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Everything posted by vejita

  1. Not gonna be there this time around..... too much work to do before Super Bowl Sunday. Let me know how it is! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  2. Aight, so this was unexpected -- our office sprung for free gyoza and beer to celebrate the Chinese New Year! There might be a total of 4 people (out of 60-70) that are Asian in our office, much less Chinese.... but I'm not complaining. Free Tsing Tao is where it's at! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  3. What party is this? ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  4. There's almost no way we're gonna be back in town in time to see Sandra @ Tunnel..... and even if we were, I'm sure we'll be spent anyway. Too bad, but I'm not feeling sorry for myself...... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  5. I'm casting my vote for Feb 2nd.... and Vietnamese sounds great to me. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  6. I'm much happier that he's gonna be spinning at Limelight with Gatecrasher and not Webster Hall. Trapeze artists? Wtf.... if I wanted a circus, I'd go see Ringling Bros...... TiestoIsGod -- does this mean I'll finally get to meet you face-to-face? I can't wait...... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  7. Waist chains kick ass.... when worn properly, they look like they defy gravity. Yummy..... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  8. And on a related note: ********************************* we were children in our places with the world beneath our feet and growing up was on our faces I remember yours so sweet did you ever look so nice? every turn became our future there for us to make our bet that the longer I remember you're the hardest to forget did you ever look so nice? and if we make it thru these changes to find that nothing was in stone but the glance of our exchanges did they ever look so nice did you ever look so nice? ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  9. Very moving movie, although it didn't pull as many emotional strings as "Saving Private Ryan" did for me. Still, the dance sequences in the movie are both warped and beautiful at the same time.... and yes, the soundtrack is amazing. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  10. That was probably the fastest 5.5hrs I've ever spent at Twilo. Howells was really amazing -- they way he layered his sounds and really built things up throughout his set was great. Wasn't feeling Junior this time around, hence the relatively early departure....... Good to see the peeps that I did -- SMFD, Noiseboy, Resident, Diego, Jammy, Ujnyx2, Ichi_Gami and of course MrNice, Crommy and Furnace. Probably missing a few peeps from that list..... sorry if I am. At work right now, operating on 6hrs of sleep..... can't wait for next weekend. Super Bowl Sunday brownies at my place..... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  11. Happy Birthday, man.... couldn't happen to a better guy! Hope to cya at Twilo tonight, if that's your scene, but I'm sure you'll have fun regardless of what you do. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  12. Robert Frost. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  13. OMG.... that's one of the funniest expressions I've heard in recent memory! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  14. Yeah, I think he's a trance / psytrance DJ. I'm pretty sure he's gonna be spinning at that rave in New Rochelle on Feb 17, too. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  15. Hehehe..... yes ma'am! Thank you ma'am! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  16. I'd take up the challenge (10 beers in 2hrs 2wks ago, 63 non-full-sized drinks in Vegas over the course of 48hrs), but a friend's having a pink slip party tonight and I've already committed. Best of luck to the contestants, and may your hangovers be non-existant..... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  17. I just called h0nus (my roomie) to tell him that I thought he might be a new resident -- his schedule has a lot of Gatecrasher in it recently. And to think I was gonna make Gatecrasher an occassional thing. Screw Webster Hall -- Tiesto's come home! I love New York.... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  18. http://home.wanadoo.nl/tiesto.net/bookings.htm If this is true, it just made my day. Not only is he slated to play Gatecrasher on March 3rd, but he'll be playing in Amsterdam on March 9th -- the place I was going to with Crommy and MrNice anyway! Life is good. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  19. I actually lost 10lbs in one day once. I was playing paintball somewhere in MA -- played for 6hrs straight with no water and only a sandwich to sustain me. Made it to the end, at which point the adrenaline wore off and I felt really dizzy. Wanted to go home but there was no phone around, so I walked / staggered 1/2 mile to the nearest gas station. Told my parents I was ready to be picked up, walked back to the entrance of the paintball field and promptly passed out. I woke up briefly and saw the car pull up, so I pulled myself inside...... Gained the 10lbs back over the course of the next 3 days..... I'm sure it wasn't good for me, as fainting is generally a signal from your body telling you something's wrong. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  20. Heheh.... you and Nikki both crack me up when you post drunk! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  21. Oh well.... that's the only reason I would have gone to WH anyway. Take heart, though, dear friends -- there's a rave in New Rochelle on Feb 17th. The lineup looks pretty solid -- if h0nus has our scanner working at home, I'll post a pic of it tonight or tomorrow AM. Saves me the agony of a double-header, too....... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  22. All this means is that we take a cab home instead of wandering through the park and prolonging the magic. Nothing to ph34r.... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  23. Dude, the average clubber is pretty fucked up! I met only 4 of those descriptions....... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  24. Um, HELLO? I do believe Jammy is the one and only bonafide p1mp on this board..... any and all bitches need her blessing before being able to toss their ass around. Does this mean we're gonna have p1mp wars now? Ho's doing drive-bys and chucking used condoms at each other and such? ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  25. I'm personally hoping those Friday t-storms turn into snow. Nothing's crappier than slush.... I'd much rather have snow blanketing anything and everything. Besides, I've been meaning to go wandering through Central Park again after the next big snow. Did that after the big NYE snowfall..... too cool to describe. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
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