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Everything posted by vejita

  1. Hehehe.... tanks, ya'll! Tripp: Alas, I will not be at Twilo to celebrate this fine evening -- I need to be in relatively solid shape to go to work early tomorrow. I was thinking of going to check out the Touch party at Centro-Fly tonight, actually..... I'm sure Diggers will kick it tonight, though, even flying solo. Uknjx2: Awwww yea! Just call me RA, the Sun God..... it's getting darker by the day, though. My oldest sister has been trying to get me to grow it long, maybe out to my shoulders. That might be the next step...... along with the tattoo, of course. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend." [This message has been edited by vejita (edited 01-26-2001).]
  2. Saw it last night with Jammy -- Brad Pitt had me cracking up with his accent. I'll be buying that film just so I can study how he talks..... oh, and that dog was so damn funny! I agree that it had the same feel as "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels", but it wasn't like it was a rip-off or anything. Tarantino got a lot of mileage out of the type of filming he developed in "Reservoir Dogs" -- "Pulp Fiction" was the same type of film, but it had different characters, plotline and twists. I think the same analogy could be made with "Snatch"...... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  3. Ooana: Heheh... glad to hear you're as psyched as I am. Neumonic, NoLimit: I was hoping somebody was gonna say that. No idea, but I'm hoping that some of the peeps who come could use their resources and spinning m4dskillz to provide us with quality bouncing tunes. Heheh.... "ClubNYC in the Poconos"? I think it has a nice ring to it..... Crommy: Hehehe..... this idea has been festering in my mind for far too long. Thank God other people want to it..... I'm gonna start work on this today..... I'll have a more official thread to see who wants in on this shindig later, but for now, here's a rough list of who's interested: ********************************* Vejita (June 22-24) j303j ooana (no preference) crossy LikMyLipz (June 22-24) Glowball (June 22-24) Mel-O-D Apotheosis Neumonic Nolimit Uknjx2 (no preference, not April 13-15) Brandie MajesticMelodi SafitaMace319 (May 25-28, June 22-24) Az-Tec Cathyo + Mike (June 22-24) Matta (no preference, not May 8-15) Crommy (no preference) Saigray Translucent + Olga (May 25-28, June 22-24) VampieNYC10 (June 22-24) Mysteriousss (no preference) Blueangel + Mitchell (June 22-24) Back2Basics- (no preference, not May 25-28) Peache5030 Jammy (May 18-20, June 22-24) Resident Bungee SgBrooklyn (May 25-28, June 22-24) Yuhwoo + RicFutures (May 25-28, June 15-17) Furnace Noiseboy (April 13-15, May 4-6) Shannah (June 22-24) ********************************* That's 36 people so far.... and I have anywhere from 0 to 10 other friends who might wanna come along, too. We should have room for whomever comes, although if the party gets too big, we may have to split it up between two buildings. We'll decide who goes where later -- this is just to gauge general interest. Call now, operators are standing by! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend." [This message has been edited by vejita (edited 01-31-2001).] [This message has been edited by vejita (edited 01-31-2001).]
