see how the BO would start getting to people. :laugh:
  2. the Japanese trip-hop DJ or the Hip-Hop DJ from Hot 97?
  3. yeah, Clocks is a good song to just drive down the road on a sunny day with the sun-roof open.
  4. The mother of all close outs for me, Twilo: President's Day 2001. Tenaglia vs. Cox On the line 10:15pm Sunday night. Out the door 3:45pm Monday afternoon. Red Bulls can only do so much. I actually took a 1 hour nap on a speaker.
  5. Q. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common? A. They both like a tight seal :laugh:
  6. Please read my 2nd point. He didn't state anything. He just copy and pasted a direct source, followed by an article from a VERY well respected publication. So, what does it matter who he is?
  7. 1. What does it matter who he is? It shouldn't take away from the message. 2. It's not exactly YOUR PSA now is it? You just copy and pasted something.
  8. As far as a couple of years ago, the only way to get SNL tickets was to apply for a lottery which took place in MAY. You send in your request, they do a drawing in May and ONLY May and then you're notified as to which show you'll have tickets to. Due the decline in the show's popularity, I'm not sure if that's how they still do it. I'm sure there's stand-by room if you get there earlier. Check the corresponding web sites for each show and you'll get more info there. Hope this helps.
  9. UGH. freaking NJ 7-11's don't sell beer. I dug myself out at like11:30 last night, hoping to find an open liquor store... no luck... withdrawl kicking in hard last nite... I need help.
  10. I think all of those Djs sucks, but I'm hoping... uh, willing to allow you to change my mind by giving me those tickets for free. This is your final chance. You could lose me from the dance community forever! Help me! Help me! HHHHEELLLLPPPPPP ME
  11. I'm not sure if you're insulting this guy or complimenting him? I've never seen so many people basically reply with, "I have nothing further to say on this matter" in so many words.
  12. because you have to take a freaking BUS to get ON the campus once you park on the commuter lot.
  13. In generel, do you think that this is true? Just because you've got the moves on the dance floor, does that mean you've got em in bed as well? Opinions?
  14. Show me a picture of what looks like a BABIES FIRST STEPS.
  15. Not that I ever had to *cough**cough*..... - Getting back $3 for a book that you paid $95.95 not 5 months ago, opened it 3 times (exam1, exam2, and final) - Walk in to lecture hall, see everyone with scantrons, walk out of lecture hall. - Say these EXACT words to yourself, "Next semester, I'm going to kick ass. No more screwing around!!" or "It's only the first week of class, I can miss one" and finally, "Oh, I know this. I'll be back in 3 weeks when they're finally teaching something I don't know".
  16. Is that little 3 second GIF the best part of the movie or are there other parts that the rest of us, who haven't seen it (but WILL if there are other such scenes) are missing?
  17. maximman

    Ugly phase....

    I was kidding. Wow, you do seem down. It's "hump" day... hopefully, it'll get better for you by tomorrow. Smile!
  18. maximman

    Ugly phase....

    Work out. Endorphines will start pumping. It always helps me get out of that "phase". The weather's not really helping today either. Ugh. Now you got me all depressed. Thanks.
  19. Holy cow, that has to be one of the funniest thing i've read in a LONG time. Not the content... just the rambling... Good quasi-story man! :laugh: P.S: you type better drunk than most people on here SOBER. Impressive.
  20. Yeah, that was an inappropriate comment by them, but I've got a different question... Where do you go to school so that you're the ONLY Asian kid?
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