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Everything posted by vejita

  1. I'll be there, hopefully with a small horde of non-boarder peeps. That is, assuming Howells actually shows up this time....... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  2. Hehehe... by "others", he meant "Vejita and others". I'm pretty psyched..... never been to Amsterdam, and the last time I went to Europe was in 8th grade. Schweet..... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  3. GODDAMNIT......... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  4. I know a few people who are looking to share rent and space -- whether or not you can tolerate each other is another matter entirely. Where were you looking to live? What's yer upper rent limit? How many peeps would you consider sharing with? Are gender-mixed shares an issue? PM if you want..... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  5. Hehehe.... a bunch of CNYC'ers rolling their asses off, painting an apartment, blasting thumpin' beats. Why doesn't that sound too far-fetched to be believed? ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  6. Hehehe. Well, I think it would account for some of the more bizarre aspects of my personality, for sure. But having fun of any sort keeps me sane, and too busy to worry my sex life, or anything else, really. I try not to obsess about it too much.... doesn't really do anybody any good if that's all that goes through my skull. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  7. Trent Reznor remixed his "Black Bomb" song.... good stuff, although hardly your standard club fare. It's more industrial than anything else..... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  8. Yeah, really. I mean, all I want when I hit Twilo is a Smiley Face pill..... so I ask the undercover cop if he's confiscated any and wants to make a quick buck. Boy, do they ever get mad when I do that! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  9. 25 years, 133 days, 14 hours, 43 minutes and 15 seconds. So don't come bitching to me that you don't get enough. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend." [This message has been edited by vejita (edited 01-16-2001).]
  10. "Bionic 6" and "The Spiral Zone". ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  11. Rachel1997: Hehehe... they love me, they really do love me! I told you I looked damn good in a dress..... Keshiki: I think I just missed the porn show... I got there at around 1:30am on January 12 (Friday). I had enough fun just playing blackjack at the Paris -- that place seems to be more discriminating about the hostesses whom they let wear their French maid outfits. And god bless them for it.... cute, busty women on the virge of falling out of their outfits at any given moment. [This message has been edited by vejita (edited 01-16-2001).]
  12. HAHAHAH! That's actually a pretty good backup plan..... Yeah, if Howells lets us down again, there's gonna be some problems in Twiloland. I mean, really, just cross the border like the rest of the illegal immigrants do... where there's a will, there's a way! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  13. So basically what yer saying is that it's gonna be a sick fuckin' time come Saturday evening? ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  14. Pretty damn schweet.... yeah, I was gonna ask if those were your real (respective) eyes, but I didn't think it was. Still, the concept is cool and the execution is the same........ i'z a keeper! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  15. Howdy.... got back from Vegas last night and I'm pooped, but happy nonetheless. Won myself some phat loot, had a great time with my friends down there and even managed to squeeze in some culture (by way of the Bellagio), too. So who the hell am I gonna see at Howells this weekend? ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  16. Hehehe. Free Net access at JFK.... schweet. Staying at Treasure Island.... I've only stayed at the Mirage before, so this should be fun. And just in case I get to check email later on, where is DRAI? What is it near? The peeps I'm cruising with might be up for some bouncing around....... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  17. I probably haven't been posting enough recently for ya'll to notice that I'll be gone, but anyway.... I'm taking off for Vegas tonight! Gonna meetup with my Colorado crew for some blackjack, craps, buffets, RnC's (Rum-and-Coke, in plainspeak) and mayhap even a tad of dancing. Play nice while I'm gone..... talk to ya'll on Tuesday! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  18. Live At Webster Hall 2001? Hehe.... schweet. As a result, I'm hoping he spins some different stuff..... I heard his SoundFactory 1999 and Live at Energy 2000 sets, and I heard some very similar tracks being spun between those two. I'm hoping he hits us with some brand new shiznat....... Who's planning on going to this, btw? Probably not the ideal thread to ask this question, but I'm j/c...... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  19. Anybody see the trailer for this movie yet? It looks amazing -- like a mix between "Fight Club" and "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels". I say that because: ******************************* 1) We have Brad Pitt again, shirtless, absolutely ripped and looking like he's still street-fighting 2) The hired muscle guy from "LSB", who was one of the more amusing, high-profile and unique characters in that movie. Once again, he looks like he's a badass. ******************************* I can't wait to see it..... both of the other movies were great and VERY different from the standard theater-going fare. I have high hopes for this one, too. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  20. Happy Birthday, gal! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  21. Never been to AC before..... going to Vegas after work on Thursday, though -- staying through Monday morning, and will be back to NYC by that evening. Would definitely like to go at some point, though a bit later on in the year......... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  22. I like Tiesto's mix of it...... good schtuff. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  23. http://www.iol.co.za/html/frame_news.php?click_id=29&art_id=qw978932340796P522 ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  24. You know, I think she's got me pegged! Not only can I not bench-press very much, but I spend a lot of time in front of the computer, too! And I hate life -- everything sucks, man! Oh, wait a minute..... come to think of it, none of that describes me at all. Strike that, reverse it.... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  25. My name comes from the Japanese anime series "Dragonball Z". Vejita is the prince of the Saiyans, a race of intergalactic planetary profiteers whose home planet is destroyed by the warlord Freeza. Vejita starts off evil in the series, but over time he matures a bit and ends up on the side of the good guys. However, that still doesn't stop him from running the gamut of emotions, from egotistical, vengeful and brooding to kind and quiet, when he's not in public. I also chose him because Saiyans are characterized by their ability to convert anger and rage into raw kinetic energy, which they can they use with devastating results against their enemies. Cool, eh? ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
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