  4. CLUB GOD!!!!! I finally made it..... mucho thanks to all the people on the board who've made my life here in NY so much better by having people to share it with -- on the Internet and on the dance floor. And mad props to my original off-boarder crew -- Crommy, MrNice, Furnace, h0nus -- for being there with me from the start of all this clubbing madness. Next stop: 2000 posts! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  5. There's a bucket of chicken in my pants.... wanna get greasy? Just name the time and place.... I'll bring the Anal-EZ, jumper cables and chicken feathers..... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  6. Holy shyt.... is that you, Rad?! I thought the nick was a coincidence until I read the last line in your paragraph...... if it is, welcome to the board! You definitely have to come to the next CNYC meetup (Feb 2nd) -- check the thread floating around. I'll be there, just in case you need somebody to help with the intros. Oh, and of course you're invited to Super Bowl Sunday at our place this weekend.... shouldn't be anything special, but it'll still be mad-beer-swillin' fun..... Your eyes are constantly changing, but I think that doctors recommend a certain baseline age (at least 21, probably ~25) before you get it done. All I know is that 2/3 of my sisters and I have needed glasses since we were 6-8 yrs old, respectively, so our eyes have been phucked for a long time anyway. I'm a perfect middle-of-the-road candidate -- eyes aren't that terrible, mild astigmatism, pupils aren't too big or too small. I'm willing to chance LASIK -- it's improved drastically over the past 2yrs alone. However, I'm now considering getting the eyes done on two different days, just in case...... blindness isn't something I'd like to risk, just for the convenience of being done on a single day. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  7. Good god...... this thread exploded like Delta Burke's waistline after a Vegas buffet! Just got back to the comforting glow of the monitor.... good to see some of the usual suspects voicing their approval for an idea like this. I'd so love to have some DJs with us -- it would literally be transporting our own party out of the city and into the hinterlands. I'm pretty sure this place is secluded as all hell -- if you haven't checked the front page ( http://www.kingsbarn.com/ ), the barn is situated on 84 acres of land. The only peeps around are going to be the people who own the place.... I'll find out if they're year-round residents or not, but I suspect they are. Still, I can't imagine their abode would directly ajoin the Barn, what with all the noise that could be caused..... I will find out details, hopefully by tomorrow afternoon. I personally am a big proponent of going around June, as well..... gives everybody time to plan, party on and let summer get its groove-thang on. And I really wanna sit outside in a hot tub and drink a Corona and stare at a sunset...... haven't done that since I left CO. Aight, between this potential party, the impending arrival of Tiesto @ Gatecrasher, and my group-trip to Amsterdam looming on the horizon, I have entirely too much fun to look forward to. As Jim Carrey once said: "somebody STOP me!". ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  8. .... it would be that Rick Springfield and his accursed band had never made it big, never gotten together, never been born. See, kids..... this is what margaritas on an empty stomach will do to you. "South Park" will only make it worse..... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  9. Well, first we need an accurate count of who is interested in the idea, regardless of time. The place is already set.... Once we get that, we can do a poll (a la Blueangel-esque meetup surveys) to find out when is ideal for peeps. I'd say a long weekend is good, except that those always have neat club events going on.... so any ol' weekend is probably the best. I'll call them tomorrow sometime and find out what's available -- that should help narrow things down a bit. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  10. Dyu have the contact info for the place handy? If so, I'd really appreciate it if you could either post it or PM it to me. There's at least one other person here in my office who's interested in LASIK, plus CNYC peeps. And I figure there's no such thing as too much (good) information......... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  11. Well, good to hear that you're on the track to 20/20, yo. Btw, where did you get that one eye done? Here in the tri-state area? ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  12. 1) Decide on a good weekend for this to happen. We need to be sure to give peeps enough time to plan around it..... 2) Make sure the interest is there..... the more the merrier. Need to get a head-count to make sure we have enough space. 3) Make sure adequate transport is provided. That means carpooling, rentals, private jet -- whatever it takes to get people there. 4) Figure out if we need to pool funds for anything. Beyond the $35pp per night, we need to decide if we want to pool funds for booze, food or whatever miscellaneous crap we decide we need up there. 5) Get the funds from people, and mosey on up! Something like that, anyway....... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  13. Glad to hear at least a preliminary round of positive feedback. I was soooo hoping to get the hell out of the city for NYE, but whatever.... I still managed to have fun. And what with all the trips I've been going on recently (no, I'm not talking about pills ), I keep coming back to the Kings' Barn as a great place to throw a party. Plus, I think we could make our own fun there..... orgy or not. The hot tub and darts alone are enough to break into a grin even thinking about it. Plus, I'd personally love to do some kitchen cookin' up there, too..... I dunno, it all sounds goodie to me. And at $35pp per night, good Christ -- that's the cost of a cheap night out in the city. I'm gonna stfu now. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  14. Damn, dude...... still not better? When are the docs saying you'll be 100% by? Does it still hurt; is it still irritated? I know you were in a pissy mood at America (or maybe somewhere else?) last time I saw you, cuz yer eye was buggin'...... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  15. Heh. I just got my 1099-MISC tax filing for from when I did a bit of contracting last year -- forgot about that little stint, until now. I earned $4000+ during that period, and guess what? No taxes were ever taken out of it, which means I'm gonna be forking over a cool $2k+ this year. Just remember, any free money is good money...... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  16. Ayep, I'm pretty sure the guy who did Tiger's eyes operated under the umbrella of TLC -- $2750pe, if I'm not mistaken. I'm trying to avoid shelling out that much.... I really should have had this done in Colorado, since I was a 2min drive from the Icon laser center and it was $1500pe out there. And even that was relatively expensive, since it was over 8mos ago when I got that estimate.... prices nationally have been dropping recently. Hehehe.... I don't suppose we can get a group of CNYC'er LASIK candidates together and ask for a group discount..... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  17. As I mulling over ideas for this past New Years' Eve, I came across this amazing place online -- a renovated barn that can house up to 34 peeps by itself. It's in the Poconos, PA....... I thought it could a fun, unique meetup idea for CNYC peeps to do, at some point down the road. Just an idea....... any thoughts? http://www.kingsbarn.com/barn.htm ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  18. I'm absolutely getting LASIK done this year.... set aside $4000 for it in my cafeteria (flex) plan at work, so I save some money that way (around 20%, or so they tell me). That being said, the lowest price I can find here in Manhattan is $2000pe, and it goes up to $2750pe. One of the things to ask for is quality equipment -- the VisX Star2, VisX Star3 and B&L Technolas 217 are among the best in the business. Also, ask how many procedures the doctor who will be operating on your has done. I'm still trying to gauge what an ideal number of procedures is, but here's a nice little yardstick -- LASIK interns generally observe or assist 1500-2000 procedures per year they're in training. So for me, I'd say that having actually _done_ 5000+ procedures is a good thing; that means they've seen 3000-4000 done and have actually done 5000 themselves. Here's a few links I've gathered -- please, PLEASE share any information you have with me, as I'm probably gonna be getting mine done sometime after June. http://www.usnews.com/usnews/nycu/health/hosptl/ophtregn.htm#NY (Best of 2000) http://www.nylvc.com/refractive/contact_main.html (Dr Mandel -- $2450+/pe). http://www.iconlasik.com/home/ (Price can vary, but they have a special -- $750/pe) http://www.meei.harvard.edu/shared/ophtho/laser.html (MA-EE -- $2200+/pe) http://www.nylasik.com/html/faqs.html ($2750/pe) http://www.tlcvision.com/correctingvision/preparingforyourprocedure/makinganinformeddecition/ http://www.nyee.edu/ophthal/cornea.htm http://www.visionbylaser.com/visionbylaser.html#lifetime http://www.newsightlaser.com/home.html ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  19. Sober nights, it probably runs me $30, which includes cab fare. Add chem'ing into the mix, and it instantly pops up to $50-$70, depending on how much I need. But I did manage to spend $200 on myself on one double-header weekend, a few months ago...... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  20. I remember watching Discovery Channel, discussing some of the interrogation methods used by the Vietcong during Vietnam. Sleep deprivation was a big one..... after enough awake-time, people would essentially hallucinate and be more susceptible to bogus propaganda. That, in turn, would help confuse the US' strategists, once the soldiers were turned back over in hostage exchanges. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  21. We have one in our building -- it's managed by "Iowa Sports", if that helps at all. They're gonna be getting some spinning machines in there in a few months, but they already have a few elliptical machines, a bunch of Cybex stuff and a pool that's due to open in 2-3wks. Just started back up again -- the gym only officially opened ~1.5mos ago. Gonna be going 4-6x/wk..... usually 40mins cardio and however much I can manage with weights. I'm such an upper-body wuss.... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend." [This message has been edited by vejita (edited 01-25-2001).]
  22. I'm all in favor of dat.... my memory's getting shorter by the minute, and these meetups aren't getting any smaller. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  23. http://www.shugashack.com/screens.x/iotd//20/thumbs/sooty.jpg [This message has been edited by vejita (edited 01-25-2001).]
  24. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  25. Good christ.... 53 people?! The first one I went to was in the low 20's....... things just keep getting better and better. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
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